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McDonald's Could Double Wages For Employees

You should do the math! Ford had a monopoly and a product everyone could afford. Of course McDonald's turnover rate is 200%! High school and college students earning some extra cash with no intention of making McDonald's a career position. Yeah, I've heard of Costco but I'm not foolish enough to compare their business model to McDonald's. There's not a whole lot of management resources tied up in recruiting, a help wanted sign out front usually does the trick.

I'm not inclined to believe you invested in or managed a business.

Actually you are wrong on every assertion here skippy.

Henry Ford did not have a monopoly, his moving assembly-line enabled Ford Motor to pay the $5 wage and offer an affordable product. Previously the price of a car was simply out of reach for the public.

A livable wage @ McD's would attract more career employees and lessen the need for casual (unreliable) student employees.

Only the foolish would admit to knowing nothing about Costco while dismissing their business model.

New employees require a huge amount of management attention and company resources for any business.

You are not inclined to recognize business facts nor a good investment.
You should do the math! Ford had a monopoly and a product everyone could afford. Of course McDonald's turnover rate is 200%! High school and college students earning some extra cash with no intention of making McDonald's a career position. Yeah, I've heard of Costco but I'm not foolish enough to compare their business model to McDonald's. There's not a whole lot of management resources tied up in recruiting, a help wanted sign out front usually does the trick.

I'm not inclined to believe you invested in or managed a business.

You should open your eyes to the reality of "those people"

Your post, and Dell's, etal reek of a "let 'em eat cake" or they "they should just be happy to have a job/just go get a better one" mentality.

Either mean spirited or incredibly naive.

The Cleaver era is over. (That's a newsflash for some of ya'all...)

Maybe in your little world all min wage/mcd/whatever employees are "just kids lookin' to pick up a lil' cash". The reality is a lot of those kids are trying to live on what they make, or put themselves thru college, and that other people are earning thier living working in those jobs. Usually two or three of them. If they are working that hard for that little, they are apparently willing to work, and are probably looking for that "good" middle class labor job. They ain't that easy to find, regardless of the picture good buddy Ailes & Co paint.

Maybe if corp could stand to make half as many billions, they could lower the franchise fees, and the owners could pay a little more, and retain better employees, and spend more time running thier business than they do recruiting and training new, high turnover employees.

No... A help wanted sign is not all that involves... See above note re the Cleaver era.

This is not a libtard/socialist rant. Obviously, some jobs should pay more than others. There is a basic social contract that came to light during the revolutions of e past (the Guillotine Era...) that requires some basic level of social responsibility on the part of the owners toward the workers whose labor is ultimately what generates the owners' financial wellbeing, or riches...
As long as 'those people' line up and fill applications, your non libtard/socialist rant is moot.

With Obamascare, everybody will be working two or three part time jobs, so where's the beef?

Hey Mrs. Cleaver, how's the Beaver?
Actually you are wrong on every assertion here skippy.

Henry Ford did not have a monopoly, his moving assembly-line enabled Ford Motor to pay the $5 wage and offer an affordable product. Previously the price of a car was simply out of reach for the public.

A livable wage @ McD's would attract more career employees and lessen the need for casual (unreliable) student employees.

Only the foolish would admit to knowing nothing about Costco while dismissing their business model.

New employees require a huge amount of management attention and company resources for any business.

You are not inclined to recognize business facts nor a good investment.
Lets put ourselves into the room with upper mgt of McDonalds on the day your business proposal goes into effect. It goes something like this. Corp counsel says that on January 1, 2014, we are required to increase minimum wages to $14.50 per hour. CEO turns to the CFO and says, how quickly can we replace all the employees at the store level with technology. The CFO turns to the CTO and asks how quickly would the Company be able to nationally roll out a system to use IPADS to take customer orders. Next he asks his CTO and engineering guys how many food prep tasks can be automated. They come back with 80% of the tasks of food prep can be automated and it would be ready for rollout by Jan 1, 2015. Total cost of all this rollout, significantly less than $4.7 billion dollars.

