Memorial Day

My World said:
Unfortunately it was part of the package. :(
My World said:
As a proud TWU member in Kansas City I would like to announce that the amfa drive will die here. The reason for this amfa meeting is to get KC to carry them over the top, but it is not going to happen. This base is to smart and strong to be led down the failed path of amfa. Your organizers will leave town very disappointed because the support they seek is not here. Every time you guys have a drive you will get defeated here. Now get out of town.
Do you have anymore worthwhile predictions? ON March 12th, 2004 We filed the cards with the NMB. That was the Friday after you made this post.
Decision 2004 said:
Do you have anymore worthwhile predictions? ON March 12th, 2004 We filed the cards with the NMB. That was the Friday after you made this post.
Doesn't matter, it's not going anywhere.
Decision 2004 said:
Pin Head? How would a two-faced TWU Union Officer who doesn't defend the organization to which he has taken a oath of allegiance know anything about a "pin head"?

Your name calling is winning over the masses, please contribute more.

A Veteran huh? Were you a yes voter to forfeit the Memorial Day Holiday? That's what I thought. Your a damn proud Veteran too aren't you? I can see it from here.
How would a two-faced TWU Union Officer who doesn't defend the organization to which he has taken a oath of allegiance know anything about a "pin head"?

Dave, are you saying this about Bob Owqens, Chuck Schalk, Dan Cunningham, and others? or is this just about MY WORLD, striking a nerve with you?
Is it ok in your views that those above also took an oath, same as you claim MY WORLD did? But because MY WORLD admitted his past, you want to lable him 2 faced? PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES
Decision 2004 said:
Do you have anymore worthwhile predictions? ON March 12th, 2004 We filed the cards with the NMB. That was the Friday after you made this post.
As a proud TWU member in Kansas City I would like to announce that the amfa drive will die here. The reason for this amfa meeting is to get KC to carry them over the top, but it is not going to happen. This base is to smart and strong to be led down the failed path of amfa. Your organizers will leave town very disappointed because the support they seek is not here. Every time you guys have a drive you will get defeated here. Now get out of town

Dave, You was there as was I, Tell us again, how many in attendance? I beleive it was 23? The actual numbers of the attendants were outnumbered by the out of town speakers? So I would say that your goal was to have MCI carry AMFA over the top failed miserably? 23 MCI employees showed, lets see, what percentage would that be? less than 1%?
Dallas Air Mech, I was also there. I don't believe it was necessary for most of the people to show up. Their minds are already made up. During the TWA/IAM we already had over 50% of the cards needed. We were told that we needed 60 % to file and still have enough with the disqualifications. Before we could get the rest needed, AA took over. Since we automatically recieved a pay raise, we knew the AMFA drive at MCI was nearly dead. Thanks to the TWU, it started up again with some people that I would have never thought signing cards. Truth be known, I don't think you really needed us to get the numbers needed but we got involved again anyway. I didn't need to be at the AMFA meeting at MCI, I wanted to meet some of the people face to face from TUL and DFW that are on the web sites. When an AMFA/TWU debate takes place, that's where I think will be a big turnout. Due to the "short memories" of some, this is why it won't take place until the NMB approves the vote. I believe Delle said he will have one two weeks prior to a vote.
Dallas Air Mach said:
As a proud TWU member in Kansas City I would like to announce that the amfa drive will die here. The reason for this amfa meeting is to get KC to carry them over the top, but it is not going to happen. This base is to smart and strong to be led down the failed path of amfa. Your organizers will leave town very disappointed because the support they seek is not here. Every time you guys have a drive you will get defeated here. Now get out of town

Dave, You was there as was I, Tell us again, how many in attendance? I beleive it was 23? The actual numbers of the attendants were outnumbered by the out of town speakers? So I would say that your goal was to have MCI carry AMFA over the top failed miserably? 23 MCI employees showed, lets see, what percentage would that be? less than 1%?
The AMFA Drive is over. We filed in March, therefore the drive is complete. Do not worry about the attendance at the meetings. Everybody already has their minds made up on how they are going to vote. You need to get yourself up to speed on current events. For your sake I hope that Kansas City survives the next round of realignment. No airline in this country other than American has three major overhaul bases in operation. As you know Kansas City is barely holding on to what it has. You should be concerned about your future at Kansas City instead of the upcoming election. There will be more layoffs and movements in the M&E department. As always MCI is the first one to be considered for further reduction or closure. Use common sense and do not listen to the TWU on how they saved your job. The TWU is like a sick racoon trapped in a corner. Very Desperate to survive for the very short term. Stop for a moment and think straight using good sound judgement. Have a nice day.
Decision 2004 said:
Your name calling is winning over the masses, please contribute more.
Now Dave, you hae a lot of nerve complaining about someone calling you names. I mean it was just a couple of days ago I got this from you. . .

Whatever you self serving, anti-american, un-democratic, wage lowering, benefit thieving, ignoramous....

I guess when you do it it's okay. You just keep proving my point (on a daily basis it seems) that you are a hypocrit!

