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Mda Pilot Class & Ted

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One more point...

The reason the UCT and then the ICT failed was that Glenn Tilton did not have any interest in a deal. Why? According to the Post-Gazette he was too distracted by (United's) own struggles in bankruptcy.

Furthermore, Tilton recently told the AP's Dave Carpenter United was close to liquidating. As I indicated above, Dave Siegel told US Airways F/O Tim Caroe and I on our jumpseat between DCA & LGA that if the Iraqi War or SARS last just a little longer and United missed its DIP/EBIDAR requirements that US Airways' chairman of the board David Bronner would fund with RSA asets.

If you remember, on February 7 the Charlotte Observer reported "We don't run from fights," said David Bronner, chief executive officer of Retirement Systems of Alabama, which is US Airways' principal partner in bankruptcy court and principal owner if it emerges. Bronner speculated that United has a 50-50 chance of surviving a war. He said that if United were to sell assets, he would consider backing the purchase of some "if it would be beneficial to US Airways."

Could it have been a fight and a hostile attempt to acquire United assets? Maybe, maybe not. I truly do not know what went on in Bronner's mind. I only know what has been reported in the news media and what Tim and I were told by Siegel.

Best regards,

So, to be clear, your point is that your predictions and observations over the past three years were spot on, and UA in fact did NOT emerge from Ch.11 relatively intact (i.e., it had to sell significant assets such as the Pacific routes and TED) and / or UA underwent some sort of "corporate transaction" (i.e., someone else bought UA or it merged with another carrier)?

Or are you saying maybe that UA liquidated?

I think it is time to start living in the present reality, instead of the past "what almost was" or "what was rumored to maybe have been."
....and let's not turn this into a United vs US Airways topic.

I agree about focusing on the past, which is no longer relevant. The only reason I returned to this board was because of inaccurate statements made about my comments earlier in this topic. I never made predictions and simply reported information, which was told to me by reliable Wall Street sources. The information I reported in this thread or before wwere not rumors, it was factual information provided by David Bronner in three interviews, information obtained from the news media on “Project Minnowâ€￾, information provided by Dave Siegel to Tim & I, and information provided by Ken Newberry.

I have listed every source, which in the past people always wanted.

At that time I could not reveal my sources, but now with the America West merger completed and United out of bankruptcy I can now more fully disclose the information.

Moreover, anybody is free to contact the people I named and ask them their knowledge of what I referred to as the UCT and then the ICT.

Finally, I agree it's time to move on from a previous potential corporate transaction(s) between US Airways and United. The good news is that both companies survived difficult times and the future looks brighter for both the Tempe and Chicago-based carrier's.

Best regards,


Here’s the real issue: The issue is not whether or not I was wrong (which I was not) the issue is that my “inside informationâ€￾ obtained from sources outside of US Airways was too painful for you to handle.

Best regards,



Speaking of pain. What are your feelings on the results of the recent LGA LEC elections?

I'm not going to do a lot of message board posting and I now have other priorities, but to answer your question nobody likes losing a close election. The results were disappointing, but that job is a "whole lot" of volunteer work for very little pay.

By the way, did you see the current and new LGA ALPA Reps. lead the effort to remove ALPA Negotiating Committee (NC) Chairman Doug Mowrey from both the NC and the Joint NC?

Meanwhile, considering the recent athletic performance and position of my two children, and the very good possibilities ahead, the election result could turn out to be a very good thing for me and my family.

Tonight I'm in-between trips in my "crashpad" and I had a little extra time so I elected to make a few comments on this message board, but I'm not going to post a lot in the future.

Best regards,


By the way, did you see the current and new LGA ALPA Reps. lead the effort to remove ALPA Negotiating Committee (NC) Chairman Doug Mowrey from both the NC and the Joint NC?

Meanwhile, considering the recent athletic performance and position of my two children, and the very good possibilities ahead, the election result could turn out to be a very good thing for me and my family.

Best regards,



Funny the BOS FO rep is claiming that he lead the charge.


PS Congrats on your children! I know the feeling. My son recently received a full ride scholarship to a prestigious PHL University for his athletic and academic performance.
Whatever tenuous grasp on reality that may have developed over the past couple of months has apparently slipped away in a matter of hours ...

