Memorial Day

twuer said:
So we have to work Memorial Day. So do thousands of others!! It will always be something with you amfa boys, no matter what!!!! I can hear it now. . ."the TWU won't let me fart in public." Boo hoo!! :( :( :( Give me break!!!

There are 364 other days in the year to honor your familiy members (not to mention 16 other hours on Memorial Day). . . or did you forget about that????? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yea but most people have it off, if not they get extra pay for working it. Once again the TWU sounds more like the company than a union.

What next? We should not expect ANY Holidays because there is still 15.5 hours(not 16 like you said since the TWU agreed to 8.5 hours at work for 8 hours pay) left in the day?
twuer, your comments never cease to amaze me. The more you talk, the dumber you sound. How can you honestly back the TWU? They screw us over and over, put their stamp of approval on a package concession deal, and you SHEEP of TWU back everything they do with an excuse for them. What will it take? How many pay-cuts, holiday give-backs, and vacation losses will it take before you will stand up like a MAN and not roll over and play dead? A union is suppose to FIGHT for your rights and to better your working conditions and benefits. When was the last time TWU did this for you? Why do you continue to make excuses for their inept leadership? They need to be fired and replaced with AMFA. When was the last catch-all union strike in the airline industry, the mid 60's? These catch-all unions have shown through their own actions that they are in bed with the companies. How come they don't take a pay-cut or lose their holidays whenever we do? Your backing TWU on these issues make you sound like a fool.

TWUer is exactly that. A TWU official who is deathly afraid of losing his cushy company funded position!
You are absolutely pathetic. Has AA management given up their holidays? While we are working for straight time, line mechanics as well as overhaul, AA management is receiving either the day off, or a comp day. Is this fair? You are so far from the truth, you make yourself look like a total idiot. Show me where there is a shared sacrifice. Management never lost any sick time... They lost no vacation... They lost no holidays. The company basically took the shirts off of our backs. 6 uniforms instead of 11. yes the shirts off of our backs, guess it doesn't matter to you overhaul guys, but to us on the line it does. IOD reduced to 10 days, no paid lunches,for your info, on the line during a quick turn working a no go item: lunches can be the difference between turning a job over to someone not on lunch: or getting the plane out on time. Double time no more: it just goes on and on and on. Look at the facts. You do nothing but spew ignorance. . YES.. WE ARE ALL HAPPY TO HAVE JOBS. YES, I AM HAPPY TO WORK FOR AMERICAN AIRLINES. THIS IS THE BEST JOB I HAVE EVER HAD. BUT, WAKE UP, WE GAVE AWAY what unions have fought for for the last 75 years. We as a union look like complete bufoons. Talk to anyone that works for another airline or any other industry. Talk to a pilot...We are the laughing stocks. You know why? Because of people like you. Annual Incentice Program: Give me a break. Don't get me wrong, I am always up for free money, but this is a slap in the face.. We made that in spite of ourselves. YES IN SPITE OF OURSELVES. Get the picture TWUER. We received a paltry 1.5% increase from what we gave up, 17.5%, remember that... Management gave up 10%, then gained 1.5% of that back. Fact: they are now receiving performance raises. DO YOU REALIZE THAT.. OBVIOUSLY NOT.. While management is taking care of each other we, yes we, TWU represented workers, sit back and have done nothing. This is why we seek another form of representation... Do you realize the Pilots gave back only wages, no benefits, but will gain most of their wages back at the end of their concessions. Guess Not, because you are too busy spewing your nonsensical opinions. Get a life. Open your eyes and see THE TRUTH...People like you make guys like me hate the TWU even more. Oh by the way, can you justify the internationals raises, while we, TWU members, took concessions. Didn't think so....

And Dave is calling me names while at the same time quoting a verse from the Bible!!!! Again typical hypocritical amfa behavior.

You guys are soooo good at putting words in peoples mouths. . .show me where I said that I was happy to be working on Memorial Day!!! YOU CAN'T!! I was simply pointing out the fact that you amfa supporters seem to be forgetting what the day is suppose to be about. And I must have struck a nerve because I haven't seen this much ganging up on for a long time. I am glad though that you have this forum to cry the way you do. :( :( :( I would hate to see this in person. :down:

But hey we have come to expect this kind of behavior. . . . .
amfa - Another For Me Association

Oh and Dave, you aren't a veteran are you??? I am, so I have just as much reason to be unhappy as you, for the loss of my friends (as well as my family members, mom in particular) but tell me what sense it makes to cry about it now? You are having you own little pity party, you and your amfa cohorts. Go right ahead. I bet those thousands of NWA and UAL folks lost under amfa's watch I'm sure would love to be working. . . . .on any day!! :shock:
Hopeful said:

