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McDonald's Could Double Wages For Employees

I didn't say that

Fact is, everybody isn't average

Some people do not have the skills, or knowledge, to get further

Sometimes there aren't enough better jobs for the number of job seekers

Just because you did, or I did, doesn't mean everyone can, or even has the first idea how to go about it...

I don't know what you do, and it doesn't matter. Someone somewhere is saying the same thing about you, and I.

If they are willing to do the jobs no one else wants, and show up and do them, shouldn't they be paid an equitable wage? ( that doesn't mean equal... ). Some kind of fair share according to the contribution they make?

Or should they just be happy with the scraps that fall off the fat cats' tables?

Should we as a society be happy with that?
While I think the idea of raising the min wage is a good idea (not in favor of $15 for Mc-D) I think the arguments here pose an interesting dilemma. On the one hand I don't think Mc-d should be a career as South pointed out, I also recognize that as Fly pointed out there are some folks who just won't make it farther up the ladder.

Someone (Sparrow?) pointed out else where on the forum that perhaps this is where the Fed could step in to make up the difference for those who need it. I am starting to think that might not be a bad idea. Put the minimum wage at $8 or $9 an hour and then let the Fed make up the difference based on need.
While I think the idea of raising the min wage is a good idea (not in favor of $15 for Mc-D) I think the arguments here pose an interesting dilemma. On the one hand I don't think Mc-d should be a career as South pointed out, I also recognize that as Fly pointed out there are some folks who just won't make it farther up the ladder.

Someone (Sparrow?) pointed out else where on the forum that perhaps this is where the Fed could step in to make up the difference for those who need it. I am starting to think that might not be a bad idea. Put the minimum wage at $8 or $9 an hour and then let the Fed make up the difference based on need.

If it's based on need, that looks like welfare, which may not be a bad idea.

The earned income tax credit was designed to supplement the income of the working poor by rewarding those who earn more money, and generally the way the working poor earn more money is by working longer hours, maybe even two jobs.

Raising the min wage by a small amount is probably politically possible, but raise it too much and you'll have the right wing claiming that you're enabling people to try to make a career out of entry-level jobs. Young people need to be reminded (some of them frequently) that their real ticket out of poverty and into the middle class lies with education, which generally results in higher income, not with government mandated increases in the min wage.
If it's based on need, that looks like welfare, which may not be a bad idea.

The earned income tax credit was designed to supplement the income of the working poor by rewarding those who earn more money, and generally the way the working poor earn more money is by working longer hours, maybe even two jobs.

Raising the min wage by a small amount is probably politically possible, but raise it too much and you'll have the right wing claiming that you're enabling people to try to make a career out of entry-level jobs. Young people need to be reminded (some of them frequently) that their real ticket out of poverty and into the middle class lies with education, which generally results in higher income, not with government mandated increases in the min wage.
Absolutely sage advice!
B) xUT
Make that education that results in a marketable skill, or ability.
I didn't say that

Fact is, everybody isn't average

Some people do not have the skills, or knowledge, to get further

Sometimes there aren't enough better jobs for the number of job seekers

Just because you did, or I did, doesn't mean everyone can, or even has the first idea how to go about it...

I don't know what you do, and it doesn't matter. Someone somewhere is saying the same thing about you, and I.

If they are willing to do the jobs no one else wants, and show up and do them, shouldn't they be paid an equitable wage? ( that doesn't mean equal... ). Some kind of fair share according to the contribution they make?

Or should they just be happy with the scraps that fall off the fat cats' tables?

Should we as a society be happy with that?

And just who determines what an "Equitable Wage" is? Let me guess.....the government!
Equitable wage reminds me of the term "Living Wage" that your hear from a lot of unions.
Living wage, to me anyways, means what it takes to live somewhat comfortable, in my book.
So, does that mean that Jamarcus , who has 8 children and screws the lug nuts on the right rear, should make more than Bob, who has no children and screws the lug nuts on the left rear, in order for them to attain a "Living Wage"?
I can't define equitable

It doesn't mean the workers, who actually provide the labor thay buys the bosses Escalade, can not afford to feed themselves and have a roof over theur head.

It doesn't mean the unskilled guy sweeping floors, (no offense....and I have swept plenty...) earns as much as the guy running the lathe who earns as much as the guy who designed the machine whomgets a cut equal to the owner.

Somewhere in the middle there is reason, but totally unrestricted capitalism has always left the lowest rung digging for worms.
If their employers don't pay them enough to stay off public assistance you get to make up the difference. McDonalds could always use some corporate welfare.
If their employers don't pay them enough to stay off public assistance you get to make up the difference. McDonalds could always use some corporate welfare.

Wal Mart etal also... Just almost full-time hours, but never quite... No benefits, no company insurance, get sick, go to the emergency room. Kids' sick... Maybe medicaid...

So the vast middle class tax paying public gets low prices out the door, and makes up for it on the backside, in taxes and higher insurance premiums/less coverage/less pay for themselves.

Greatest scam on earth

It is indeed corporate welfare, with those at the bottom doing all the dirty work supporting the entire pyramid, and the middle class well off enough to pay taxes sqeezed on all sides as if they were in an incredible shrinking room.
They treat their prisoners well in Norway. In 21 years, their most violent citizen will be a free man. Makes one wonder if Charles Manson would be better off in Norway?

Sweden too..I am sure you are familar with the movie "catch me if you can" the story of Frank Abignale well I read the book and when he was finally caught he had to serve out sentences in several countries. Sweden was by his account better then a 5 star hotel. France on the other hand was a dark cell no bed just a bucket and no light. Those scandianvian countries do treat prisoners pretty damn good.
I can't define equitable

It doesn't mean the workers, who actually provide the labor thay buys the bosses Escalade, can not afford to feed themselves and have a roof over theur head.

It doesn't mean the unskilled guy sweeping floors, (no offense....and I have swept plenty...) earns as much as the guy running the lathe who earns as much as the guy who designed the machine whomgets a cut equal to the owner.

Somewhere in the middle there is reason, but totally unrestricted capitalism has always left the lowest rung digging for worms.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

Train a kid to be a burger flipper, and you want a living wage?

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