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American Seeks To Boost Efficiency

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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American seeks to boost efficieny. They plan to rival LUV in terms of A/c utilization. I dont believe its possible for this company to do it. Unless there is some serious house cleaning being done first. The people so far have been allergic to efficient utilization of a/c and crews.

Example, the other day arrived from layover at 0645 for 3 leg day home. Plane had broken brake line. Next flight due to arrive in 5 hours with needed part. Passengers all rebooked on that flight. Plane arrived, but Miami neglected in 5 hours to get the AOG part to the outbound a/c. Next flight will arrive in 3 1/2 more hours. Crew tracking will not allow the flight attendants to go home on the airplane here. They have to stay with the dead a/c and sit there now looking to be 8 1/2 hours. We also have word that Miami may have sent the wrong part. The chance of getting out today is looking less and less likely. One on reserve is going on last days off of the month. They cannot fly into that duty free period. The answer from tracking too bad, you stay. This is the same company who thinks they have the people capable of matching LUV's a/c and crew utilization. we are dreaming AA left a plane and crew sitting from 0645-1815 with nothing to do 100% wasted utilization.
American seeks to boost its efficiency,
perhaps they mean scheduling efficiency.....your situation is OSO and i can tell you from talking with some WN people that when things go off schedule, even WN sometimes drops the ball.
No, it was 1 airplane and 1 crew stuck out on Gilligans Island. Every person I called, from Dispatch to tracking to SOC. No one could give a legitimate answer why we should sit for this many hours on a dead plane wait for it to be ferried back to Miami.
Mikey, c'mon,

AA management is LOADED with people who don't have a clue whats going on, with each other. (Left hand/right hand) !!

And we thought it was just the CIA vs the FBI.

Its going to take some time for everyone to pull their heads out! I'm glad to see Arpey doing something aggressive!
AAmech, I'm with you. Leave it to NHBB to find negativity in every postive direction this company takes. Hmmm no early out of a BOS ramper, so sad. 😀
WNP Amen brother, AA mgt doesn't have a clue. These pencil pushers come up with these ideas to cut manpower. Then mgt comes to the crew chiefs and say "well make it work". Well I for one am tired of bailing them out. That's a partial reason why DFW was such a cluster f... on SAT and SUN this past weekend. I told the other FSCs "hey just do what your told" They haven't a clue. You can only do 1 job safely at a time.