[font=Helvetica Neue']If you are truly looking for ways to remove low paying jobs from the economy and increase the pace at which jobs are replaced with technology, please by all means, keep making these suggestions.[/font]
Historically... "Those people" will do what they have to do to survive... Until they break out the guillotines...

Modern times, the guillotines are being replaced by an underground economy and people who have learned from the example of their "betters" that they can take without giving, or producing, leaving an increasingly large segment of "suckers" in the middle to carry the load.

That ain't working either

Maybe ya'all might want to do a some reading up on the ideas that this country was really founded on... The Rights of Man, and The Social Contract would be a good beginning.
Historically... "Those people" will do what they have to do to survive... Until they break out the guillotines...

Modern times, the guillotines are being replaced by an underground economy and people who have learned from the example of their "betters" that they can take without giving, or producing, leaving an increasingly large segment of "suckers" in the middle to carry the load.

That ain't working either

Maybe ya'all might want to do a some reading up on the ideas that this country was really founded on... The Rights of Man, and The Social Contract would be a good beginning.
Who gets to write this "Social Contract"? You or your other login name?
Actually you are wrong on every assertion here skippy.

Henry Ford did not have a monopoly, his moving assembly-line enabled Ford Motor to pay the $5 wage and offer an affordable product. Previously the price of a car was simply out of reach for the public.

A livable wage @ McD's would attract more career employees and lessen the need for casual (unreliable) student employees.

Only the foolish would admit to knowing nothing about Costco while dismissing their business model.

New employees require a huge amount of management attention and company resources for any business.

You are not inclined to recognize business facts nor a good investment.
Wait, Ford did that WITHOUT a law or regulation requiring him to do so?

Who gets to write this "Social Contract"? You or your other login name?

A fella named Rosseau wrote the book.

The ideas were of the "self-evident" variety, he and men like Thomas Paine and François-Marie-Arouet just put them into words, and inspired nations of people to establish republics where there had once been immoral and usurious "let them eat cake" monarchies and dynasties, and their attendant court and aristocracies, living in splendor off the labors of the common man.

Interesting reading, it would seem especially so for a man who seems to pride himself on " being an American". Considering that thier work was the foundation for this republic.

I only have one ID.

Sorry, but how hard is it to flip a burger?
I used to work in a BBF in high school and if you can't learn the job in one shift, better start looking for another job.
B) xUT
Sorry, but how hard is it to flip a burger?
I used to work in a BBF in high school and if you can't learn the job in one shift, better start looking for another job.
B) xUT
It begs the question; Why does McDonald's need skilled employees?
Historically... "Those people" will do what they have to do to survive... Until they break out the guillotines...

Modern times, the guillotines are being replaced by an underground economy and people who have learned from the example of their "betters" that they can take without giving, or producing, leaving an increasingly large segment of "suckers" in the middle to carry the load.

That ain't working either

Maybe ya'all might want to do a some reading up on the ideas that this country was really founded on... The Rights of Man, and The Social Contract would be a good beginning.

Good idea and maybe pass it on to your boy Obama and his band of merry pranksters in dc.
A fella named Rosseau wrote the book.

The ideas were of the "self-evident" variety, he and men like Thomas Paine and François-Marie-Arouet just put them into words, and inspired nations of people to establish republics where there had once been immoral and usurious "let them eat cake" monarchies and dynasties, and their attendant court and aristocracies, living in splendor off the labors of the common man.

Interesting reading, it would seem especially so for a man who seems to pride himself on " being an American". Considering that thier work was the foundation for this republic.

I only have one ID.
No, a fella by the name of Rousseau wrote the book. BTW, I forwarded your reading suggestion to the DNC.
To read labels.
Giving what I have seen lately, a college level entrance SAT score may be required.
Take frozen fry's and put them in the fryer basket.
Drop fries in fryer, press 'frys' button.
Take it out when it beeps, drain, flop into fry's tray, add salt, put in bag.
Repeat as required... 😛
B) xUT

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