
calibrator said:
This entire topic was frivolous from start to finish

I disagree... 700's quote "The beatings will continue until the morale improves." Was well worth the price of admission and rings of the truth and the hopelessness of the situation.

This quote from scot was fair runner up "Does anyone on this board remember anything they posted more than 24 hours ago?
700UW said:
The beatings will continue until the morale improves.
The beatings will continue as long as the unions assist in the BEATINGS!! :down: :down:
harleyrider said:
<_< Yes! Morale is at a all time low, rumor is that Jerry Glass{aka GOD} has called one MEC that I know of, to sit down with other employee groups to hash out some ways to improve morale. So if anyone has some ideas for Jerry, please post, I am sure he will respect your thoughts, in return, for all the respect he has shown all of us over the years. My idea is ..........Jerry, your resignation,NOW!! Be one of Jerry's kids. Help Jerry, help us.
OH come on now,just because they bent you over 3 times now and lifted your wallet, just forget about it an give them their kiss! :shock:
PineyBob said:
Ah the guy (Hawk) never responds to anyone after eh throws in his little stink bombs and then he wonders why the morale sucks. The guy is thick as a brick

Bob, thank you for the insults. I don’t read every posting and only have time to access this forum once or twice each week. I have been working 60-hour weeks lately. My comment was not meant to be insulting to Ms. Pitbull. I actually have much respect for her. The Labor Advisory Council participated in the “Partners For Changeâ€￾ program. The idea is to help labor and management break down traditional barriers and established improved relationship. One principle area is (RBO) Relationship By Objectives. The key features are commitment, communication, admit mistakes, candor, forgive, forget and move on by not thinking about what has happened in the past. It is time to develop solid relationship and joint visions to improve the company.
What about how utility is being treated in Charlotte Hawk?

No more breakroom, no place to eat lunch, no place to put their stuff and no fridge to put their lunches in while at work.

Is that how Maintenance Management is being instructed to treats its employees?
Here is how heavey maint. in PIT is doing their part.
1. installed porta johns
2. removed all microwaves, fridges, and coffe pots
3. removed all chairs, need to use the computer? STAND
4. break room locked
5. double the amount of people since hanger 1-2 closed, but will not increase
the vacation ratio to let a few more people off at a time.
700UW said:
What about how utility is being treated in Charlotte Hawk?

No more breakroom, no place to eat lunch, no place to put their stuff and no fridge to put their lunches in while at work.

Is that how Maintenance Management is being instructed to treats its employees?
They believe that their Gestapo tactics of brutal suppression are the answer when what they really are the final nails in the coffin this management team designed for U and its employees.

I still say this airline doesn't have a prayer, the proof’s in the pudding as we all watch their behavior making it come to pass.
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:shock: I sit here and read all of your posts and am amazed to find some of you believe are willing to let management and Jerry Glass off the hook. Glass is the one who has been calling all the shots on how to make the employees take so many biting concessions, while he and the rest of this mismanagement team have enjoyed unbelievable pay and bonuses. Now Glass wants to be your friend and find out how to fix the moral problem, HE has caused....Well, hell, Jerry I'll invite you to my humble home and we'll open a can of Spam and put it on the grill, drink a couple of beers and talk about old times in the airline industry. I'll even sing you a song.....Tra la, la, la, tra la,la, FA-Q.............Like the old saying goes " with a friend like Jerry, I don't need a enemy....
Hey management, if you want any chance of saving this airline(like you claim) then get off your butts in your crystal palace and 1 day a week put on a uniform, any uniform and go to work with the people that have taken the pain to keep this airline alive. Any less is all BS and everyone knows it. And while you are working you might actually learn something they did not teach you at Harvard, that is how things really work on the front lines of a company. If you can do this moral would improve and there would be a chance of company survival. If you dont, you will just prove what most believe, that you are all full of it and have no desire to save anything other than your individual golden parachutes. Enough dictating from your isolated office, get out and do something!!!!
Hawk said:
I don’t read every posting and only have time to access this forum once or twice each week.

BS. I've been waiting for a response from you for over two weeks and you have logged on here everyday, so let's not go there.

Hawk said:
I have been working 60-hour weeks lately. 

Whooped Dee Do. Many on this board work that many hours or more. But it does my heart good to know we have such dedicated senior managers at US busting there humps to turn the place around. Maybe if some one had been minding the store before "lately" this place would not be in the shape it is in.

Hawk said:
My comment was not meant to be insulting to Ms. Pitbull. I actually have much respect for her.

BS #2. While Pitbull and I seldom agree on the solutions to the problems, I have an unwaivering admiration for the dedication and principles upon which Pitbull stands. I also firmly believe that Pitbull would not have to take such extreme stands if the management of this airline treated their employees with respect.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you would come down out of the tower you would understand you have the best front line employees in the industry. I make it a point to say thank you to every employee I meet, whether in the air or on the ground. The sad thing is often the comment made in response is that is very nice to hear since they never hear it from management. I would be embarrassed to be called a member of management of a company who the only time an employee hears a thank you is from their customers.
Hawk said:
You should review and embrace the (RBO) concept. It is time for you to Forgive, Forget and Move On in assisting us with the transformation of Airways.
much like general sherman after he went east , hawk?
Hawk said:
(RBO) Relationship By Objectives. The key features are commitment, communication, admit mistakes, candor, forgive, forget and move on by not thinking about what has happened in the past. It is time to develop solid relationship and joint visions to improve the company.

This reminds me of the "EST" program in the 70's. It only seems to do any good for those that need to be forgiven. Those of us on the front lines that have been lied to, beaten down, trod upon, etc. can't quite forgive, forget and move on. We need to be able to trust our managers again. We need to be told what a good job we are doing over and over until we feel we are apprecited. We need the people from CCY to come out to where we work, and prove they are really trying to make this airline work. Show us what you are doing to resolve the problems in PHL and CLT baggage, show us how you are fixing the pricing problems, show us how you expect to make money in the next few years. Don't just tell us, we don't believe you can do it unless we see it. Stop violating our contracts and prove to us you can't do it without the excellent labor force you have. Minimum wage workers in all areas will keep the costs down, but our experience and work ethics is what has and wil bring back the customers time and time again.
Since in essence since he is "asking me (us)" to do his job, may i please have his pay and retirement package, in return he may do my job and have my pay and pension.

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