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SoldWholeSale said:
"Flip-flopping" would never happen, but a "single carrier" filing could. That would cause a merger/reintigration of the MDA pilot list with the mainline list should they continue to claim we are a separate entity within the organization. That would mean #1 at MDA would be dove tailed with #1 AAA and so on down the list right to the last 1999 DOH MDA Captain being slotted in with the last 1986 DOH last "mainline" captain.... Thats not the goal, but should ALPA push the issue, is a viable, legal, and possible remedy under the RLA.

SWS...that's titillating to say the least. I'll make you aware, if you are not already, of Mesa Airline's "single-carrier petition" successfully awarded this past year or 2. You can research it yourself, but their award was successful because they were able to establish
that the same infrastructure supported all certificates in question..Your case should be even easier as there is no MDA certificate...look it up...use it as precedence if you can.
PS, I'm furloughed U, working at Mesa...I was there and saw it all happen...if you have trouble with the research, let me know.
The difference being, the Mesa single carrier filing was not contested. JO wanted the single carrier filing to get around the AAA scope language in LOA #79. He knew that if Mesa ALPA successfully agrued a single carrier ruling, ALPA national would then have to choose between scope language in the AAA contract, losing potentially 80 CRJ-700/-900 to a non-union shop, and forfeiting the single carrier ruling. It was pretty smart on his part, and in the end good for the Mesa pilots. Too bad the CCAir guys got caught in the cross fire and were victims of DW/ALPA national trying to prevent any regional carrier from having a 90 seat pay rate.

The outcome is history now, but thank you for the offer. I may yet take you up on it, more info is always better when/if the time comes.


No, JO did contest the petition vehemently...I've seen the transcripts...he was attempting to continue the whipsaw this "multi-carrier" provided...but in a face 2 face with him, he admitted that he was destined to lose, it was a matter of time. The petition was Mesa Alpa's last ditch effort to keep Freedom from getting J4J with Bill Pollack...as Pollack was telling Mesa MEC, I gotta get my furloughed guys jobs, so you better take J4J at Mesa...in the same penstroke, the petition was granted...within a week. It might be moot, and I can provide you transcripts of the hearing if you need...just trying to help...BEST of luck.
Actually, you may be right, I read your post again...and we kinda said the same thing. Except, that JO did fight tooth and nail against the petition...unless he was acting. I dont know...I hate this place. Hope to see you in our mainline seats soon.
No need of the transcript, I'm intimately familiar.

In regard to that place, ie Mesa. I know they are getting ready to hose the J4J pilots already on property when PHL closes, and have been giving it some thought. Sure, their USAirways contracts are finished, but they will continue to provide service under their contracts with the FORMER America West. What color will those airplanes be?? I'm guessing they will become the same color as the rest of the HP fleet, USAIRWAYS! Were I in your shoes, I would be leaning real hard on A.H. and the Mesa MEC to file a grievance on your behalf as they are required to do under their "duty of fair representation" detailed in the RLA. Also, I would petition the AAA MEC to do so as well. How many folks realize that for at last four months, Mesa plans to not base, but "must ride" crews for 8 aircraft (CRJ-900's) in place of paying passengers from PHX to CLT on a rotating basis?

To the contrary, BP had no intention of signing J4J with Freedom. The deal was offered, complete right down to the press release, 100% j4j, and was killed by DW and national. Freedom was no whipsaw, thats what it was made out to be. Freedom was a way to kill the AAA scope/loa #79, and it worked very well. Those who started Freedom were told in the beginning that there was no intent to win the single carrier arbitration and the future would be uncertain, but was also why they offered immunity to any Mesa pilots who went to Freedom. It turned out exactly that way....

All the best,


Sounds like you're more on top of this than me...I only know "snippets" of info as I have to be heavily sedated daily just to work here for now...

catch ya later, good luck
SoldWholeSale said:
No need of the transcript, I'm intimately familiar.

............How many folks realize that for at last four months, Mesa plans to not base, but "must ride" crews for 8 aircraft (CRJ-900's) in place of paying passengers from PHX to CLT on a rotating basis?


All the best,


Great. Its hard enough these days to back home to PHX. There always seems to be a lot of Mesa FAs must riding back and forth. On top of the seasonal schedule change too, I'm gonna have to start buying tickets on Southwest to get back.
PropPiedmont said:
Great. Its hard enough these days to back home to PHX. There always seems to be a lot of Mesa FAs must riding back and forth. On top of the seasonal schedule change too, I'm gonna have to start buying tickets on Southwest to get back.
Indeed. And I'd like to know how JO sold that notion to mainline..instead of doing the right thing and forming a 900 base ...so that more revenue pax can buy a friggin ticket...isn't that what this whole "game" is about anyway?