TWUer is exactly that. A TWU official who is deathly afraid of losing his cushy company funded position!
You don't even have a clue Hopeful!! But keep guessing!! It is quite amusing!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
twuer, I can see where Hopeful would make the assumption that you are a TWU offical. You write like one. I've never seen someone go to the extremes that you do to back the TWU actions. Like most of the officials that I know, if they aren't satisfied with the TWU performance, they sure don't let anyone know about it. They back everything TWU does with some lame excuse. Speak bad of TWU and you will probably lose your position. I, like Hopeful think you are more than just a member.
flyguy767 said:
At MCI the TWU has posted on their bulliten board a letter reminding us about Memorial Day. It says that the American Flag will be flown at half mast, and that we should take a minute to pay our respects. Thank-you TWU for reminding me that while I am using that minute to pay my respect, I have to be at work for 7 hours and 59 minutes more that the AA management and TWU officials. You guys are the best!
Wow, another intelligent observation from a wanna be.
The post at MCI was in reference to Worker's Memorial Day

Worker’s Memorial Day

April 28th is a day that has been designated by the unions of the AFL-CIO for nationwide observance in memory of all workers in the United States who have lost their lives on the job.

At the overhaul base, the U.S. flag will be flown at half staff and the membership will be allowed to pause for a moment of silence at 2:00 p.m. to commemorate this special day.

Did you notice that Memorial Day and Worker's Memorial Day are observed on different days?

"Take me to your leader" :down:
My World said:
Wow, another intelligent observation from a wanna be.
The post at MCI was in reference to Worker's Memorial Day

Worker’s Memorial Day

April 28th is a day that has been designated by the unions of the AFL-CIO for nationwide observance in memory of all workers in the United States who have lost their lives on the job.

At the overhaul base, the U.S. flag will be flown at half staff and the membership will be allowed to pause for a moment of silence at 2:00 p.m. to commemorate this special day.

Did you notice that Memorial Day and Worker's Memorial Day are observed on different days?

"Take me to your leader" :down:
That is a pretty clever trick to detract attention away from the lack of respect that you and the TWU are showing the fallen Verterans and the recognized Memorial Day Holiday.

Did the TWU negotiate a day off paid Holiday for the "Worker Memorial Day"? Or is that recognition just a letter on a union bulletin board?

I understand Local 514 is even holding their union meeting to nominate local officers on the real Memorial Day Holiday. How disrespectful is that?

Maybe that is why Kevin THompson beat on McDonalds ass. Thompson is a Veteran, was he upset about these disrespectful actions of the TWU, to the point he was willing to fight about them?
Decision 2004 said:
That is a pretty clever trick to detract attention away from the lack of respect that you and the TWU are showing the fallen Verterans and the recognized Memorial Day Holiday.

Did the TWU negotiate a day off paid Holiday for the "Worker Memorial Day"? Or is that recognition just a letter on a union bulletin board?

I understand Local 514 is even holding their union meeting to nominate local officers on the real Memorial Day Holiday. How disrespectful is that?

Maybe that is why Kevin THompson beat on McDonalds ass. Thompson is a Veteran, was he upset about these disrespectful actions of the TWU, to the point he was willing to fight about them?
I'm a veteran myself so watch what you say pin head. :down:
My World said:
I'm a veteran myself so watch what you say pin head. :down:
Pin Head? How would a two-faced TWU Union Officer who doesn't defend the organization to which he has taken a oath of allegiance know anything about a "pin head"?

Your name calling is winning over the masses, please contribute more.

A Veteran huh? Were you a yes voter to forfeit the Memorial Day Holiday? That's what I thought. Your a damn proud Veteran too aren't you? I can see it from here.


Decision 2004 said:
Pin Head? How would a two-faced TWU Union Officer who doesn't defend the organization to which he has taken a oath of allegiance know anything about a "pin head"?

Your name calling is winning over the masses, please contribute more.

A Veteran huh? Were you a yes voter to forfeit the Memorial Day Holiday? That's what I thought. Your a damn proud Veteran too aren't you? I can see it from here.
I guess you'll have to ask a two-faced TWU Union Officer that question.

My name calling is only directed at you, not the other good people on this board.

Memorial Day is a holiday we all want back.
My World said:
I guess you'll have to ask a two-faced TWU Union Officer that question.

My name calling is only directed at you, not the other good people on this board.

Memorial Day is a holiday we all want back.
You didn't answer the question.


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