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MAABoss said:
You apparently don't know the correct facts either.....
The Company is NOT 100% responsible for having the contract published and distributed, it is split 50/50 between AFA and the Company.

The MEC President for MAA was not "hand picked" as you described, by Teddy Xidas. When MAA was part of Mainline's Union and they spun them off, Teddy appointed Bobbie into a temporary position, until an election was held. (At the direction of Pat Friend). There was an election, and Bobbie won.

As for the $2000.00 cap.....you want $5000.00? 1.4Million? Are you serious? We are in bankruptcy here. We are trying to preserve the operation. The company just as soon park the aircrafts than pay out millions to retain flight attendants. Lets just say you GOT $5000.00.....then you wouldn't be happy because there was no insurance offered. And if you DID get insurance, you wouldn't be happy because there wasn't xy and z.......Get my point?

You're one of those f/a's who stands on the side lines looking for someone to do wrong, to then swoop down and attack the prey. You never come forward and stand up and be the Chief....you just wait quietly to strike......WHY?? Because that's EASIER.

You're a very pathetic excuse for a flight attendant. You give the rest of the good flight attendants a very bad name. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I don't think that it is my place to speak for dca however i will speak my mind. I dont think that it is greed if we just wanted more more well 5000 wouldnt even make me blink one of my very long eyelashes!!!! I hate to tell you that other people within the company are getting paid in excess of 10000 bucks and well let's just say that we are needed just as much as they are to run this ever so delicate operation we have going here. Why, even the ever so graceful GLASS said so his own little self - One little disruption in this operation will cause a MAJOR catastrophe and quite frankly - if it werent for the flight attendants we wouldnt have even gotten this much - If we were made more aware of the situation earlier on we could have and WOULD have had other people at that negotiating table REST ASSURED!!!!!
goodgirl37 said:
I don't think that it is my place to speak for dca however i will speak my mind. I dont think that it is greed if we just wanted more more well 5000 wouldnt even make me blink one of my very long eyelashes!!!! I hate to tell you that other people within the company are getting paid in excess of 10000 bucks and well let's just say that we are needed just as much as they are to run this ever so delicate operation we have going here. Why, even the ever so graceful GLASS said so his own little self - One little disruption in this operation will cause a MAJOR catastrophe and quite frankly - if it werent for the flight attendants we wouldnt have even gotten this much - If we were made more aware of the situation earlier on we could have and WOULD have had other people at that negotiating table REST ASSURED!!!!!
You truly need to get over yourself....eyelashes and all.
MAABoss said:
You truly need to get over yourself....eyelashes and all.

Don't hate me b/c I am BEAUTIFUL - inside and out!!!!!!! Jealousy is a bad bad thing!!!!!!
goodgirl37 said:
Don't hate me b/c I am BEAUTIFUL - inside and out!!!!!!! Jealousy is a bad bad thing!!!!!!
I don't hate you b/c you're beautiful.
I hate you b/c you're an idiot. And your posts prove it. All 15 minutes that you've been a member.

Try and remember this.....
Beauty fades, but dumb is FOREVER!
xoxo said:
Are you even aware that the EMB-Division has a seperate union than mainline? Our union president does not even call us back most of the time. This person was not voted in just as DCflyer said. This person was just all of a sudden given that position without any notice to anyone. Then after she was put there, eventually there was an election. I did not vote for her and neither did most of the f/a's. I have yet to run into ANYONE who wants her there. Figure that one out!


MAA is not a separate union. It is a separate Council within the same union, AFA.


The President of MAA is Bobbi Riggle. She was given that position when the Mainline MEC voted that MAA f/as have their autonomy, thier own council, their own representatives so there would not be a percieved conflict of interest by some.

Teddy who represented the MAA f/as for about 7 months because they were based in Pittsburgh, represented them during its genesis, and stepped aside when the MEC voted that MAA be separated. Teddy was the only MEC Mainline voting member that voted against this separation.

Teddy had worked with Bobbi as a Rep for MAA and She recommended to the Interntional an endorsement of Bobbi Riggle until they were able to have their own election. Which they did, and Bobbi won. She is smarter as a negotiator than anyone at MAA. In fact, she is smarter and talented more than some MEC members at mainline. She represents the f/as with the same passion and fervor and fierceness as the best of the best. Her abilities exceed her years and she deals with managment in a manner that gives her her way. She reperesents her members very well. I've seen her in action, and at the table, and in sessions with management. She is not managment's friend and is relentless with her concerns until she achieves resolve. Just exactly what you want from a rep and is very hard to find. I have found that some reps are politically corrupt and will never compromise their comfort zone. She is none of that. She creates mitigating, looks for the argument that gives her the win and balance to represent her folks.

