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Minimum Wage

Good luck learning about Liberals on talk radio, this one doesn't shop McDonald's or Wal-mart.
I know it's out of your fetch or roll over comfort zone but try answering what he asked

as far as talk radio you assume a lot which just makes you look like the ass you clearly are
This is just a guess but maybe that CEO has some special knowledge that makes the company run well. Maybe the owners/shareholders don't want him to leave so they pay him the big bucks.
Hmmm....considering it's been around for 60 years, it would seem that the company was being run well for a helluva lot less money....
So, KommieFornia min wage goes up on 1/1/17.

Consumers are already complaining about raising prices.
As a small business ower, my payroll will increase about $50K for 2017.
It has usurped my ability to pay my most loyal and hard working employees greater wages for their work.
I am just wondering how people think raising minimum wage would not effect prices?
There is no 'money tree' in my business, if I can not pay my bills, I will be in default.
So, what good is a minimum wage if there are no businesses?


Please, you $15 an hour supporters tell me where you think the money will come from.
Will you be cutting bodies or hours?Will you be raising prices? If the wage goes to $15 and prices go up what happens to the guy squeaking by making $20. I doubt strongly he will go up to 25. Forget about that guy ever eating or ordering out..So now the pizzeria is paying more for their help and getting less business
I don't know what he sells.

That said, try looking at it the other way.

A guy makes, say, $10/hr., and Chase still gets their money. Wal-Mart still gets theirs, Allstate still does, and so on.

Now he makes $15. Suddenly, there's money to go out to eat (the pizzeria Albert cited above), maybe he shops a little more (locally, ideally), and maybe-just maybe- he can finally go on a vacation...On one of those planes you and I load...

Meanwhile, his local tax base increases, so there's more $$$ for things we all use like roads and schools.

For xUT specifically, I'm sure he has hired/retained good people. And I'm sure he sure he can find creative incentives for his people if he/when he needs to.

Note: FWIW, I always try to shop small businesses. I'm lucky in that where I live, it's almost easier to do so than to hit a big box retailer, gas station, etc.
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I don't know how old you are, but I was born in 1957. I was the third of 4 children. My mom was a stay at home mom, as were most women back then. We owned a house and a car. Dad was a clerk in a paint store....a job that today would pay...."minimum wage". But back then, it paid enough for him to support a family and be a part of the middle class. So yeah...there USED to be a time in our country where people could live a decent life like that.
Exactly. It was not the norm for a women to be in the workforce back then. Now it is the norm.

Did you really expect a clerk in a paint store to make a living wage when the unskilled worker pool increased by 100%?

Do you need a lesson in supply and demand?

Of course, back then, the CEO of the paint company (Porter Paint) most likely wasn't even close to earning $100,000 per year. Today the CEO makes over $3 million per year...but the clerks in the stores are making minimum wage. What is todays CEO doing that makes him worth that much more than the 1957 CEO?
That one is easy. Today's CEO is a lot more publicly visible due to expanded media.

I find it funny how liberals bash CEO's income (see above) yet when Johnny Depp made 35,000,000 for Pirates of the Caribbean you did not hear a peep out of them.
I don't know how old you are, but I was born in 1957. I was the third of 4 children. My mom was a stay at home mom, as were most women back then. We owned a house and a car. Dad was a clerk in a paint store....a job that today would pay...."minimum wage". But back then, it paid enough for him to support a family and be a part of the middle class. So yeah...there USED to be a time in our country where people could live a decent life like that. Of course, back then, the CEO of the paint company (Porter Paint) most likely wasn't even close to earning $100,000 per year. Today the CEO makes over $3 million per year...but the clerks in the stores are making minimum wage. What is todays CEO doing that makes him worth that much more than the 1957 CEO?

Don't forget the dollar was much stronger and prices were lower due to that plus technology has done a lot to living expenses since then.
San Jose City Council to consider higher minimum wage on Tuesday

A minimum wage increase from $8 to $10, is a 25% increase.
Is that acceptable?
If a business increased their prices 25% in one day, would you still buy from them or go somewhere cheaper?
If you have an experienced employee that is currently making $10 and a new hire trainee making $8 do you give them both a 25% bump in pay?
If your manager is making $50K a year, do you bump his pay 25%?

B) xUT

Well, it's my mistake.
I should have noted on "What will the effect/ramifications of a minimum wage increase impact 'small businesses'.
You know, the people, like me, that do not make 30 times minimum wage.
I have been a worker bee my whole life, unionist and proponent for the working stiff.
My staff is fantastic and I treat them much better than most in my industry.
Most of my staff are loyal as they know I treat them well and as human beings.
If they have an issue, they tell me right away as they trust me.
2 people in my staff are are at min wage, but they started last month.

Don't beat me up for trying to make a living.
Yes, I am the CEO of my company.
😎 xUT

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