On 7/8/2003 9:52:13 PM KCFlyer wrote:
Bob - Believe what you want. I tend to believe that the courts, creditors and country are tired of seeing airlines marching into bankruptcy court. Do you have any idea what AA stock would trade for in bankruptcy? You've got to take the "mechanics blinders" off and recognize that there is more to AA's problems that which union represents the mechanics. IMHO, my scenario isn't that far fetched. Hopefully I'm wrong. But imagine what life will be like if I'm right.
Your hopes will come true, you are wrong.
Who brought up representation?
The fact is that what we are seeing now is a common occurrance, it happened with the RailRoads, the auto industry and others. Some industries should not be unregulated, remember the S&L crisis, the rolling blackouts in California, the LTCM Crisis? All of these are examples of greed run amok, and all left the common man who likely saw no benifit with the tab. Arent we still paying off the S&L scam?
If certain industries are considered "essential" then there needs to be oversight and sometimes regulation. The fact is this industry prospered under regulation, it made huge advances in safety, speed and affordability.
Deregulation did not benifit either the travelling public or the employees. We pride ourselves as a nation built upon the principles of equality and fair treatment, do passengers feel they have been treated fairly when the person sitting next to them paid half of what they paid for basically the same seat on the same flight? Is the fare that a last minute business traveller pays less when adjusted for inflation than the same trip would have cost just prior to deregulation?
The only ones who made out were the money changers and managers who came in for a quick buck and left behind a huge mess. And the courts, the creditors and the government expect us to bear the burden of cleaning it up.