That's a fact.

There are only approx. 220 f/as at MAA. Those who mostly complain about her, are those who just got recalled in less than a month, and mouth off the most to poison others and divide the group.

Just what the fa/as don't need now.
MAABoss said:
I don't hate you b/c you're beautiful.
I hate you b/c you're an idiot. And your posts prove it. All 15 minutes that you've been a member.

Try and remember this.....
Beauty fades, but dumb is FOREVER!

Yes it does fade unfortunately but the beauty inside does not :lol: My posts are truthful and that's why you hate me - WOW thats a new one - seems like most of this company is built on a lie anyway!!!!!!!!! Let me roll over and so OOOHHHH you are so right!!!! I AM A TRUE IDIOT!!!! However I am still brighter than you 😛 Quote from the fantastic Fantasia " It hurts it hurts it hurts but its all good!" Don't forget this too - You are only as smart or as dumb as you choose to be - I say what I say because it proves a valid point --- thats all............ 😀
goodgirl37 said:
Yes it does fade unfortunately but the beauty inside does not :lol: My posts are truthful and that's why you hate me - WOW thats a new one - seems like most of this company is built on a lie anyway!!!!!!!!! Let me roll over and so OOOHHHH you are so right!!!! I AM A TRUE IDIOT!!!! However I am still brighter than you 😛 Quote from the fantastic Fantasia " It hurts it hurts it hurts but its all good!" Don't forget this too - You are only as smart or as dumb as you choose to be - I say what I say because it proves a valid point --- thats all............ 😀

You need to be educated before you spill off with facts/or the lack thereof. Thats
the part that shows your true idiotic colors. If you speak like this on the message boards, how do you represent our airline with the passengers. im afraid to see it.
You do, always, have the opportunity to quit and move on. Have you though about that? Really.....have you?

If your bitter and unhappy, then leave. Don't ruin it for the rest that you have had to "talk into" being pissed off. Just leave. Get out now and go make some other prefession miserable. We really don't need or want your kind here....eyelashes and all.
PITbull said:

MAA is not a separate union. It is a separate Council within the same union, AFA.


The President of MAA is Bobbi Riggle. She was given that position when the Mainline MEC voted that MAA f/as have their autonomy, thier own council, their own representatives so there would not be a percieved conflict of interest by some.

Teddy who represented the MAA f/as for about 7 months because they were based in Pittsburgh, represented them during its genesis, and stepped aside when the MEC voted that MAA be separated. Teddy was the only MEC Mainline voting member that voted against this separation.

Teddy had worked with Bobbi as a Rep for MAA and She recommended to the Interntional an endorsement of Bobbi Riggle until they were able to have their own election. Which they did, and Bobbi won. She is smarter as a negotiator than anyone at MAA. In fact, she is smarter and talented more than some MEC members at mainline. She represents the f/as with the same passion and fervor and fierceness as the best of the best. Her abilities exceed her years and she deals with managment in a manner that gives her her way. She reperesents her members very well. I've seen her in action, and at the table, and in sessions with management. She is not managment's friend and is relentless with her concerns until she achieves resolve. Just exactly what you want from a rep and is very hard to find. I have found that some reps are politically corrupt and will never compromise their comfort zone. She is none of that. She creates mitigating, looks for the argument that gives her the win and balance to represent her folks.

That's a fact.

There are only approx. 220 f/as at MAA. Those who mostly complain about her, are those who just got recalled in less than a month, and mouth off the most to poison others and divide the group.

Just what the fa/as don't need now.


I am one of your biggest fans, honestly! However, it is not true that the most junior f/a's at MAA are the ones who complain the most about the MAA MEC. I just found out about this website from a friend of mine based in DFW with AA, or I would have been on here sooner, trust me!
Again, I truly respect you and all you do!
Keep up the good work!

PowerUpPowerDown said:

I am one of your biggest fans, honestly! However, it is not true that the most junior f/a's at MAA are the ones who complain the most about the MAA MEC. I just found out about this website from a friend of mine based in DFW with AA, or I would have been on here sooner, trust me!
Again, I truly respect you and all you do!
Keep up the good work!

powerup/down...you have to much spare time ...wake up smell the coffee...get a life outside MAA/US read e-line's wall street don't take it personal...no one said life is fair...this bussiness is changed forever...deal with it or you will drive yourself to the looney bin...
PITbull said:

MAA is not a separate union. It is a separate Council within the same union, AFA.


