Based upon my own experience when I was self-employed...
1. There is private insurance available.
1. It is as expensive as all get out.
2. If you are over 40, you probably won't qualify.
3. If you have ever seen a doctor
for any reason, you may not qualify and if you do, whatever you saw the doctor for will be permanently excluded.
4. If you have ever had a "treadmill stress test", a blood test for AIDS, Diabetes, Cholesterol, or any test for any chronic condition,
regardless of the result, you will
not qualify.
5. If you have children, well, let's just hope that Daddy left you a trust fund to help with the premiums (see B.1, but triple the answer).
6. If any of your children fall under items B.3 or B.4, I hear that some of the community-owned charity hospitals give excellent care. You only have to wait 10-18 hours to see a doctor.
7. If you live in certain zip codes, you will not qualify. I have a friend in Houston who lives in a $500,000 townhome near downtown. After the kids left home, he and his wife sold the house in the suburbs and moved close in. He and his wife are in excellent health--eat right, exercise daily, etc. But, because they have the same zip code as the "gay" area of town, they were denied insurance. (This wasn't the official reason, but their insurance agent of 20+ years told them that was the real reason.)
5 years ago, I paid over $300/mo for insurance just for myself that had a $1000 deductible, and a $5,000/yr stop-loss. As I had once had a "glitchy" stress test--the Dr. documented that I had no heart problems and that I give a "false positive" on stress tests--cardiac care of any kind was permanently excluded. I'm also from a family that has genetically high cholesterol levels. Coverage for cholesterol-lowering drugs was permanently excluded; so, I was paying almost $200/mo just for my cholesterol medication. Did I mention that I took this insurance only after I was turned down flat by 5 or 6 other companies?
(Just doing my part to cheer up the troops.

The cost of health care and health insurance in this country is a scandal. Does it not bother anyone that among the industrialized nations of the world, we are the ONLY nation where 20% of the population has no health coverage of any kind? That most of that 20% have no access to medical care other than hospital emergency rooms? Yet, we can devote BILLIONS to "re-building Iraq and making it safe for Halliburton"...Uh, I meant to say safe for democracy.