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Negotiation's Committe Appointed

USA320Pilot, I hope you got something lined up after the end of USAIR. You wait and see, the mechanic group is going to put the noose around USAIR's neck an choke it till it's dead. And good for them to, It's about time somebody finally said NO! Unlike yourself who would work for free if they'd let you!
700UW said:
You have no idea of what you are talking about, you are not an IAM member and never will be.

See unlike alpa the IAM leadership traveled all over the US Airways system and talked to the membership, and did what they want, THE MEMBERSHIP told the IAM Leadership, TO NOT TALK WITH THE COMPANY.

You are dead wrong. the iam hasn't travelled all over anywhere. The last time my station has even seen anyone from the iam was when they came to force us to sign those dues papers. Before that the last time was when they wanted us to vote for their sorry sessA. So stop defending that rotten union, and recognize whose corner they are actually in. Marks my words when I say that they know we just took a paycut, but you haven't seen or heard the iam mention anything about a paycut in dues. Come January or February, we will see a jump in dues. Are you going to think the iam is on your side then? :angry: :angry: :angry:
Hey 320, if and when we go with any luck we will take you along with us!!! Being a sS*** A** they may let you stay around and ferry the last A/C to its new owner or the desert. I will have little problem finding other employment, maybe even in the aviation industry , but you on the other hand with your reputation in the business???? 😛
USA320Pilot said:
For those who are angry and believe “self helpâ€￾ is the answer, once the new contract is imposed, ALPA bankruptcy counsel Richard Seltzer, widely respected as the best labor bankruptcy attorney is the business, believes Judge Mitchell will prevent the "self help" option.

For those who are scared of losing their seat, it's worth nothing that Ms. Cleo and ALPA's counsel are equally as knowledgable about what might happen in a 1113© situation in the post-Lorenzo era.

You go right ahead and be smug over your 18% bargain agreement. What you fail to recall is that this management has in one way or another VIOLATED agreements that were deemed to be binding :down: .

How long before UAIR once again goes back on their word to squeeze some more out of the pilots or any other fools who think they are secure with a voluntary agreement???

This contract proposal given to the IAM is a SHAM!!!!! It basically removes the union from our workplace. It is designed to be rejected so the company can boo-hoo the judge to abrogate our contract. That is the good faith bargaining you get from this dishonest lot of robber barrons :angry: !!

Uair violates our contract and you think we should negotiate???? You are beyond belief!!!! Your BLEATING is deafening :lol: !!!

UAIR can abrogate all they want and this lowly, useless, overpaid, talentless group of mechanics will SHUT THIS MOTHER DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you read me Capt??? It will come to a head and you will see what it means to stand up against this union-busting onslaught :down: :down:

Lorenzo reaped what he sowed and so will Dr. Idiot and BAMA-AIR. You can bank on it 😉 !!
700UW said:
Don't worry, I would pay dues forever, I will be taken care of, I am ready for life without this place when it shuts down.

Guess you will be selling your house like your neighbor is.
Sure 700UW you will be just fine…as soon as it’s over, hopefully everyone will be.

I have a friend who is in stores, he reminds me of you, except this friend has a ton more opinions then even you, if that's possible. He will be in the NY Times later in the week or early next week, if I find out exactly I'll let you know. This guy holds nothing back. At one time he was pulling down 75 grand doing his stores thing. In Pit we call him the black CEO because he seems to know as much as one, he’s a hell of a talker and it will be interesting to see what he told the Times.
USA320Pilot said:
The union that has hurt their membership the most and who will have the most difficult time in court is the IAM. For the past year or so the IAM has consistently told the news media and their members that for lack of better words the “concession stand is closedâ€. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand the company’s financial position and until recently the union refused to discuss contract changes.

Even Judge Mitchell understands the realities of the marketplace and US Airways. In his S.1113(e) ruling Mitchell referred to US Airways as a “Ticking Fiscal Time Bomb†that absent this imposed relief would likely result in a meltdown of the company.

In my opinion no union will be hurt more than the IAM who has “gutless†leadership, who has miserably failed their membership due to AMFA fear, and their members will see more “pain†than any other employee group. I do respect the right of a union to make their own decisions, but the only union leaders who have misrepresented their group more than ALPA’s RC4 is the IAM.

