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Maybe this is why we are broke

Aug 20, 2002
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Had a pilot yesterday, flights full so he was unable to get on flight, pilot came to the ticket counter and asked to use our phone, because he had to call in because he would not be able to fly his trip next day. Explained to him, we do not have dialnet, cost company a long distance phone call, He became very upset and didn''t understand why we would not give him a phone card to use. Do other stations give these cards out to non-revs?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/7/2003 6:35:11 AM hopethingswillbeok wrote:
[P]Had a pilot yesterday, flights full so he was unable to get on flight, pilot came to the ticket counter and asked to use our phone, because he had to call in because he would not be able to fly his trip next day. Explained to him, we do not have dialnet, cost company a long distance phone call, He became very upset and didn't understand why we would not give him a phone card to use. Do other stations give these cards out to non-revs?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Crew scheduling uses a toll free 1-800 number. It wouldn't have cost the company more than a couple of pennies for the pilot to call. Compare that with the amount of lost revenue when he cannot call them to give them a "heads -up". You and everyone else should attend to your own business and try to stay out of the business of others. If you treat all nonrevs like you treated this pilot who found himself in a rather tough situation, you need a lesson in humanity.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/7/2003 8:17:56 AM cat 111 wrote:
[P]Hey Oldie,[BR][BR]I like your line: You and everyone else should attend to your own business and try to stay out of the business of others.[BR][BR]TELL THAT TO YOUR ALPO BUDDIE CHIP.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]I, for one, appreciate the information that Chip puts on this board. Chip takes the time to compile, post and comment. I do not have to agree with his comments, and frequently don't. I do appreciate being informed about a subject very near and dear to Chip, myself and many others, a company which we call our "career". I'm sorry that you chose poorly and don't like your lot in life to the extent that you have to resort ot name calling.
I never called anyone stupid. I said that they could ACT AS STUPID AS THEY LIKE. There is a difference. By the way, this is America, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. Once the TAs pass, and I believe they will, this company can begin to grow and prosper again. I believe that the majority of folks at U know just how desperate this situation is, aside from a few vocal critics that remain in deep denial. I doubt that management would let the company fold without a fight, but RSA is just waiting to pull the plug. Next step will likely be the courthouse if the TAs get voted down, then I would expect even larger layoffs of employees and more outsourcing. To all those that think an 1113 agreement can't be altered, we may just get to find out!
Hey Oldie,

I like your line: You and everyone else should attend to your own business and try to stay out of the business of others.


Just for the record who wrote: this is America and you and everyone else are free to be as STUPID as you like.No name calling here !!!! Get a life.
On 1/7/2003 8:11:19 AM oldiebutgoody wrote:

If you treat all nonrevs like you treated this pilot who found himself in a rather tough situation, you need a lesson in humanity.

First of all, this pilot chose to commute to work. Sure, with seniority bumps, station/base closures, etc., people are often displaced against their will and don't want to uproot their families, but they go into it knowing the risks and hazards of commuting.

Second of all, when is the last time you saw a pilot or flight attendant who didn't have a cell phone, or enough money to go buy a phone card?...

Cost control starts at the very bottom, and expecting the company to pick up the tab for commuters is part (albeit a very small part) of how US Airways ran out of money in the first place.

Kudo's to the agent who said no.
Sorry, forgot to add, asked him if it was a toll free call, he clearly advised me it was not. This is why after I advised him we have to log long distance calls, he wanted a phone card. Then he became even more upset because we would not give him one. I feel US should not provide free phone calls to non-rev pax, because they got bumped on a flight, to call and advise they can not work the next day.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/7/2003 6:14:21 PM hopethingswillbeok wrote:
[P]Sorry, forgot to add, asked him if it was a toll free call, he clearly advised me it was not. This is why after I advised him we have to log long distance calls, he wanted a phone card. Then he became even more upset because we would not give him one. I feel US should not provide free phone calls to non-rev pax, because they got bumped on a flight, to call and advise they can not work the next day. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]If he said that he was wrong. Scheduling has used toll free numbers for at least 14 years. If he instigated the poor behavior he was clearly wrong. He could have gone to any payphone and called. I'm sure he knew this. Even the jumpseat and nonrev reservation line are toll free. I, myself, do not commute and also find it detestable that one would attempt to commute and not leave some backups or alternate means of getting to work. Those of us in-base frequently get "dumped on" when these guys don't get to work in time. Still, in an instance where a fellow (employee or not) is in serious need one should help if they can. It is in the company's interest to get these notifications as soon as possible. And, don't worry, he's still in a heap of trouble from crew sched.
here's some genius.........4 cent a minute phone cards at BEST BUY, go for broke and buy one while purchasing an extravagant Big screen, HI DEF or Plasma TV. Comes in handy.
Hmmm...something doesn't add up with this story.

Crew Sched is a toll-free number, and there are other toll free numbers to access just about every other essential office a crew member might need to reach (presuming a call within the mainland US).

Sounds fishy...