The President of MAA is Bobbi Riggle. She was given that position when the Mainline MEC voted that MAA f/as have their autonomy, thier own council, their own representatives so there would not be a percieved conflict of interest by some.

Teddy who represented the MAA f/as for about 7 months because they were based in Pittsburgh, represented them during its genesis, and stepped aside when the MEC voted that MAA be separated. Teddy was the only MEC Mainline voting member that voted against this separation.

Teddy had worked with Bobbi as a Rep for MAA and She recommended to the Interntional an endorsement of Bobbi Riggle until they were able to have their own election. Which they did, and Bobbi won. She is smarter as a negotiator than anyone at MAA. In fact, she is smarter and talented more than some MEC members at mainline. She represents the f/as with the same passion and fervor and fierceness as the best of the best. Her abilities exceed her years and she deals with managment in a manner that gives her her way. She reperesents her members very well. I've seen her in action, and at the table, and in sessions with management. She is not managment's friend and is relentless with her concerns until she achieves resolve. Just exactly what you want from a rep and is very hard to find. I have found that some reps are politically corrupt and will never compromise their comfort zone. She is none of that. She creates mitigating, looks for the argument that gives her the win and balance to represent her folks.

That's a fact.

There are only approx. 220 f/as at MAA. Those who mostly complain about her, are those who just got recalled in less than a month, and mouth off the most to poison others and divide the group.

Just what the fa/as don't need now.
u sold us out and now your cumming a crying @itch hit the road
MAABoss said:
I don't hate you b/c you're beautiful.
I hate you b/c you're an idiot. And your posts prove it. All 15 minutes that you've been a member.

Try and remember this.....
Beauty fades, but dumb is FOREVER!
you can tell by her posts shes about a 2, goodgirl is a 10 grrrrrrrrrrrr🙂
MAABoss said:
You apparently don't know the correct facts either.....
The Company is NOT 100% responsible for having the contract published and distributed, it is split 50/50 between AFA and the Company.

The MEC President for MAA was not "hand picked" as you described, by Teddy Xidas. When MAA was part of Mainline's Union and they spun them off, Teddy appointed Bobbie into a temporary position, until an election was held. (At the direction of Pat Friend). There was an election, and Bobbie won.

As for the $2000.00 cap.....you want $5000.00? 1.4Million? Are you serious? We are in bankruptcy here. We are trying to preserve the operation. The company just as soon park the aircrafts than pay out millions to retain flight attendants. Lets just say you GOT $5000.00.....then you wouldn't be happy because there was no insurance offered. And if you DID get insurance, you wouldn't be happy because there wasn't xy and z.......Get my point?

You're one of those f/a's who stands on the side lines looking for someone to do wrong, to then swoop down and attack the prey. You never come forward and stand up and be the Chief....you just wait quietly to strike......WHY?? Because that's EASIER.

You're a very pathetic excuse for a flight attendant. You give the rest of the good flight attendants a very bad name. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Believe me, I know the facts. AFA has been telling MAA flight attendants for a year that it was the COMPANY that has failed to print the contract.

True to form, you are only able to reply with insults.

FACT... Bobbi was handpicked by Teddy... She has said as much. There was a subsequent "election" for what it was worth. Funny thing was that most of the people who voted were "ineligible" because of a dues discrepancy. Ask any... and I mean ANY... MAA flight attendant what they think of Bobbi. I can assure you that you will get an earfull! I have yet to run across any MAA F/A who thinks she is doing a good job.

As for the five grand... I stand by what I said. $1.4 mill... I can assure you that the likes of Jerry and Al will somehow leave with AT LEAST three times that amount. If the company can't afford it then answer me this... why didn't the Company request the bankruptcy court to order the return of Siegel's $6.2 million? The company was within its rights to do that. You see, management is always able to find the money it needs to do the things it wants for the people it values (themselves!). Yet it cannot find the money to pay the people it is screwing over for the umteenth time... or crew hotel bills (MAA crewmembers are getting e-messages all the time about crew hotel changes and in a couple of instances I know, crews have arrived at the hotel only to be told they can't check in b/c the co. owes the hotel too much).

How many millions of dollars would it cost the company if the MAA operation shut down for one day... how much in missed connections... interlining passengers... comped hotel rooms... lost luggage? Yet the company cannot value the MAA people enough to give them a decent severance package.

