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Mda Short Staffed - Lol

MAABoss said:
Yes they are, and if they don't get off the pot and announce when VF's and the IP starts, many many more will leave.

Before you know it....not enough FA's to staff the a/c...then what?

Well then just park'em and try to explain why peoples flight were canceled. 😳 😳

There is a bad side to this and that is that the passengers are the ones who are going to get the shaft just like us :mf_boff: , but I always say, its not just your customers who you have to keep happy with good services and fare, but your fellow emplyees as well. Its a simple formula: HAPPY EMPLOYEES=HAPPY CUSTOMERS. 95% of the time, its just that simple. :groovy:

The sales supposely was official by the end of July and look 2 months later they exit bankrupcy with 2.5 billion. Now you tell me they couldn't hold off for another 2 months. 130 million is chumpchange next to 2.5 billion and you get to keep a profitable organization, get more planes, and some of the best F/A's in the industry. But insted you have to hand out bottles of vaseline and say well selling ya, well like I said before and I'll say it again F :censored: M'EM!!
Didnt they take the pilots pension away to pay for the 170's ? Are the mainline guys even mad about them basically selling away their pensions? Why are the mainline guys not fighting with us? They all should be furious.
bisket1 said:
:lol: :shock: Just goes to show u ya u can't ride the fence cause mgt. will use u, and throw u away and u can't come back because u no longer have any friends or allies, SUCKER!, SOW AND U REAP!!!!!!!!!
😳 😳

Who are you talking too? I know you aren't talking to me! That is FAR from my situation with her.
Animosity towards a certain member of Inflight in the division is misdirected. They are in charge of this mess on the ground level only and would like nothing better than to see it's battered employees prosper. They are under pressure to go along with the "seperate airline" scam, work with no real labor contracts or support from above, and keep a straight face during this huge clusterfuck that's been created as if it's business as usual. They are trying to do thier jobs under the same duress as the F/As.

If they had something better in the pipeline, I think they would be there already. Believe it or not, thier interests match yours. Like her or not, she is not your enemy.

You are being screwed by the same people that have been screwing you for years... heartless CCY wanting to outsource you and the willing sods happy to do it. You are viewed as the junior and stupid, and the last that your already weak unions will defend.

Everyone at MidAtlantic is an extreme representaive of what's going on in this industry. You are the last generation of "mainline"- discarded, replaced, and now in a limbo that's nearly impossible to explain even to your non-MAA collegues. You work for a company that does not claim you, but tells you you work for a fictional entity. They are directly replacing you with contract employees and setting the groundwork to destroy yours and every "mainline" flight crew members chances of even having a job. They are attempting to accomplish all of this in bankrupcy before they leave with thier bonuses and leave a franchise, but barely an airline to thier merger partner.

And you think a certain Inflight Supervisor has something to do with this?

All of the MAA F/As have great spirit and passion, and have become smart as hell about thier chosen industry- they have had to because of the forgotten pawns they have become. Don't use that energy to fight supervisors or schedulers or each other- use it to fight the battle that your co-workers have begun.

This "MidAtlantic" fiasco is unprecedented- and for once in this nutty industry, so is the response. You are dealing with people who get paid millions to destroy the common worker. So don't be the common worker and direct your energy and resources in the right direction.
Light Years said:
Animosity towards a certain member of Inflight in the division is misdirected. They are in charge of this mess on the ground level only and would like nothing better than to see it's battered employees prosper. They are under pressure to go along with the "seperate airline" scam, work with no real labor contracts or support from above, and keep a straight face during this huge clusterfuck that's been created as if it's business as usual. They are trying to do thier jobs under the same duress as the F/As.

If they had something better in the pipeline, I think they would be there already. Believe it or not, thier interests match yours. Like her or not, she is not your enemy.

You are being screwed by the same people that have been screwing you for years... heartless CCY wanting to outsource you and the willing sods happy to do it. You are viewed as the junior and stupid, and the last that your already weak unions will defend.

Everyone at MidAtlantic is an extreme representaive of what's going on in this industry. You are the last generation of "mainline"- discarded, replaced, and now in a limbo that's nearly impossible to explain even to your non-MAA collegues. You work for a company that does not claim you, but tells you you work for a fictional entity. They are directly replacing you with contract employees and setting the groundwork to destroy yours and every "mainline" flight crew members chances of even having a job. They are attempting to accomplish all of this in bankrupcy before they leave with thier bonuses and leave a franchise, but barely an airline to thier merger partner.

And you think a certain Inflight Supervisor has something to do with this?

All of the MAA F/As have great spirit and passion, and have become smart as hell about thier chosen industry- they have had to because of the forgotten pawns they have become. Don't use that energy to fight supervisors or schedulers or each other- use it to fight the battle that your co-workers have begun.

This "MidAtlantic" fiasco is unprecedented- and for once in this nutty industry, so is the response. You are dealing with people who get paid millions to destroy the common worker. So don't be the common worker and direct your energy and resources in the right direction.
LY,, I agree with you on some facets of your reply - but otheres - mmm well, not so much!! Hokey is actually telling the flight attendants to not contribute money to the lawsuit " you are wasting money that you don't have " she says. Earlier in the week she personally laughed at me and everyone else in the division. She is recommending to flight attendants that they take the voluntary b/c they seem like they don't like their jobs. hhhmmmmm I wonder why? and like I said I personally caught here in a scandolous lie the other day - one of many I am sure - and she had no way of getting out of it. Of course we have been lied to for years by mgmt. and spit on and laughed at.. But i will be damned if I am going to have some dik@@delic inflight sorta person tell me not to contribute my money b/c I am wasting my time. Wait until next tuesday and see what DH says.. Then when we hopefully still have our job and so does she then she can tell me things like that - but I have no need for her neg. conotation at this point in the game - I don't have the time nor energy to speak to someone so useless - I have better things to read than the useless crew messages she sends etc. She personally emails and calls people at their homes etc. This is wrong - you may not have experienced it yet. But it is bad when mainline union repstell you not to tell her anything b/c she is the biggest backstabber out there. I have stepped off the soapbox.. Just to let you know the nice girl act is exactly that - AN ACT!!