On 6/4/2003 11

23 AM Buck wrote:
On 6/4/2003 11:03:01 AM KCFlyer wrote:
On 6/4/2003 10

57 AM Buck wrote:
When AMFA organizers start a thread about the subject they are attempting to change, of course they post about other airlines as a comparasion. But when we have internal problems at the TWU, the TWU Local 514 attempts to deflect focus on themselves by pushing issues at other airlines. They fail to focus at the source of the problem. They have every right to use all data available, however the membership in general is misinformed or not informed at all.
You appear to be siding with the TWU on a few threads lately Eric?
Wouldn''t prudence dictate that to make an informed decision, potential voters should know the good things at select other airlines, along with the bad things at select other airlines, or at the very least, shouldn''t the union seeking to inform about the good things also address what THEY would do about the bad things?
That is exactly right. The problem is that the TWU, at least Local 514 in TUL, focuses all of their assets on other airlines union issues. These assets need to be redirected to the membership that pays them to represent them.
I missed something here, when and where has the TWU Local 514 focused "assets" I guess you mean capital on the problems of other airlines? How about some examples? I have not attended membership meetings in a long time.
If your concern is that the local''s officials are pointing out that the grass may not be greener, just painted, on the other side that is hardly a miss-use of their time.
Why don''t you start laying out the blueprint as to what WOULD YOU DO DIFFERENTLY? Don''t cop out by saying that that will be up to the membership, or we don''t want to give the game plan away. Lay out a blueprint. Even the Bolshies under Lenin knew where they were going and how they intended to get there.
It is pretty obvious that the membership like the population at large is 80% occupied with their daily lives, and politics is at most 10% activists.
The atmosphere is about right at AA for AMFA to make a move, turmoil from lay-offs, bumping, a paycut, company reviewing attendance records. Just the kind of things that get people worked up and willing to vote for "change", and to throw "the rascals out".
The waters are now muddy enough for Dell to go fishing.