I expect there will be very little negotiation between the company and the IAM at this late stage of the game. The company has the union over a barrel and “imposition†will almost certainly occur. Why? The company has tried to negotiate with the union but until recently has been unsuccessful. In fact, ALPA communications committee chairman Jack Stephen said, “To be clear, in the 1113(e) process, the judge did have the power to make modifications to the Company’s emergency interim proposal. But, unlike the 1113(e) process, the law does not provide the judge with the authority to make any modifications in the 1113© process involving long-term, permanent relief. “

See Story

For those who are angry and believe “self help†is the answer, once the new contract is imposed, ALPA bankruptcy counsel Richard Seltzer, widely respected as the best labor bankruptcy attorney is the business, believes Judge Mitchell will prevent the "self help" option.

The IAM’s results speak for them self and just like with ALPA, the company’s proposals keep getting worse and the members will undoubtedly suffer even more. It’s too bad the IAM’s leaders are positioning their members for “Armageddonâ€, but that is your choice.


blow it out your can...you kill me you management suck up..........
USA320Pilot said:

PineyBob said: "I'm so confused I thought the consession stand was CLOSED. Why would you need a negotiating committee?"

USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, because 21% hurts and the IAM knows "imposition" is less than a month away with even deeper cuts and a major loss of dues. In fact, the company's proposal would prevent 700UW from paying dues forever.


:mf_boff: :mf_boff: IAM knows "imposition" is less than a month away with even deeper cuts and a major loss of dues. :mf_boff: :mf_boff:
NO YOU CLOWN....when IAM sticks it your can...you'll be flying salmon up in alaska and the starview will go to daddy..... B)
PineyBob said:
I have ALWAYS counseled negotiating as opposed to confrontation.
All of the hard core IAM types just got the last 18 months of posturing shoved up their assets. They have not gotten ONE DIME more for their membership.

I just love sarcasm.
I resigned from USAir 2 days before the judge imposed the temp pay cuts. Most of the talented people are leaving with help from those who have already left. USAirways relies on those 20% of its maintenance employees to hold things together. You and I can have fun sitting on the sidelines watching the daily goat *uck that occurs when the other 80% are pressed in to action, I will be thanking my lucky stars because I won't have to fly them to/for work. I suspect you will have plenty of time waiting in a USAir line to contemplate backing the wrong horse.
Ramp Rogue said:
You are dead wrong. the iam hasn't travelled all over anywhere. The last time my station has even seen anyone from the iam was when they came to force us to sign those dues papers. Before that the last time was when they wanted us to vote for their sorry sessA. So stop defending that rotten union, and recognize whose corner they are actually in. Marks my words when I say that they know we just took a paycut, but you haven't seen or heard the iam mention anything about a paycut in dues. Come January or February, we will see a jump in dues. Are you going to think the iam is on your side then? :angry: :angry: :angry:

This is a mechanic and related thread, not a fleet service, I am talking about mechanic and related. District 142 does not represent Fleet at US.
With my job to be completly eliminated (per company proposal) why would someone in my situation not vote no, then vote yes to strike. At this point I dont care if the neg. committe gets me a raise....I'm still voting no, then yes. And I hope by doing so USA320 is furloughed along with every one else....Its OVER.
-If you cant take it, break it. -PHL ground motto
PineyBob said:
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
There is enough wrong in the world creating enough anger to kills us all, just what my avatar ordered.

For the ones who don't believe this entity is for real, then why do we have people taking millions off the backs of people causing them to go without and justifying it by saying everyone else one, "CEO'Sâ€￾. “Dave Siegelâ€￾ is the Devil’s Advocate. He and his kind are being set up to live grand while they breathe, and then their contract will be broken exactly like they broke everyone else’s. You reap what you sow and literally pay hell if it's the wrong choice.
700UW said:
This is a mechanic and related thread, not a fleet service, I am talking about mechanic and related. District 142 does not represent Fleet at US.

To my knowledge, 141 has not called any informational meetings for the membership, OR formed a negotiating committee.

Wonder why?
I just spoke with the Fleet Chairman in CLT it has been appointed and they are meeting Monday as a committee and they will be meeting with the company on the 8th.

He said it will be the same as last time.

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