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Maybe this is why we are taking paycuts

Please reread what he posted. They checked in AND had to return the rental car AND get snacks for the kids. They didnt return to the rental car to get snacks for the kids. This happens all the time. They check in barely within the required time with the rental car still in their possession and get rid of their bags THEN go turn in the car. On some off airport places returning the car alone can take 30-45 mins then theres the van ride back to the airport.

Regarding finding pax in the airport. If they dont respond to the pages, what are you to do? You can not babysit 100s of passengers a day to make sure all of them get where they need to when they need to. You can only do so much to assist them if they arent willing to take care of themselves. We page pax numerous times on the airside and in the whole terminal when we are missing people, but some still dont hear it (even those sitting in the gate area watching their plane board). Nothing you can do about that.

The other part about this that gets me is that the VP is teaching the pax how to not be responsible and still get their way. If we are going to do this for some, then it ought to be company policy to do it for everyone who misses a flight.
This is way too funny! To think that a VP would call a Ticket counter to have them turn around an aircraft in flight is just beyond comprehension. The flights'' Dispatcher would have the authority to do that, along with the Captains'' approval. And boy ... would the Fed''s have a good time with that one.
Seriously tho .. if this really did happen I agree with others on this thread ... it must be reported and this VP identified. I think the FAA would be very interested in such an incident.
The destructive nature of untrue posts like the one that appears in this thread are quite disappointing to say the least. This has gone from "I got a call from an officer" to "I don't remember his name but I think his name started with B" to another post now naming two officers of the company as the potential guilty party. And then we have 'deleted' jumping in right away seizing on any opportunity to further a discussion that can once again somehow cast management in a negative light using her PITbull "alias."

Did anyone ever think to contact the company to find out if any of this actually happened before this was posted? By the way 'deleted', you keep posting that management is no longer communicating or answering emails. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. Dave and other members of the management team answer literally hundreds of emails each and every day from employees and try to return every phone call we receive. 'deleted', just because you are no longer getting responses doesn't mean we are not communicating with employees.

If an employee has proof of this incident, they should contact me with the details. Otherwise, they should stop spreading these vicious stories about calls from unnamed officers. And for the record, neither Bruce Ashby nor Ben Baldanza knows a Mr. [deleted] nor would they ever request a plane to turn around or do any of the other things cited in the original email. Whoever did this was neither Bruce nor Ben. While they were indeed making phone calls regarding company business over the weekend, it was all exclusively related to last-minute negotiations and other matters related to the company's emergence from
Chapter 11.

Chris Chiames
Sr. Vice President-Corporate Affairs
US Airways

*moderators note* Please avoid posting full names. Thanks
that was my question..since it is not mentioned until mr chiames response.
strange...neither bruce nor ben know mr [deleted]..but you post the name..it is not mentioned anywhere in this post.
would seem he must have called someone.

Good Evening Mr. Chiames;
Well said and well done! I am pleased that you are monitoring this board to provide a measure of legitimacy to these issues. I am extremely pleased that you identified yourself and your position within US Airways.
As I implied .. this is a difficult tale to believe .. but stranger things have happened! So your input, and the input of your peers, are very necessary in order to supress falsehoods that may foster employee and customer unrest on these dedicated boards! Time consuming but I believe necessary.

Thank You
I accept the fact that it would be "taboo" to mention an employee''s (or VP''s) name in referring to a specific situation on this board, but to name a passenger? Shame.

Mr. Moderator,

I am concerned about 'outing' posters on this board. I have never seen PITbull verify his/her identity on this board.

Now perhaps they've been indiscreet about their identity elsewhere. But, perhaps not.

I have assumed, absent a crime, confidentiality was preserved.

Some enlightenment?

Thank you.


*moderators note* Please see you PM.
Good evening Mr. Chiames,

I go away for a day, and next thing I know I'm getting draged into a post, that I do not believe I'm involved in or really spoke to other than trying to "jar" someone's memory. Once again, I am sure our mangement has much more and better matters to tend to than to waste time perusing on these boards.

I find it interesting and laughable, that Mr. Chiames, you THINK you know who I am. You are only partially correct. The local President of 40 and I share many, many similarities and view points on not just U issues, but many other issues that effect unions and our Industry. In fact, I give her much of the information she sends out to her members and to mangement. So "eat your heart out". And as far as mangement is concerned and the lack of e-mail dialogue, I take that back...today, just received by postal mail a letter from Dave... to Dear Colleague.

Most recognition labor has gotten in a long time to be addressed as Collegue. And as far as the Local President....she could care less whether mangement responds to e-mails. She has stated that she knows from the "inside" that Dave was told by legal to layoff the e-mails as it was "unhealthy". She states there must have been a hundred from him and his mangement team, but she would not share them. Obviously, you missed the message I am trying to convey on these boards with regard to labor. Perhaps if you put your arrogance aside and your pursuit to protect and defend this mangement team as a loyalist on the back burner for just a minute, you will be able to see the "means to this madness" in full view! As you defend management as management; so I defend Labor as a Laborist. Comprende?

So RELAX, Mr Chiames and enjoy the day of emergence, cause you have much work ahead of you, AND WE WILL BE EXPECTING MAJOR PERFORMANCE FROM THIS MANAGMENT TEAM AS WE HAVE GIVEN THEM EVERY AVAILABLE MEANS TO TAKE THIS COMPANY AND MAKE IT PROFITABLE AND SUCCEED. Rest assured, we will live to fight another day, but today, is not that day.

Next time you go and piss me off,...as Diogenes would say....I would like to call you to a Duel....pick your weapon.

Ya just made my day!
You managed to show everyone the quality of some Mgt we must endure.

My dad used to say " I always thought he was stupid, then he opened his mouth and the doubt was over"

If we ever meet, drinks on me.

You call'em as you see'em. I know I can be difficult, and sometimes we don't agree. But, I am very well aware of your loyalty to U in every capacity. You are forever providing us with your adept analysis of both sides when union and mangement are polorized , and I thank you for your endeavor and pursuit to find a "middle ground" for us all to meet.
Care to confirm or deny Mr. Chiames comments?
Folks I have to reply, this guy knew VP name Address and Email, even had women call before and advised Agent this is Mr. VP secretary and Mr VP is trying to call, but keeps finding line busy, you need to clear phones so he can get through.....Well we are finding out that no one in the company knew about this and believe passenger or someone that they knew him made the call, this was on Saturday so pax must of known we would not be able to contact VP at that moment.......I have my faith back into any VP with this company, I have been so upset and angry all weekend, I just hope this company follows up and this passengers finds his butt in trouble for doing something like this, pax knew to much information on VP, which is kinda of scary, I guess you can find things on the internet, but he knew a little to much. I am sorry that all this came about, but I was so angry having to take care of this pax at no cost next day, because we have received this call. I also never said VP asked for the flight to return, pax advised me make it return, because I did not know who I was dealing with. After I had received this phone call, my statement was, I wish I could have had it return, instead of dealing with all of this.....Now I hope and feel someone will go after pax for this...Sad part is I bet passenger is laughing and telling all his friends what he did....He won this time, but hopefully not the next........