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Meal Service Question F Phl Lax -sorry!

USFlyer said:
I need to chime in here. UA's domestic F service is nothing short of fantastic, relatively speaking of course. So much so that if I can find a "Discounted First" ticket on UA for transcons, I book that in lieu of flying US. So far this year UA has gotten approx. $8,000 of business that otherwise would have gone to US, for no other reason than the in-flight experience (meals, Channel 9, etc.).
I think you should read my post carefully if you think I implied anything about UA.
The funny thing is it was all in response to RumorS and nycbusdriver, who suggested that customers' expectations of getting food are too high.

So, my response will be directed at RumorS and nycbusdriver, who don't seem to understand the following:

If someone is paying an extra several hundred dollars relative to the competition, they have every right to expect a meal. Otherwise, why on earth should they send even a single dollar your way?
FlyOnWall said:
Click link and scroll down to US Airways. Has international and domestic.

US Airways meals on airlinemeals
Does anyone know whether that picture with the plastic fork/spoon, tin foil cup on the plate, and paper place mat is really Envoy? I had several business trips to CDG in 2001 in Business Class and the Envoy meals looked nothing like that. The service and food were, in fact, fantastic.

Perhaps a domestic First meal is really shown? Thanks to you experts who may know.
Which number are you talking about? The only ones in Envoy had metal. Note that the descriptions come below, not above, the pictures.
mweiss said:
Which number are you talking about? The only ones in Envoy had metal. Note that the descriptions come below, not above, the pictures.
Photo 058, the plasticware is on the right, as well as the plastic bread knife.
Oh. That's not plastic, AFAICT. It's just the lighting that gave it that appearence in the photo.
NAPAUS said:
: 😱 STOP this INSANITY!!!! When a customer/pax pays $1800 to fly coast to coast, they indeed do expect , and SHOULD receive something better than a BAD roast beef sandwich or pressed turkey, with watered down soup. If US and its employees, want to be seen as a full serivce carrier then BY GOD, act like one. A decent dinner and dessert for 5 to 6 hour flight is NOT alot to ask. Ever fly DAL,NW,UA,CO,AA ? Nothing extravagent, but a nice, REAL meal. When someone spends thousands of dollars a year to give its REPEAT business to a company, they DO AND ARE entitled to something in return.... so my question , why the silly childlike ramblings aout bring your own food?... its fair and reasonable for pax's to expect a meal( REAL ONE) on a transcon flight. Lets face it, US has never, and probably never will, be innovative, cutting edge or front runners.. Follow the leader and do it the cheapest and tackiest way they know how.... Its reality! Try to foster change, not constant whine about it!

This is still one of the inherent problems with CERTAIN US employees. Still crying over everything... Seth Schofield, Wolfe, Gangwal, Seigel, Cohen...to name a few. EVERYTHING is somebody elses fault. The employess of US have made this company what it is, and will be there for its survival. So PLEASE, stop with the rhetoric already , its sooo old, tired and non productive.
Thought : Read some of the other airline sites, and SEE the difference. This site (US) is full of very angry, bitter, and vindictive posters. Ever wonder what other airline employees and pax's think of the site?? No very highly.. Please stop embarrasing the majorirty of the rational workforce....And please, NO nasty hatemail................ PEACE :up:
With respect, you may be missing the point. Very few people, if any, are paying $1,800 to fly R/T coast to coast. The so called "cockroaches" are paying $300-$400 Max. to travel this routing, using DM upgrade privileges, yet expect to be treated as if they are members of the royal family.

US management is probably smart enough to recognize this pattern, and has most likely adjusted its in-flight service accordingly, in an attempt to control costs. Are "Cockroaches" part of the problem or part of the solution?
SCEflyer said:
Are "Cockroaches" part of the problem or part of the solution?
I think most are pragmatists, loyal to US Airways, who are frustrated by management too. Most of the Cockroaches here seem to offer genuine and thoughful suggestions.

Royalty? Piney Bob I always suspected that you really are from the House of Windsor 😀 ?
mweiss said:
If someone is paying an extra several hundred dollars relative to the competition, they have every right to expect a meal. Otherwise, why on earth should they send even a single dollar your way?
So let's see. With this logic, if I go to Morton's here in Manhattan and get a basic steak and potato meal, I have every right to expect that Morton's will pay my cab fare both ways simply because I could have gotten a steak and potato meal at Ponderosa for 1/5 the price?

Is that how things work in this country?
The comparison would work if Morton's had been paying your cab fare for the past decade until Ponderosa moved in down the street.
Not to take away from the few who truly pay for FC service, but you'd be amazed at the number of flyers who have a problem and demand something be done and compensation given since they paid "full fare" of $178 rt. YGBSM. Maybe its time for a 3 class cabin (theoretically) on US domestic flights. FC, with FC fares and service, Coach (Economy Plus) walkup fares, limited service, etc, and then the back of the bus where you buy a seat to get from A to B. :shock:
speaking of meals.......I cant tell you how many times we RUN OUT OF inflight cafe meals in coach. How disappointing for our customers to expect to BUY ONE and there is not enough. This is happening on ALOT of transcon flights.
First class meals?.......certainly NOT comparable to meals 5 or 10 years ago. But airfares are cheaper today then 25 YEARS AGO. It's interesting how expectations are still there when we charge Low Cost Carrier airfares yet when they fly carriers like Southwest, they're happy with the cheese and crackers coast to coast. :lol:

That is not just a U problem. It is an LSG problem.
mweiss said:
The funny thing is it was all in response to RumorS and nycbusdriver, who suggested that customers' expectations of getting food are too high.

So, my response will be directed at RumorS and nycbusdriver, who don't seem to understand the following:

If someone is paying an extra several hundred dollars relative to the competition, they have every right to expect a meal. Otherwise, why on earth should they send even a single dollar your way?
Anyone dumb enough to pay a few hundred dollars a flight more than the competion must be an idot. And anyone willing to do it for a nasty ass tray of food prepared hours before its even served is an even bigger one. Like the say a fool and his money are quick to part...
While I would have phrased it differently then RumorS, the end message is still the same. Bring your own food. Foodwise, nothing bad can happen if you do that. For example, pre 9/11 HP had a five course meal we did on our PHX-BOS/JFK/EWR/PHL and DCA flights. Want to know how many times I got the food cooking, had linens laid out and two minutes before serving a temperature critical dish we were ordered to secure the galley and take jumpseats? Trust me, there were all kinds of inventive ways to louse up the nice meals you once got.

The safe way to fly is bring your own food. I can't tell you how many times I have been deadheading or travelling on my own and been offered 3x the price that I paid for a lovely sandwich or salad by someone who didn't think ahead.

Be an informed consumer and take responsibility for making sure you have food and medicine to get you to your destination. This is true no matter what domestic carrier you fly. Be safe, fly safe.

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