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Memo to the Employees


Thank you for addressing Cohiba. Well said!

It amazes me some people don't realize who generates their paychecks.

Cockroaches are welcome on my flights anytime. As I've said before, these are the folks that give us the most amount of money and the least amount of trouble. And certainly are the most fun for me to serve!

Hoping to see you all soon!


Are you sure your name isn't Rakesh Gwangwal?
Hmmm..He's a man of vision?Must be a different guy....Or are you David Siegel or David Bronner....
USAIRWAYS got in the mess because of Mr Gangwal & Mr Wolf...They took huge salarys,(millions) when the company was struggling, even before 9/11....There was no vision...Only greed...
The vision today is to cut our losses...shrink from being a world class carrier...go back to being a regional carrier..just like the old Allegheny(Agony) Airlines days...

You sound very pushy on this, for just being a US1 who has had his service on nonstop flights cutback or eliminated...
Or are you just worried about losing alot of accumulated miles?
Doesn't look like you post here very often either...And, If you were an old investor with USAIRWAYS , your stock is worthless...I suspect, you are a schill for the company...Who are you to preach to us..That we should have listened to you...
I can't figure why you are so concerned about us employees...Or are you really that concerned about us or yourself?
Remember, the airline is a service industry...It doesn't operate without people...employees...people with families...
Not greedy mgt or greedy investors...

The airline with succeed with HAPPY employees and fail with UNHAPPY employees....

Are you sure your name isn't Rakesh Gwangwal?
Hmmm..He's a man of vision?Must be a different guy....Or are you David Siegel or David Bronner....
USAIRWAYS got in the mess because of Mr Gangwal & Mr Wolf...They took huge salarys,(millions) when the company was struggling, even before 9/11....There was no vision...Only greed...
The vision today is to cut our losses...shrink from being a world class carrier...go back to being a regional carrier..just like the old Allegheny(Agony) Airlines days...

You sound very pushy on this, for just being a US1 who has had his service on nonstop flights cutback or eliminated...
Or are you just worried about losing alot of accumulated miles?
Doesn't look like you post here very often either...And, If you were an old investor with USAIRWAYS , your stock is worthless...I suspect, you are a schill for the company...Who are you to preach to us..That we should have listened to you...
I can't figure why you are so concerned about us employees...Or are you really that concerned about us or yourself?
Remember, the airline is a service industry...It doesn't operate without people...employees...people with families...
Not greedy mgt or greedy investors...

