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Meal Service Question F Phl Lax -sorry!

I know that when I pass through PHL it is usually a stop at the King of Pizza for me.

Let me give everyone who flies a big general hint, especially in a strange city. If you see aircrews buying food at a particular establishment that is often a good indicator of where to get good food at the airport. Occasionally it is whatever is closest, but often you will find them getting food at the best place that airport or concourse has to offer.
This company is changing things right and left anymore, when it comes to service. They have upped the flight milage on certain flights that use to do a full beverage to now only coke, sprite, water cups. Also, some flights that use to be limited beverage are now No Serves.

The times for certain meals has changed also. The best we F/A's can do is make sure that we have enought meals/snacks to go around for everyone.

Unfortunately, many F/C as well as coach customers think we make out the menu and prepare it. It can be very stressful for us as we (or at least I) really want everyone to be happy. The bottom line is...it is out of our control.

Bring your own food or buy something in the airport. This is my best advise for a TransCon flight IF you think you are gonna get hungry.

PS: Even our snack baskets these days, leave alot to be desired. The strawberry/apple/raspberry breakfast bars are dry as sand. The pretzels stick like peanut butter in your mouth. The chocolate XO/XO's are not boarded these months because they melt. That leaves the CapeCod chips and cashews. Be sure to take several of each, because when packaged, you are lucky to receive about 4-5 pieces in each bag. :down:

You've gotta be kidding if you're really comparing the quality of Food served on British Airways in First with the embarassment of service that US Airways dishes out.

Maybe I should have re-phrased my question to ask on what domestic airline have you enjoyed some fantastic meal that you craved later on?
RumorS said:
Its a AIRLINE not a catering service!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the love of god pack a sandwich!!!!!!!! 😀
Exactly! It's an airline, not a restaurant!

Ask yourself: Do you go to Outback Steakhouse in Philadlephia, order your meal and expect them to take you to Boston while you eat it?

Then why is food expected to be provided when you order a flight from PHL to BOS?

What does SWA serve on transcons out of BWI?

JetBlue on transcons out of JFK?

And before you FC pax start moaning about the difference in price, then stop paying for FC and eventually ALL airlines will be coach only. The consumer will prevail evenutally, and when the carriers can no longer attract FC prices for FC seating, then FC seating will go the way of hot meals. IS there any question why the FC cabin in the 757 went from 24 to 8? The customers demanded it with their pocketbooks...by snapping them SHUT!
nycbusdriver said:
Ask yourself: Do you go to Outback Steakhouse in Philadlephia, order your meal and expect them to take you to Boston while you eat it?
No, but I also don't expect Outback to tell me there will be a 20 minute wait for a table--"Would you like to wait in the bar?"--when the restaurant is over half empty.
I don't know about Philadelphia, but the Outbacks in Texas do that all the time. <_<

nycbusdriver said:
Then why is food expected to be provided when you order a flight from PHL to BOS?
What does SWA serve on transcons out of BWI?
JetBlue on transcons out of JFK?

Because those of us at the legacy carriers created that expectation in the customer. WE are responsible for the customer's expectation that he/she will be fed.

Granted SW and JB don't serve food, but then they never did, and they priced their product accordingly. The legacy carriers have cut their amenities to match the LCCs--no food, limited beverage selection, etc--but if you look at some of the other threads here, the price being charged has not changed that much. Look at the discussions on service between ISP and PHL--the a/c used by each airline and the prices charged. Something ain't right! :blink:
: 😱 STOP this INSANITY!!!! When a customer/pax pays $1800 to fly coast to coast, they indeed do expect , and SHOULD receive something better than a BAD roast beef sandwich or pressed turkey, with watered down soup. If US and its employees, want to be seen as a full serivce carrier then BY GOD, act like one. A decent dinner and dessert for 5 to 6 hour flight is NOT alot to ask. Ever fly DAL,NW,UA,CO,AA ? Nothing extravagent, but a nice, REAL meal. When someone spends thousands of dollars a year to give its REPEAT business to a company, they DO AND ARE entitled to something in return.... so my question , why the silly childlike ramblings aout bring your own food?... its fair and reasonable for pax's to expect a meal( REAL ONE) on a transcon flight. Lets face it, US has never, and probably never will, be innovative, cutting edge or front runners.. Follow the leader and do it the cheapest and tackiest way they know how.... Its reality! Try to foster change, not constant whine about it!

This is still one of the inherent problems with CERTAIN US employees. Still crying over everything... Seth Schofield, Wolfe, Gangwal, Seigel, Cohen...to name a few. EVERYTHING is somebody elses fault. The employess of US have made this company what it is, and will be there for its survival. So PLEASE, stop with the rhetoric already , its sooo old, tired and non productive.
Thought : Read some of the other airline sites, and SEE the difference. This site (US) is full of very angry, bitter, and vindictive posters. Ever wonder what other airline employees and pax's think of the site?? No very highly.. Please stop embarrasing the majorirty of the rational workforce....And please, NO nasty hatemail................ PEACE :up:
NAPAUS.........You're preaching to the wrong group. Direct your concerns to management and consumer affairs. One thing for sure, this company will NEVER listen to the frontline, but the will listen and put their own spin, to the customers. MONEY TALKS. Thats the ONE thing they understand.
West Coast Guy you are 100% correct. Maybe, just maybe, this time things might just be different. One can hope!!!
NAPAUS said:
: 😱 STOP this INSANITY!!!! When a customer/pax pays $1800 to fly coast to coast, they indeed do expect , and SHOULD receive something
YOU stop the insanity. That is a lie that a customer/pax EXPECTS something decent on USAirways to eat. The bad quality of the food is a well known fact and for anyone to expect quality, no matter how much they paid, is foolish at best.
Last time I checked the hourly employees don't decide on meal service, they pay a SR VP, VP and directors for those type of decisions.
usairways_vote_NO said:
YOU stop the insanity. That is a lie that a customer/pax EXPECTS something decent on USAirways to eat. The bad quality of the food is a well known fact and for anyone to expect quality, no matter how much they paid, is foolish at best.
I need to chime in here. UA's domestic F service is nothing short of fantastic, relatively speaking of course. So much so that if I can find a "Discounted First" ticket on UA for transcons, I book that in lieu of flying US. So far this year UA has gotten approx. $8,000 of business that otherwise would have gone to US, for no other reason than the in-flight experience (meals, Channel 9, etc.).
700UW said:
Last time I checked the hourly employees don't decide on meal service, they pay a SR VP, VP and directors for those type of decisions.
Actually, they pay salaried, day-to-day folks in CCY to make these decisions. Upper management merely determines the budget.
PineyBob said:
Christ I agreed with regarding the current food in F, does nothing please you?
I didn't say I disagreed with your comments about airline food.

I said you were making another faulty assumption regarding my travel habits and knowledge of business travel.

Your personal insecurities are limiting your ability to comprehend simple statements. It's not really necessary for you to comment on each of my posts if they upset you so much that you must play the blasphemy card yet again.

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