BOO HOO, someone called ME, Dave Stewart, King of Local 12, the biggest baddest amfa supporter ever, a name! BOO HOO!!! I'm telling!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAA, WHAAAAAAA!!!!!

No wonder your own amfa supporters don't like you much. Oh, are you running for office of Local 12 Dave???? President, I'm guessing?????
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (and would add more laughing emoticons if I could!!!)
1AA, you're right, the drive is over and out of our hands. We know what the situation is at MCI. If someone is shut down, it we be us, with or without AMFA. What AA doesn't realize is all the in-house shop work we did here before. We had the most reliable parts in the system. Why did they scrap all of our tooling? It may have been old, but then so is our work force. There wasn't any reason to junk our tooling. Now we have management telling us that they are looking into over 5000 part numbers of equipment that we use, and checking out the possibilties of doing it in-house cheaper. Kind of like throwing out the baby with the bath water isn't it? I don't know who you guys have as planners down there, but they don't seem to have a very good game plan.
Dallas Air Mach said:
Dave, You was there as was I, Tell us again, how many in attendance? I beleive it was 23? The actual numbers of the attendants were outnumbered by the out of town speakers? So I would say that your goal was to have MCI carry AMFA over the top failed miserably? 23 MCI employees showed, lets see, what percentage would that be? less than 1%?
On average how many attend your monthly Local meetings?

You claim that only 23 showed up at the AMFA meeting and thats less than 1%.

Has MCI expanded that much that they now have over 2300 M&R?

AMFA recieved a lot more than 23cards out of MCI.

AMFA recieved more cards for an election than the TWU could get for COPE.

Your claims of a large TWU following are false. What do you base your claim on? Arent many members there discouraged since elected leaders were removed? What is your percentage and average contribution to COPE? COPE is a good barometer because its completely voluntary and shows at least a passing interest in the union, even though 50 cents a month is not exactly a huge committment. It at least means that they are not completely opposed to the Union.

If you guys cant even get 50 cents a month out of your members then how can you claim that they support you?
twuer said:
Now Dave, you hae a lot of nerve complaining about someone calling you names. I mean it was just a couple of days ago I got this from you. . .

Whatever you self serving, anti-american, un-democratic, wage lowering, benefit thieving, ignoramous....

I guess when you do it it's okay. You just keep proving my point (on a daily basis it seems) that you are a hypocrit!

BOO HOO, someone called ME, Dave Stewart, King of Local 12, the biggest baddest amfa supporter ever, a name! BOO HOO!!! I'm telling!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAA, WHAAAAAAA!!!!!

No wonder your own amfa supporters don't like you much. Oh, are you running for office of Local 12 Dave???? President, I'm guessing?????
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (and would add more laughing emoticons if I could!!!)
Didnt read like a complaint. He said more, not stop.

By the way when are you going to start answering questions instead of complaining about others?
Bob Owens said:
Didnt read like a complaint. He said more, not stop.

By the way when are you going to start answering questions instead of complaining about others?
Now Bob, don't try to take up for Dave. You have the same hypocritical attitude as he does.

Things don't go quite the way you want or you get your feelings hurt (just like Dave) the claws come out, and you know exactly what I am talking about.

And as far as answering your questions, I do answer them. You just don't want to hear what I have to say. I don't respond to anyone's rhetoric and assumptions Bob. It's not worth my time. I find it hard to stomach all of the crying that comes from you amfa supporters. That's all we seem to get.

For example. . .
Boo hoo, :( we didn't get the cards needed and the TWU is beating us so, boo hoo :( , we have to go picket the NMB..............or

Boo hoo :( , the TWU is committing fraud (or so accused of) on us amfa supporters even though we broke the rules (obtaining a list of employees illegally) first, boo hoo :( ...........or

Boo hoo :( , we have to work on Memorial Day. I can't blieve that the TWU took away my chance to drink beer and hang out at the lake, boo hoo :( .

(and that's just in the past few weeks!!!!!!)

It is quite nauseating. And what makes it worse is you guys don't have a problem with it. Grown men acting like a bunch of babies. You know this to be true Bob, because you see it just like I do. Now, whether or not you fall in this catagory remains to be seen. You have had your share of stretching the truth from time to time. I get tired of the hypocritical behavior!
Decision 2004 said:
You didn't answer the question.

I would venture to guess that a majority of the amfa supporters voted yes on the whole package. Did they vote just to give away Memorial Day, I doubt it. But they voted yes none the less.

Oh, are you running for office at Local 12 Dave? Is it true that you have to go out to your local to vote? I guess this means that you won't be voting in the Local 514 elections???? We have some good folks running this time. Any bets on who might win? I know how much you like each and every one of them. Come on Dave, give us your prediction. I'll tell ya' what. . . .I'll give you mine then you can give me yours, okay??

Just the top (3) postions, I won't try to predict all the e-board positions, etc.

Pres - R Mullings
VP- M McDonald
Chairman of Maint - K Hammack

Any other predictions?????
TWU crybabies, at least those at TUL maintenance base. Yesterday was part of Shared Sacrifice, and all the TWU supporters could do was complain. I for one am glad that the TWU supporters were made to work yesterday. They got what they voted for. What a bunch of losers....

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