The airline with succeed with HAPPY employees and fail with UNHAPPY employees....
Who is this Uinvestor? I didn't realize a customer was in CHARGE of "passing the torch" to DAVE and DAVE. Wow, what a clear message of arrogance and condescension. I thought I had seen the worst of arrogance, but he takes the cake! And he thinks Wolf and Gangwal will be remembered in a "positive manner"! This is really funny.[BR][BR]---------------------------------[BR]MODERATOR'S COMMENTS[BR][BR]After some discussion, it has been decided to allow this thread to be reopened for rebuttal/reply.[BR][BR]I will give the following warnings:[BR][BR]1) There are to be no ad hominem comments[BR]2) Stick to the issues. If you believe that Uinvestor is incorrect as to why Baldanza is not a genius, state the reasons. Do not go off the reservation.[BR]3) Realize that opinions come in all forms and sizes. As there are many who will praise management or a particular person, there will those who will praise labor or a particular person.[BR][BR]Again, this will be closely monitored.
Who is this Uinvestor? I didn't realize a customer was in CHARGE of "passing the torch" to DAVE and DAVE. Wow, what a clear message of arrogance and condescension. I thought I had seen the worst of arrogance, but he takes the cake! And he thinks Wolf and Gangwal will be remembered in a "positive manner"! This is really funny.[BR][BR]---------------------------------[BR]MODERATOR'S COMMENTS[BR][BR]After some discussion, it has been decided to allow this thread to be reopened for rebuttal/reply.[BR][BR]I will give the following warnings:[BR][BR]1) There are to be no ad hominem comments[BR]2) Stick to the issues. If you believe that Uinvestor is incorrect as to why Baldanza is not a genius, state the reasons. Do not go off the reservation.[BR]3) Realize that opinions come in all forms and sizes. As there are many who will praise management or a particular person, there will those who will praise labor or a particular person.[BR][BR]Again, this will be closely monitored.
this topic has been dead for over a week, who asked to reopen it and/or why?There are no replies since before Christmas.
this topic has been dead for over a week, who asked to reopen it and/or why?There are no replies since before Christmas.
I hope to see some rational debates on the issues that I have brought to this thread.[BR]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]Hello Jack[BR][BR]Rational debates! You come on here in the first round telling everyone that they failed to heed your command, making people feel like dogs for not listening to you. With that approach what do you really expect? You KNOW what to expect because you make your living at this kind of stuff, by playing with the raw emotions of the distressed. Personally, I have another trade other than being an aircraft mechanic, so I do have other options. And the mechanics that don’t certainly have other options as well. Look to monster.com and see how many mechanics are needed nationwide! So your point there is weak. I can’t speak for any group other than the mechanics, but the rest of the employee groups are only limited to what they themselves choose to be limited to. People will go on with or without U being alive, so holding a gun to ones head only creates rage not solutions. I am voting to accept because I don’t really want to start over yet again, especially at my age. But if need be, I know I can, and I will. With everything that has happened I believe it’s impossible to change the mind set. Debates are not going to change a thing. All you will get is reasons for what is already going to happen. It’s either too late or it’s not, GOD only knows, until all the votes are counted. Believe me on this, I work with these people everyday! It’s to the point where you’re afraid to even bring up a vote conversation with co-workers least you get stoned.
[P]Regarding your incognito comment about most of us using screen names/handles: The stuff this company has recently pulled leaves everyone of us feeling very wary and exposed to the waiting ax.[/P]
[P]C U Later Jack…Cavalier [/P][FONT size=2][/FONT]
I hope to see some rational debates on the issues that I have brought to this thread.[BR]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]Hello Jack[BR][BR]Rational debates! You come on here in the first round telling everyone that they failed to heed your command, making people feel like dogs for not listening to you. With that approach what do you really expect? You KNOW what to expect because you make your living at this kind of stuff, by playing with the raw emotions of the distressed. Personally, I have another trade other than being an aircraft mechanic, so I do have other options. And the mechanics that don’t certainly have other options as well. Look to monster.com and see how many mechanics are needed nationwide! So your point there is weak. I can’t speak for any group other than the mechanics, but the rest of the employee groups are only limited to what they themselves choose to be limited to. People will go on with or without U being alive, so holding a gun to ones head only creates rage not solutions. I am voting to accept because I don’t really want to start over yet again, especially at my age. But if need be, I know I can, and I will. With everything that has happened I believe it’s impossible to change the mind set. Debates are not going to change a thing. All you will get is reasons for what is already going to happen. It’s either too late or it’s not, GOD only knows, until all the votes are counted. Believe me on this, I work with these people everyday! It’s to the point where you’re afraid to even bring up a vote conversation with co-workers least you get stoned.
[P]Regarding your incognito comment about most of us using screen names/handles: The stuff this company has recently pulled leaves everyone of us feeling very wary and exposed to the waiting ax.[/P]
[P]C U Later Jack…Cavalier [/P][FONT size=2][/FONT]
just to correct an item or 2 here,a topped out CS agent,i.e. 19yrs, receives only 5 potential disciplinary sick days a year and receives 25 days of vacation and 8 randomly bid holidays that are not necessarily "on" the actual holiday, and paid at 75 percent equals 25 days off annually ,that's equiv to 17 days vacation and 8 holidays.Also it is well known that you get a high turnover rate of employees at 8 to 10 an hour, so customer service and tech skills are not fully "honed" before a new round starts up again. I have witnessed this daily in both airline and non airline related businesses, a very small fraction to whom I speak seem competent enough to handle whatever situation I am calling about, the rest I either hang up and start over or I elevate the inquiry to a supervisor.A new CS agt with less than 6 years only accrues 10 days vac and 8 holidays, paid at 75 pct equals 14 days off total for the year. Big whoop, right? So at that rate there indeed are other jobs with similar pay and vac benefits without enduring the inept hassles of US mgmt. and the stress of public contact.When, not if, Dave gets the majority of Cs down to 13 an hour or below within the next year assuming U remains solvent, and with these same benefits or likely even LESS, it will not be worth people's health, sanity and pocketbook to remain onboard.Therefore it no longer makes sense to consider working for U a career, it is now becoming merely a transient job with high turnover at low pay scales.Just what Dave and the good Doctor ordered.
just to correct an item or 2 here,a topped out CS agent,i.e. 19yrs, receives only 5 potential disciplinary sick days a year and receives 25 days of vacation and 8 randomly bid holidays that are not necessarily "on" the actual holiday, and paid at 75 percent equals 25 days off annually ,that's equiv to 17 days vacation and 8 holidays.Also it is well known that you get a high turnover rate of employees at 8 to 10 an hour, so customer service and tech skills are not fully "honed" before a new round starts up again. I have witnessed this daily in both airline and non airline related businesses, a very small fraction to whom I speak seem competent enough to handle whatever situation I am calling about, the rest I either hang up and start over or I elevate the inquiry to a supervisor.A new CS agt with less than 6 years only accrues 10 days vac and 8 holidays, paid at 75 pct equals 14 days off total for the year. Big whoop, right? So at that rate there indeed are other jobs with similar pay and vac benefits without enduring the inept hassles of US mgmt. and the stress of public contact.When, not if, Dave gets the majority of Cs down to 13 an hour or below within the next year assuming U remains solvent, and with these same benefits or likely even LESS, it will not be worth people's health, sanity and pocketbook to remain onboard.Therefore it no longer makes sense to consider working for U a career, it is now becoming merely a transient job with high turnover at low pay scales.Just what Dave and the good Doctor ordered.
Valid arguments made. As a mechanic with a sound plan "B" I intend to vote no. But never less you have made some sound points and some employees should vote yes.
Valid arguments made. As a mechanic with a sound plan "B" I intend to vote no. But never less you have made some sound points and some employees should vote yes.

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