😱 STOP this INSANITY!!!! When a customer/pax pays $1800 to fly coast to coast, they indeed do expect , and SHOULD receive something better than a BAD roast beef sandwich or pressed turkey, with watered down soup. If US and its employees, want to be seen as a full serivce carrier then BY GOD, act like one. A decent dinner and dessert for 5 to 6 hour flight is NOT alot to ask. Ever fly DAL,NW,UA,CO,AA ? Nothing extravagent, but a nice, REAL meal. When someone spends thousands of dollars a year to give its REPEAT business to a company, they DO AND ARE entitled to something in return.... so my question , why the silly childlike ramblings aout bring your own food?... its fair and reasonable for pax's to expect a meal( REAL ONE) on a transcon flight. Lets face it, US has never, and probably never will, be innovative, cutting edge or front runners.. Follow the leader and do it the cheapest and tackiest way they know how.... Its reality! Try to foster change, not constant whine about it!
This is still one of the inherent problems with CERTAIN US employees. Still crying over everything... Seth Schofield, Wolfe, Gangwal, Seigel, Cohen...to name a few. EVERYTHING is somebody elses fault. The employess of US have made this company what it is, and will be there for its survival. So PLEASE, stop with the rhetoric already , its sooo old, tired and non productive.
Thought : Read some of the other airline sites, and SEE the difference. This site (US) is full of very angry, bitter, and vindictive posters. Ever wonder what other airline employees and pax's think of the site?? No very highly.. Please stop embarrasing the majorirty of the rational workforce....And please, NO nasty hatemail................ PEACE