Militia Arrests in Kansas

au contraire...I have noticed that pretty much anyone who cites facts on this board is labeled a libtard. For example...saying that Trumps behaviour on Twitter is more like a jilted teenage girl than a president (or a business mogul). You all overlook stuff like that and respond with something about a Clinton crime syndicate or Hildebeast or libtard...but they tend to ignore the statement - which to me says that you feel that it IS presidential to talk about a beauty pageant winners fat behind for a week...and tweeting it at 3 a.m. I think that you KNOW that that kind of behaviour is a bit scary for someone who wants to be president and you don't have a defense for it, so "libtard" comes out.
You harp on such irrelevant nonsense. Trumps comments about women aren't presidential. Someone that makes comments like that is scary to you? KC you make so little sense. Its a choice between someone like Trump (who never lived his life for public consumption like a career politician does) and someone like Hillary who personifies everything that is wrong with American politics. She has ruined so many women's lives but hey Trump made comments about a beauty pageant winners ass. I will tell you what scares me is that if Hillary gets in she will get us into a war with Russia (it's what her globalist owners want). Now THAT'S scary. That's just a little more scary than Trumps private comments from eleven years ago. You hate the man that's fine with me but put things in perspective. Shes evil personified.
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So Hack, do you share the opinion of fa la li la to do re mi in saying that it is a tragedy that the bombing of the apartment complex was thwarted?

This thread is about that.
I'm sure radical leftist Professor Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground might be able to help you with your leading question.
You harp on such irrelevant nonsense. Trumps comments about women aren't presidential. Someone that makes comments like that is scary to you? KC you make so little sense. Its a choice between someone like Trump (who never lived his life for public consumption like a career politician does) and someone like Hillary who personifies everything that is wrong with American politics. She has ruined so many women's lives but hey Trump made comments about a beauty pageant winners ass. I will tell you what scares me is that if Hillary gets in she will get us into a war with Russia (it's what her globalist owners want). Now THAT'S scary. That's just a little more scary than Trumps private comments from eleven years ago. You hate the man that's fine with me but put things in perspective. Shes evil personified.

You are right...but you are still missing it. Indeed it WAS irrelevant nonsense. Irrelevant nonsense that DONALD TRUMP kept in the forefront for a week...starting at 3 a.m. in a twitter rant that ran for 4 hours. was irrelevant....but NOT to a man who (supposedly) wants to be president of this country.
Tell you what Glenn, I will make a deal with you.

If you give me a truthful answer to the questions I posted in post #34 and this post I will leave this forum never to return.

I challenge you to tell me how disarming citizens, welfare, open borders, and political correctness have benefited the citizens of the EU countries I have listed in post #34 given the current situation.

Those are all things the left is pushing in this country. You explain to me given the outcome of those policies on those countries how you expect following the same policies here will produce a different result.

Explain to me why the citizens in those EU countries should not rise up and defend themselves when they are being assaulted, raped, murdered, and subjugated in their own country.

Explain to me why the citizens of the United States should stand by idly and watch the same thing happen here.

I expect itemized full answers to the questions in post 34 and this post as part of the agreement.

You want to see me go here is your chance.

Glenn does not take my challenge because he has nothing. He will parrot and publicly claim support for these liberal ideals (disarming citizens, welfare, open borders, and political correctness) but he won't defend them because he knows he can't. He knows what I said is the absolute truth.

Close. It's a conservative that is unable to make a valid point and thus loses any debate.
How about a liberal like Glenn that runs from a debate when he can't defend his position?
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You harp on such irrelevant nonsense. It's all they have, irrelevant nonsense. In order to deflect from Hildabeasts record of lies, failure, federal crimes, and her illness. They have to go after his comments and 30yr old accusations from women never heard of before until right before an election. Trumps comments about women aren't presidential. Correct. But neither are Hildabeasts raging temper against her security. or that fact she ruined and threatened her rapist husbands victims, or the rapist she got off and laughed about it. She can't defend it her actions, and should really shut her mouth about "treatment of women. She's much worse, by far. Someone that makes comments like that is scary to you? KC you make so little sense. KCfrier posts some really way out delusional rants, look at the gun thread. Only scary because it's a Republican, Dumbocrats get a pass, for everything. Its a choice between someone like Trump (who never lived his life for public consumption like a career politician does) and someone like Hillary who personifies everything that is wrong with American politics. Right, she nothing but a criminal and should be on trial and in federal prison. I still can't believe she is even a candidate. She has ruined so many women's lives but hey Trump made comments about a beauty pageant winners ass. I will tell you what scares me is that if Hillary gets in she will get us into a war with Russia (it's what her globalist owners want). Now THAT'S scary. That is just what it's coming to with Russia, and Iran. Obammy/Hildabeast failed to take action when they should have, and now like Iran, Russia is emboldened because of their weakness. Hildabeast can never be president. That's just a little more scary than Trumps private comments from eleven years ago. You hate the man that's fine with me but put things in perspective. Shes evil personified. Evil, criminal, corrupt, and controlled by Darth Soros.
You are right...but you are still missing it. Indeed it WAS irrelevant nonsense. Irrelevant nonsense that DONALD TRUMP kept in the forefront for a week...starting at 3 a.m. in a twitter rant that ran for 4 hours. was irrelevant....but NOT to a man who (supposedly) wants to be president of this country.

