On 7/12/2003 6:38:47 PM Buck wrote:
On 7/12/2003 4:34:01 PM KCFlyer wrote:
On 7/12/2003 2:37:34 PM RV4 wrote:
It appears Deregulation does nothing but create Bankrupt Mis-Managed Carriers.
No...it also allowed airlines to grow and provide jobs to disgruntled welders.
Why would RV4 be worried about his job. He has seniority. We the unionized workforce use to have something they referred to as seniority. It use to provide for some security and prestige. But today seniority is nothing. The TWU has seen to that. Seniority use to mean that you could look forward to higher wages, now the TWU has lowered that standard. Thanks for nothing TWU. Oh yes, mismanage airlines with a union that is in bed with the company. The B-Scale all the way to the latest concessionary contract. The TWU even deceives the AFL-CIO.
Directly from the AFL-CIO home page:
Why People Join Unions;
People who work for a living know about the inequality of power between employers and employees. Workers want to form unions so they can have a voice on the job to improve their lives, their families and their communities.
With a union, working people win basic rights, like a say in their jobs, safety and security. Unions help remedy discrimination because union contracts ensure that all workers are treated fairly and equally. When there’s a problem on the job, workers and management can work together as equals to solve it.
Higher union wages translate into stronger tax bases for our communities, better schools and infrastructures and healthier local economies. And when workers have a real say in their hours and working conditions, that means they can spend more quality time with their families.
Unions help make sure our nation prioritizes working people’s issues: unions hold corporations accountable, make workplaces safe, protect Social Security and retirement, fight for quality health care and ensure that working people have time to spend with their families.
The TWU cannot even complete this assignment.
But Buck - if it were not for deregulation, the vast majority of disgruntled airline workers who were hired after 1978 would not be working for the airlines today - there simply wouldn''t have been the jobs created.