How much is it costing the company in goodwill when you walk down the terminals in PIT and PHL and see restaurant after restaurant with signs "WE NO LONGER ACCEPT US AIRWAYS MEAL VOUCHERS"?

This company has yet to do the right thing by anybody but management! It has held three MAA flight attendant classes which are still subject to the ill-gotten 90-day commitment. The company knew this transaction was going forward and it failed to tell people before they quit their jobs, gave up their apartments, and moved to resume their flying careers.

But I digress! Jerry Glass played his card. Two hundred a month, capped at two grand, is an insult. Therefore, the flight attendants have a choice. Whether to stay or whether to go! What I am hearing from people is that they will leave very shortly.... and the figure seems to be about four or five leaving to one staying.
Well I normally don't do this, But there are alot of this I need to address on this topic and I'm going to do it in one shot. Here we go:

goodgirl37 said:
SO lets get on board and do something about this little shenannegan thats going on.... STAND UP BE HEARD DEMAND WHAT WE WANT

You know good girl you are 100001% right but it really has to be ALL OR NONE. I know there is a few F/As that are still pro company after the royal screwing we got, and I will address to him here. But all of us, and I mean ALL of us had the cojones to stand up to them,like I said you, me and alot of us would do what we have to do but its ALL thats its needed. If you have any thing that you want to do put it up or let me know and lets see how many we can get to join. As for me HELL YEA I'm in.

MAABoss said:
... What the Union did for you, was at least get you something, rather than nothing. And if you don't want the "something", you are free to quit, and show your stand that way........

PS....since you're getting furloughed, in your spare time, learn proper grammar before you write messages.

HEY BUNGHOLE, What did the union do for us???? A cap of 2,000???? But wait a minute, what about those that have to go in the first round how much do they get $200???? Now what can I buy with that?? That can't even buy me enough Heinekens to get over the royal slamming I'm getting here!

ohh and P.S. If you don't like her grammer or mine well you can kiss my .. opps don't want to say it cause you might not UNDERSTAND what I'm trying to say.

xoxo said:
Are you even aware that the EMB-Division has a seperate union than mainline? Our union president does not even call us back most of the time. This person was not voted in just as DCflyer said. This person was just all of a sudden given that position without any notice to anyone. Then after she was put there, eventually there was an election. I did not vote for her and neither did most of the f/a's. I have yet to run into ANYONE who wants her there. Figure that one out!

Hell, I couldn't even vote!!!!

PineyBob said:
I've talked to many F/A's, junior, senior and in between and company types as well. Everyone seems to be pissed off which in bad situations like this usually means that the deal was the best that could be gotten under the circumstances.


Yea right, yea right you say that because you are not in our place.

MAABoss said:
You apparently don't know the correct facts either.....
The Company is NOT 100% responsible for having the contract published and distributed, it is split 50/50 between AFA and the Company.

The MEC President for MAA was not "hand picked" as you described, by Teddy Xidas. When MAA was part of Mainline's Union and they spun them off, Teddy appointed Bobbie into a temporary position, until an election was held. (At the direction of Pat Friend). There was an election, and Bobbie won.

As for the $2000.00 cap.....you want $5000.00? 1.4Million? Are you serious? We are in bankruptcy here. We are trying to preserve the operation. The company just as soon park the aircrafts than pay out millions to retain flight attendants. Lets just say you GOT $5000.00.....then you wouldn't be happy because there was no insurance offered. And if you DID get insurance, you wouldn't be happy because there wasn't xy and z.......Get my point?

You're one of those f/a's who stands on the side lines looking for someone to do wrong, to then swoop down and attack the prey. You never come forward and stand up and be the Chief....you just wait quietly to strike......WHY?? Because that's EASIER.

You're a very pathetic excuse for a flight attendant. You give the rest of the good flight attendants a very bad name. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I would like to open a can of whoopass on this guy to see if he can see daylight and get his head out of the darkness of his anus. Take a census, did Bobbi really win the election??? Pleasseee.

As for 1.4 million for all of us, How much did Wolf, Gangwal, and Siegel get for saying "Hell no I ain't working here anymore pass me my parachute"???? You know something I think we deserve more than what those can blowers received.

