Mechanic and Related Negotiations Update

I would like to see a transition agreement in place when we switch to one certificate. Now is not the time to try and negotiate a new contract just make a few adjustments to our current one. Forget trying to get the IAM pension plan for now. We will start negotiating a new contract at the end of 2009. As far as waiting for the change of control agreement, the company will be dragging that out as long as it can.
Docker That Was The Most SENSIBLE Post I have Read in a Long Time, IFULLY AGREE. Keep up the Post's. Brother Its In the TRANSITION,Everything else Work's it way out Most other matter's are OUT OF OUR HAND'S. :up:
You folks in the east have to remember that this is alot of the same management group that tried to outsource almost all maintanence in 95. I have been saying all along and no one wants to listen " Parker is Franke with a candy coating". We have to break them down and make them negociate while the Feds are looking closely at this merger. If we wait - we lose, and it won't just be a few jobs. Trust them no farther than you would a rattlesnake or an exwife.
Well then they're in good company with the clowns from the east side AWA....remember these eastern boys are the ones credited with creative outsource interpretation that a Fed court had to decide...and they aren't done yet...payback's a beech....they do not forget....

see ya in '09 ;)
We need a show of unity and strength for the Media Day on the 14th. Enough of this bickering of who bought who, we need to stand side by side instead of facing off against each other. The media has to be slapped with the reality of what is really going on here and hard enough to make them drop their koolaid cups. Come on IAM are the signs being printed? I am available to make calls to get guys out there and to walk the line myself. 700 is it not about time to do what your supposed to be doing? I can't belive the IAM wants you to keep the fight between east and west going strong, so why do you preach that instead of calling for unity? Come on people -- It's Showtime.

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