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How many then?

That isn't up for me to prove or decide. Only mangt has that responsibility to the operation. You can speculate all you want but without any proof or solid data of successful terminations, you have no case. The fact that I can back up legitimate claims with Drs notes places the burden of proof back where it belongs, with mangt.
A few years ago management tried to fire several flight attendants that had called in sick over the christmas holiday. They evidently were non-reving while on the sick list. All of them got their job back with back pay from what I recall, because the union argued that only flight attendants were being monitored and repremanded for this.
I can get a doctor's note to say nearly anything I want. I play on line games which are now considered an addiction. BFD. That dog will not hunt. I could probably get a note that gets me out of work for periods of time so I can get my fix (some guy has such an arraignment with his boss for rock concerts). I don't because I know it's BS and I was raised better than that. Only management's responsibility? Where did you get that BS from? What you do affects me and vice versa. It is the responsibility of all of us. The sooner people realize that the sooner we can try and fix this crap hole and move on. Too many "not in my back yard' people are screwing up the works. Everyone is in it for them selves and it will cause the whole company to suffer along with everyone in it.

You remind me of the defense attorneys you see on TV. Win at all cost. Truth is relative and what you make it to be.

You folks keep b1tching about lack of staffing and wanting to hire back all the furloughs. The part you seem to be missing is that AA management are greedy bastards. They want money. If you make it financially beneficial for them to hire back the furloughs, they will do it. It's about money. Get rid of the dead weight and AA will be more than happy to bring them back because you just saved AA a butt load of money. Or keep all the slackers on pay roll and AA will wait till the recalls expire and you will be screwed. I could care less either way. I can reassign till the cows come home. It does not matter to me one bit. I have a job and I have no union screwing me in the backside.
I can get a doctor's note to say nearly anything I want. I play on line games which are now considered an addiction. BFD. That dog will not hunt. I could probably get a note that gets me out of work for periods of time so I can get my fix (some guy has such an arraignment with his boss for rock concerts). I don't because I know it's BS and I was raised better than that. Only management's responsibility? Where did you get that BS from? What you do affects me and vice versa. It is the responsibility of all of us. The sooner people realize that the sooner we can try and fix this crap hole and move on. Too many "not in my back yard' people are screwing up the works. Everyone is in it for them selves and it will cause the whole company to suffer along with everyone in it.

You remind me of the defense attorneys you see on TV. Win at all cost. Truth is relative and what you make it to be.

You folks keep b1tching about lack of staffing and wanting to hire back all the furloughs. The part you seem to be missing is that AA management are greedy bastards. They want money. If you make it financially beneficial for them to hire back the furloughs, they will do it. It's about money. Get rid of the dead weight and AA will be more than happy to bring them back because you just saved AA a butt load of money. Or keep all the slackers on pay roll and AA will wait till the recalls expire and you will be screwed. I could care less either way. I can reassign till the cows come home. It does not matter to me one bit. I have a job and I have no union screwing me in the backside.

Garfield, I am in management. And when I was a union rep, I did what I was elected to do, (and had a federal mandate to do), represent those charged with any sort of discrepancy. Sometimes it is like being a public defender. Remember, everyone is innocent until PROVEN innocent. The burden of proof lies with management. I have had to terminate employees in my current job that I know that I would have been able to "save" in a union setting. That is a small part of the protection a union affords an employee. I have also watched airline in- flight mangt. wrongfully terminate (or try) and that is where I was especially effective. Even in mangt. I now handle all consumer appeals against the State of Missouri (Medicaid Consumer Directed Services) for my company. And yes, my union representation has served me and the consumers well.
The reality is the attendance system is broken at AA. Could I figure ways to "fix it", you bet. But AA doesn't want to even discuss ways to save money FOR THEM without trying to put a negative price tag on any change. If they would be willing to address cost savings or cost neutral items as just that, you might be able to tighten up a lot of costly contract items, while giving some quality of life incentives to the f/as. All of the above helped me decide that I really did not want to return to AAs corporate culture. Now I just watch with interest the continuing meltdown. So unnecessary, and avoidable.
AA could fix this the way Jetblue and other "next generation" companies are addressing it: pool sick time and vacation time.

Strangely enough, companies going with "paid time off" are finding that their day-of sick calls are lower than companies with separate sick and VC entitlements. The flip side is that people are more likely to use up all of their bank during the calendar year, as opposed to letting sick time build up (and yes, most PTO systems allow time to be banked for use with extended illness).

When you're gone SK or VC, the cost to the company is the same to backfill you with either relief/reserves or overtime.

It's obviously unattractive to people who realize that being sick will eat into your vacation time, but the fact is you're being contracted to provide X hours of labor each year. Being in relatively good health, I'd rather be able to use some of what is now my sick time for an extra week of vacation, and to plot it as such. If I happen to get sick, then I gambled and lost.
Does anyone know if any of the recently bankrupt carriers have switched to PTO banks versus defined vacation and sick banks?
Does anyone know if any of the recently bankrupt carriers have switched to PTO banks versus defined vacation and sick banks?

I don't think anyone would have a problem with this concept IF sick leave was converted as in addition to current contractual vacation days. With the Co asking for vacation days as part of concessions, and a loss of sick time, it wouldn't fly.