Next paragraph, At least for me you know why I stand in the sidelines cause I was never giving the chance to to take the leadership role. And I did take the role I problably would have gone down in a Crystal City drive-by. I got here and that lady was already on top, and the only words she has spoken to me was and I quote "Did you fill out you payroll deduction form?" DAMN!!!!!! I've only been on the job for 1 hour and you want my money already. What ever happened to "welcome back", What ever happen to "Can I help you with something', DAMN what ever happened to "HELLO!" not even HELLO, WHATS UP, HOWDY, BON JOUR. nothing like that. Just give me your money. Well you know something, That ain't right.

Last paragraph, You know something your the one that is a pathetic F/A, as a matter of fact I don't eventhink you are a flight attendant. You don't talk like one, don't act like one, HELL you don't even read like one. I'll tell you something, I'm not your avarage F/A, and those who flown with or gotten to know me, they know that for a fact. Boy, if you want to tell me what type of person I am by the way I talk and express myself, you're dead wrong. One thing my mama told me was don't be a hipocrate be yourself, and by DAMN let everybody be them selves. And I'm not going to tell you anything else cause I have other things here to address.

PITbull said:

There are only approx. 220 f/as at MAA. Those who mostly complain about her, are those who just got recalled in less than a month, and mouth off the most to poison others and divide the group.

Just what the fa/as don't need now.

Ohh just because alot of F/As has only been here a month thay don't have the right to speak up??? Thats wrong. Or maybe you are not in the position that you can't walk because you have a 90 day comitment on your back. Coño, if someone had me tied down somewhere, you better beleave I'll be talking. Poison you say, I don't think so, I think we are a whole lot of people looking for condoms not to get infected by that "Poison", if you get my drift.

MAABoss said:
You need to be educated before you spill off with facts/or the lack thereof. Thats
the part that shows your true idiotic colors. If you speak like this on the message boards, how do you represent our airline with the passengers. im afraid to see it.
You do, always, have the opportunity to quit and move on. Have you though about that? Really.....have you?

If your bitter and unhappy, then leave. Don't ruin it for the rest that you have had to "talk into" being pissed off. Just leave. Get out now and go make some other prefession miserable. We really don't need or want your kind here....eyelashes and all.

You know something MAABoss, or what ever you are, I think we are all educated human being, if not we wouldn't be here. Hell didn't all of us went through 6 weeks of hell to be here? You MAABoss are the one who needs to be educated. You should know we all have different personalitie for that part we think different and have different opinions. Also educate your self on the Amendments of the Constitution, one with states freedom of speech, figure that one out. I'm not saying which amendment is, not going to make that easy for you. And you might want to change your nick. If you are not manegement, who do you boss around?? Hell I bet you don't even boss around at your own home. You said your a F/A. No F/A is my boss. If your a supervisor then your not an F/A, you WERE an F/A would be the proper verbage. And as for if your unhappy leave, pendejo there are people that can't leave until their 90 days are up, one of the sleezy tactics of the company. People like you make our profession miserable so why don't you take a walk and leave us the :censored: k alone. And take your eyelashes with you.

To sum up, I'm sure some of you agree with me, some don't. Thats ok not everybody is supposed to like me or like what I say, thats the good thing about being different human beings. But you better beleive that I will speak my mind and the way I want to speak it, in the manner I want to speak it. I may have defended and thrown things at people. But its just my way of seing things. You can agree with me or not but you know something this is what I see:

1) These people are just giving us the shaft with the $200 deal and thats just bull :censored: .

2)I agree to any action done against the company to show these :censored: holes not to :censored: k with us like they have already did. They don't care and neither do I.

3)We need to stick together. there is not alot of us. Were about two hunderd something compared to thousands at mainline. But together we can be heard. And besides we are getting the boot anyway.


4) MAABoss don't know who you are, where you are or what you are, but you know something go to the carajo, cagate en tu madre, y m :censored: e el b :censored: o ca :censored: n. Educate yourself on what that means fool.

Anybody has anything for me or want to talk to me, PM me. If you want to insult me or wahts ever go right ahead here in public, but trust me I have been called worst things before.

Take care of yourselves and each other.


Boricua 😎
GroundedBoricua said:
Well I normally don't do this, But there are alot of this I need to address on this topic and I'm going to do it in one shot. Here we go:
You know good girl you are 100001% right but it really has to be ALL OR NONE. I know there is a few F/As that are still pro company after the royal screwing we got, and I will address to him here. But all of us, and I mean ALL of us had the cojones to stand up to them,like I said you, me and alot of us would do what we have to do but its ALL thats its needed. If you have any thing that you want to do put it up or let me know and lets see how many we can get to join. As for me HELL YEA I'm in.
HEY BUNGHOLE, What did the union do for us???? A cap of 2,000???? But wait a minute, what about those that have to go in the first round how much do they get $200???? Now what can I buy with that?? That can't even buy me enough Heinekens to get over the royal slamming I'm getting here!

ohh and P.S. If you don't like her grammer or mine well you can kiss my .. opps don't want to say it cause you might not UNDERSTAND what I'm trying to say.
Hell, I couldn't even vote!!!!
Yea right, yea right you say that because you are not in our place.
I would like to open a can of whoopass on this guy to see if he can see daylight and get his head out of the darkness of his anus. Take a census, did Bobbi really win the election??? Pleasseee.

