
How about bonuses for the "working" employees [ at the same amount ] that Glass and company will be receiving for doing such a great job of gutting the contracts.....Oh, and Jerry, It would be a nice touch if you sent the Honorable ? Judge Mitchell some cheese [preferably Limburger] for the use of his rubber stamp....
Morale? They thought you wanted "More Al"!
Hemmingway was sent to CLT to offer up pizzas (no TVs) yesterday, but I do not know if many folks were able to get away from work for the goodies. Anyway, look for "More Al" Hemmingway and Crellin at a workplace near you!
yea, nothing like a big pepperoni pizza to entice the employees into thinking all those paycuts were really worth it. Im sure that will boost morale and production ten fold :lol:
Analyst said:
That is Crellin's job. The negativity on this board is unreal. Try to think out of the box for a change and give CCY a chance to improve morale. There is a new company program to improve morale.
How is the honeybucket 700? :rolleyes:

then can you explain mr/ms mgmt of ccy why phl continues to be the edited hole hub that it is with all the problems? when Pit was the hub i dont recall the problems that phl has. also if glass is serious about improving relations, his pension, his huge amount of money he makes has got to go. why should he get paid the big bucks for doing nothing? as 700 says, you folks in ccy have had years to fix these kinds of problems but you still have not. until you get your head out of the dark room then it is clear that repairing relations is going to be difficult plus getting our wages back and our retirement penison.
Analyst said:
How is the honeybucket 700? :rolleyes:
I would not know, been doing something more important, but keep trying to insult me, makes your posts look real credible, NOT!
Leading by example is the only way to show that you mean what you say.
What is morale?
It's the mental and emotional condition of a group of people as they face the task at hand. It includes confidence, enthusiasm, loyalty and a common purpose. No organization wins if the members are fighting among themselves. CCY !!! It's not enough to practice what you preach. Preach only what you practice!!!
I'd rather see a sermon preached than hear one any day.
I'd rather someone walk with me than merely point the way.
The eye's a better pupil, and more willing than the ear.

I had to get to the point in my life to self motivate myself. I discovered that it was more important for me to accomplish things in life because I wanted to, rather than somebody forcing me to do it by promising a reward or threatening me with dire consequences. I had to be honest with myself about my motives. I found out that there are consequences to all my actions sometimes good, sometimes bad.
The decision was mine. I try to remember this. What would I do If the leader or manager wasn't around ???
For me I had to improve my own morale. Nobody could do it for me. If some of you are rapped up in negativity like I was I discovered that I had to change from within. Since I wasn't right with myself nobody could please me. As long as I was part of the problem rather than part of the solution, absolutely nobody could please me. The Jerry Glasses of the world will always be there. It was up to me. The real problem was staring back at me in the mirror. I learned a lot about accepting situations as they are. If there is anything I can do about the problem, than I take action. If not I accept it for the way it is. I may not like it .. but life is to short to take so serious. 100 years from now nobody will remember UsAirways. Last I checked the death ratio was one to one. I didn't like the situation at UsAirways and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. So I quit. I have more debt now than my whole life but I am well respected and appreciated at my new job. That is how I boosted my morale. I did it myself. The Jerrys of the world don't have that much control over you. That is up to you... :up: ;)
Guys like Glass and Crellin are bellweathers.

So long as they are here, nothing will change.

As for a few pizzas and TV's, well Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, too.
Given the actions Glass has taken in the past regarding employee morale, I doubt that there's anything he could do to repair the relationship.
700UW said:
Don't forget a pension!
Forget it already! If U paid a pension, they wouldn't be able to afford the management bonuses! :up: We have to be able to keep our talent! :shock:
Gee Bob, having judge hold a gun to your head had nothing to do with it huh?
Lets not start this debate again. Does anyone on this board remember anything they posted more than 24 hours ago? :shock:

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