:blink: UT
Toilet Workers(Plumbers) are skilled workers who deserve respect too. The proper name for it is the Totally Worthless Union, whether it related to mechanics, stock clerks, dispatchers, fleet service, cabin service, flight attendants etc this union is a plauge upon our industry. They specialize in concessions and deception.TIME FOR CHANGE said:THE toilet workers union
The leader in concessionary contracts that is a fact.
What???!!! CIO, you're making less sense that usual. Maybe you should cut back on the pain killers.Checking it Out said:Looks kinda sad to me that it has come to this!!!! With UAL and NWA having the highest Percentage of members on layoff I believe the answer is obvious.
I LIKE IT!!! Before the twu let 100% of Zebcos work go overseas, we had one with a fishing pole and a Bass on the end!!PRINCESS KIDAGAKASH said:The TWU has come out with a new "T"-SHIRT slogan. It's for the TWU's organizing drive at WALMART.
THE MECHANICS AT AA START AT LESS THAN $9.00 AN HOUR (HERE IN TUL). YOU FIRST HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE SRP-OSM RANKS TO GET TO MECHANICS.Checking it Out said:Looks kinda sad to me that it has come to this!!!! With UAL and NWA having the highest Percentage of members on layoff I believe the answer is obvious.