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Merged Airline Faces Competition At Focus City

Yet they [SWA] still have the lowest load factor

And they still make a profit??

Interesting... they must have a pretty solid business plan to pull that off? Imagine that.. making money at lower LF%. Sounds like they pick their routes strategically.

The new U is going to make a living running away from SWA just like it has in the past.

These airline guys don't get it.. You have to pick your core market.. you cant compete for the long run in no-mans-land. That's why "old" Uair failed. Is the new US going to be low cost, or high service?

If the answer is low cost, then you better believe SWA is your competition, and they are sitting on a pile of cash, and they don't have a heavy debt burden to weigh down their free cash flows. Ahh the hidden costs of capital structure.. Besides fuel, I expect the burden of the new U's interest payments to be a big big challenge in their quest to break even... gotta love those debt tax shields though!!
wnbubbleboy said:
That would be 700GS.

We are great to work for, don't knock it until you try it.
i am not denying that wn a great company to work for. i am sure it is. all i am saying is that for 700 to go over there if he hates it at us so much. there is no offense to wn. your comany knows how to run an airline and treat their employees with respect and that is what has made you guys so profitable. i respect that . i just do not respect 700's comments about the company he works for and not at least giving it a chance to succeed. if he does not want to be part of the new comany then se ya. we ain't gonna miss ya.
etops1 said:
i am not denying that wn a great company to work for. i am sure it is. all i am saying is that for 700 to go over there if he hates it at us so much. there is no offense to wn. your comany knows how to run an airline and treat their employees with respect and that is what has made you guys so profitable. i respect that . i just do not respect 700's comments about the company he works for and not at least giving it a chance to succeed. if he does not want to be part of the new comany then se ya. we ain't gonna miss ya.

Ditto. We need to give this new company an herbal enema and flush out the malcontents like 700UW. I'm sure WN would love to see his smiling face at work every day.
"The new U is going to make a living running away from SWA just like it has in the past."

i find that very hard to beleive . with parker in control.

Big difference in wanting something to succeed, and believing it will succeed based on real world data.

I think 700 would like to see the new U be the best carrier in the world, and to work their happily until retirement.

Don't hate on him because he see's the harsh realities of the grim long run success probability of a hybrid LCC, high service carrier.
barbeetantrums said:
Ditto. We need to give this new company an herbal enema and flush out the malcontents like 700UW. I'm sure WN would love to see his smiling face at work every day.

You see what's happening is that the turd isn't moving, is fermenting, and creates toxins that make the whole body sick.
luvthe9 said:
Yet they still have the lowest load factor

They have always had the lowest load factor. It's in their business model. When LF gets high they just buy another plane with cash and add frequency to attract the business traveler.

They not only carry more passenger in the US, they are Boeings largest customer
usair_begins_with_u said:
The new U is going to make a living running away from SWA just like it has in the past.


AWA has survived over 20 years with Southwest Airlines as it's main competitor. We have grown and learned how to coexist with SWA while sharing the same playground. I don't see the new U running anywhere.
N903AW said:
AWA has survived over 20 years with Southwest Airlines as it's main competitor. We have grown and learned how to coexist with SWA while sharing the same playground. I don't see the new U running anywhere.

True enough, but that was lean HP, not HP dragging an anchor like USAir along with it. 😀
You forget HP did file bankruptcy and their employees are one of the lowest paid in the industry, the ATSB even said their employees did not have to take paycuts in order to get the loan gaurantee.

And everything was not peaches and cream, HP has a bad track record on employee relations when they were going through the bankruptcy and a near second bankruptcy filing.

There was the largest fine ever issued from the FAA for maintenance violations issued to them.

Go read here for more information on their history and the reality of what transpired:

HP History

........Southwest has a fare for Fall, PIT to TPA will be $79.00 one way.
AIR TRAN undercuts them at $63.00 one way (with a connection).
USAirways has a $188 roundtrip NON-Stop.
United has a $129 roundtrip (with a connection.)

At some point, SWA will have big problems, i mean , they for sure are not going to go INT, their customer service sucks, i see AIRLINE all the time, the show on a and e, and man do people get pissed on SWA, i know as of rite now, people will start leaving SWA and hop back on the original carriers, then we will see a demise of SWA, whenver teh founder dies of SWA, or the owner etc, the airline will come to a turn point and start coming down, and then all of a sudden, high costs at airports start eating away at SWA, just like at SEA, then SWA will die, DIE !!!
SKY HIGH said:

........Southwest has a fare for Fall, PIT to TPA will be $79.00 one way.
AIR TRAN undercuts them at $63.00 one way (with a connection).
USAirways has a $188 roundtrip NON-Stop.
United has a $129 roundtrip (with a connection.)


And I wonder what those fares (and the walkup fare) was before LUV?
Ok, what drugs are you taking?

WN has chased US from the west coast and BWI and they are slowy encircling the east coast, they are growing US is shrinking, they have been profitible for over 30 years straight and US is in its second bankruptcy and HP all ready has one under its belt, both carriers are being kept alive by an ATSB Loan.

Don't see WN going anywhere anytime soon.
A330US said:
At some point, SWA will have big problems, i mean , they for sure are not going to go INT, their customer service sucks, i see AIRLINE all the time, the show on a and e, and man do people get pissed on SWA, i know as of rite now, people will start leaving SWA and hop back on the original carriers, then we will see a demise of SWA, whenver teh founder dies of SWA, or the owner etc, the airline will come to a turn point and start coming down, and then all of a sudden, high costs at airports start eating away at SWA, just like at SEA, then SWA will die, DIE !!!

I don't get the same impression from watching AIRLINE, most of the people who get as you say "pissed" are usually in the wrong i.e. drunk