As for 1.4 million for all of us, How much did Wolf, Gangwal, and Siegel get for saying "Hell no I ain't working here anymore pass me my parachute"???? You know something I think we deserve more than what those can blowers received.

Next paragraph, At least for me you know why I stand in the sidelines cause I was never giving the chance to to take the leadership role. And I did take the role I problably would have gone down in a Crystal City drive-by. I got here and that lady was already on top, and the only words she has spoken to me was and I quote "Did you fill out you payroll deduction form?" DAMN!!!!!! I've only been on the job for 1 hour and you want my money already. What ever happened to "welcome back", What ever happen to "Can I help you with something', DAMN what ever happened to "HELLO!" not even HELLO, WHATS UP, HOWDY, BON JOUR. nothing like that. Just give me your money. Well you know something, That ain't right.

Last paragraph, You know something your the one that is a pathetic F/A, as a matter of fact I don't eventhink you are a flight attendant. You don't talk like one, don't act like one, HELL you don't even read like one. I'll tell you something, I'm not your avarage F/A, and those who flown with or gotten to know me, they know that for a fact. Boy, if you want to tell me what type of person I am by the way I talk and express myself, you're dead wrong. One thing my mama told me was don't be a hipocrate be yourself, and by DAMN let everybody be them selves. And I'm not going to tell you anything else cause I have other things here to address.
Ohh just because alot of F/As has only been here a month thay don't have the right to speak up??? Thats wrong. Or maybe you are not in the position that you can't walk because you have a 90 day comitment on your back. Coño, if someone had me tied down somewhere, you better beleave I'll be talking. Poison you say, I don't think so, I think we are a whole lot of people looking for condoms not to get infected by that "Poison", if you get my drift.
You know something MAABoss, or what ever you are, I think we are all educated human being, if not we wouldn't be here. Hell didn't all of us went through 6 weeks of hell to be here? You MAABoss are the one who needs to be educated. You should know we all have different personalitie for that part we think different and have different opinions. Also educate your self on the Amendments of the Constitution, one with states freedom of speech, figure that one out. I'm not saying which amendment is, not going to make that easy for you. And you might want to change your nick. If you are not manegement, who do you boss around?? Hell I bet you don't even boss around at your own home. You said your a F/A. No F/A is my boss. If your a supervisor then your not an F/A, you WERE an F/A would be the proper verbage. And as for if your unhappy leave, pendejo there are people that can't leave until their 90 days are up, one of the sleezy tactics of the company. People like you make our profession miserable so why don't you take a walk and leave us the :censored: k alone. And take your eyelashes with you.

To sum up, I'm sure some of you agree with me, some don't. Thats ok not everybody is supposed to like me or like what I say, thats the good thing about being different human beings. But you better beleive that I will speak my mind and the way I want to speak it, in the manner I want to speak it. I may have defended and thrown things at people. But its just my way of seing things. You can agree with me or not but you know something this is what I see:

1) These people are just giving us the shaft with the $200 deal and thats just bull :censored: .

2)I agree to any action done against the company to show these :censored: holes not to :censored: k with us like they have already did. They don't care and neither do I.

3)We need to stick together. there is not alot of us. Were about two hunderd something compared to thousands at mainline. But together we can be heard. And besides we are getting the boot anyway.


4) MAABoss don't know who you are, where you are or what you are, but you know something go to the carajo, cagate en tu madre, y m :censored: e el b :censored: o ca :censored: n. Educate yourself on what that means fool.

Anybody has anything for me or want to talk to me, PM me. If you want to insult me or wahts ever go right ahead here in public, but trust me I have been called worst things before.

Take care of yourselves and each other.


Boricua 😎
WOW....now that was funny.....
And you are to bosses what the transexual cheating on it's boyfriend is to Springer.

Totally clueless to how embarrassing you are and ready to go ballistic when your wig comes off and shows your balding head.

But you are funny.

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