What a setback.
😀 😀 😀
Well, well, well... that was quick, huh? I knew all it would take is a little mention of UA’s success (much to his chagrin) to dig him out of the woodworks. I guess I can take credit (blame???) for his setback. Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. I have to admit though, that I have an unfair advantage from past experience with narcissistic personalities, and I knew he would return for his narcissistic supply. Sure enough, almost right on cue!

A few of my colleagues told me about your posts and I have elected to respond.


I’m flattered that after many months of hiding, all it took was one little post by me to set you off. Welcome back! I didn’t realize you held me in such high regard. It does bring up the question however, that if what I say has no merit, then why do you bother to respond?

Colleagues, huh? :lol: Yeah right. I hope you don’t think that anyone believes that you haven’t been lurking here, knowing someone would eventually rub in your face the fact that you were so wrong, so many times, about so many things, for so long. Now that would be true denial. 🙄

The fact that you were wrong is exactly the issue. The one thing you never were capable of grasping (and apparently still cannot) is that your unsubstantiated speculations, opinions, and information from mysterious “reliableâ€￾ Wall Street sources constitute neither a report of fact nor a possible outcome, and therefore do not require acceptance from anyone. The words you type on this forum do not merit validation simply because they come from you. This is an inherent flaw in your reasoning. And without the benefit of an actual event that actually happened after you predicted it (beyond the he said – she said), it is very easy to dismiss your ideas as banter.

Me and my colleagues on the other hand, have the actual outcomes of events that we predicted would and wouldn’t happen, and reported to you from our reliable sources. (Which btw you failed to accept.) And that serves to prove our credibility while further diminishing yours. IMO it is your credibility that leaves something to be desired, and was probably a factor in losing another ALPA election.

Let's be clear here. No one disputes that there were many, many topics and scenarios discussed with countless parties throughout UA's reorganization. There were also many fantasies, intentions, and wishful thinking on the part of some investors, CEO's, and even certain pilots WRT Uniteds assets. It was the probability of those discussions, ideas, and theories actually unfolding the way you speculated that was the core topic of our debate.

The bottom line is that NONE of the things you said “may or may not happenâ€￾ ever did. Meanwhile EVERYTHING you were told would and wouldn’t happen by me actually unfolded exactly how I said. How can that be??? Every time I disputed your claims, you told me I was wrong, but in the end I was dead on right. I know you have a hard time coming to terms with this fact. Spin it however you want, but even you can’t argue with the final outcome.

I have to go now. Incase you haven’t hear… “It’s time to fly!â€￾

He's baaaccckkk....

Some :wacko: one will never change, some :wacko: one will never change, some :wacko: one will never change, some :wacko: one will never change ... Gee, it appears that this may actually be the magic formula! Repeating the same things over and over again (even ancient history) actually does make it true! 😉
Considering that HE is throwing out mens names here on the internet. Does that make it ok for us to use his real name too? I hope this isn't the same old game that he gets his own rules while others get the penalty box. I seriously suggest that the names get deleted or he gets the penalty box ***exactly like has happened to everyone else who has posted his name****
Deleted by Moderator,

Every user of U.S. Aviation is entitled to create an user name. This is done to give the poster some sense of being anonymous. We have never condoned calling someone out on these boards, and that will not change in the future. Some users choose to display their real names. Ken MacTiernan and Bob Owens are examples of this. That is their choice. Just as it is your choice to be known as Deleted by Moderator. It would be wrong for myself or any user here to name you publicly within the confines of these forums. An example of this would be if I know who you are, and started posting your name in replying to posts from you.

USA320Pilot did not call anyone out within the confines of these forums. He merely stated names that he had contact with outside “the boxâ€￾ as it were. If those individuals he mentioned in his post take exception to that, then that will be something he has to deal with outside of U.S. Aviation. An example of this would be you having a conversation with Doug Parker and posting that conversation with your source (Doug Parker) named in that post.

If you posted his (real) name here then you would get booted. He has chosen USA320Pilot as his user name and we expect everyone to respect that.

Others from the moderating team may want to refine what I stated later today, but until then that's how we're rolling.
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