Ah, save your breath J. All we have to do is wait out another 3 weeks, then this PILE of DUNG will be history. He (T-Rump) will get his automatic prime time slot on Fux News of course, but nonetheless he'll be history. Ahhhh, but our Fk'd up conservative friends(are your dumbo ears ringing 'HACK JOB' ) will be livid, absolutely livid. The only thing I don't know, is what method of PAIN KILLING they'll chose ? Beat the wife/girlfriend, kick the dog, join an Additional militia/Klan group, bomb an abortion clinic, shoot an abortion doctor, go gay bashing at night maybe ?? Bottom line is THEY WILL DO SOMETHING. They have to, to 'try' to quell the enormous ANGER that definitely resides within the retarded A-Holes !
Tell you what Glenn, I will make a deal with you.

If you give me a truthful answer to the questions I posted in post #34 and this post I will leave this forum never to return.

I challenge you to tell me how disarming citizens, welfare, open borders, and political correctness have benefited the citizens of the EU countries I have listed in post #34 given the current situation.

Those are all things the left is pushing in this country. You explain to me given the outcome of those policies on those countries how you expect following the same policies here will produce a different result.

Explain to me why the citizens in those EU countries should not rise up and defend themselves when they are being assaulted, raped, murdered, and subjugated in their own country.

Explain to me why the citizens of the United States should stand by idly and watch the same thing happen here.

I expect itemized full answers to the questions in post 34 and this post as part of the agreement.

You want to see me go here is your chance.

Get rid of you?

I don't care what you do.

You aren't worth my time. Go about and spew whatever nonsense you wish.
I just love watching liberals dodge and run when they are asked to explain their position.

You have nothing Glenn.

You don't say anything because when it comes right down to it you have nothing to say. You are just a parrot.

Everybody here knows it.

Now run along and go hide from those really tough questions. :)
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #71
The only tragedy here is the militia failed.

So you are now on record supporting this militia's bombing of an apartment complex in Kansas...and that the:

"tragedy here is that the militia failed" killing numerous people.

There is a special place reserved for you.
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So you are now on record supporting this militia's bombing of an apartment complex in Kansas...and sad that the:

"tragedy here is that the militia failed" killing numerous people.

There is a special place reserved for you.
Deflect and dodge Glenn.

Just admit all you have is liberal propaganda and nothing of any substance and stop embarrassing yourself.

It really is pathetic.
You are right...but you are still missing it. Indeed it WAS irrelevant nonsense. Irrelevant nonsense that DONALD TRUMP kept in the forefront for a week...starting at 3 a.m. in a twitter rant that ran for 4 hours. was irrelevant....but NOT to a man who (supposedly) wants to be president of this country.
I didn't miss it. You have been railing about the comments not that Trump talks about them. If that's what you meant you didn't communicate it very well.
I didn't miss it. You have been railing about the comments not that Trump talks about them. If that's what you meant you didn't co,,unicate it very well.

REading comprehension problems? In this thread, I said nothing about his comments, but YOU highlighted what I did say...For example...saying that Trumps behaviour on Twitter is more like a jilted teenage girl than a president (or a business mogul). I didn't say a word about his comments - I talked about his behaviour. How should I change that comment to make it clearer?

In other threads, I didn't mention his comments - I mentioned that he was a 2 time adulterer, yet he is welcomed with open arms by the religious right....the same people outraged by Clintons adulterous relations that got him impeached.
I just love watching liberals dodge and run when they are asked to explain their position.

You have nothing Glenn.

You don't say anything because when it comes right down to it you have nothing to say. You are just a parrot.

Everybody here knows it.

Now run along and go hide from those really tough questions. :)
Maybe everyone doesn't have time to read Mein Kampf.

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