Maxine Waters to run for president

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  • #61
I'm old enough to remember when liberal fumbducks hated America so much that they fell for a buffoon who promised "Hope and Change" and a "fundamental transformation".

If it was so great then why did it need to be "fundamentally transformed"?
If you're always thinking and still confused....then just end it. Life is pointless for fumbducks like yourself.
So I guess I am right...America lost it's greatness in the 21st century. January 2009 to be exact. You know I'm right....don't you. And since when is "always thinkging" a bad thing? It's much healthier that megadittos.
I'm old enough to remember when liberal fumbducks hated America so much that they fell for a buffoon who promised "Hope and Change" and a "fundamental transformation".

If it was so great then why did it need to be "fundamentally transformed"? WAS January 2009. YOu know, when I was a teenager, I needed to be "fundamentally transformed" in order to become a responsible adult. That doesn't mean my parents thought I was just meant that I could get better. Something may already be great....should we stop trying to make it greater?
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  • #64 WAS January 2009. YOu know, when I was a teenager, I needed to be "fundamentally transformed" in order to become a responsible adult. That doesn't mean my parents thought I was just meant that I could get better. Something may already be great....should we stop trying to make it greater?

I feel sorry for your parents. To bad your mums didn't make a trip to PP.

Would have saved the world from another blithering idiot.
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  • #65
Here's more from the list of "when America was great" for the liberal fumbducks who haven't a clue.

It was great when there were no such thing as "dreamers". You either applied for citizenship or get deported when caught.

It was great when Citizens were free to roam the streets without fear of some "sanctuary state" degenerate, would cause great harm to you.

DREAMer accused of brutally raping woman in Washington
To make it great again, it needed to have lost it's greatness. Did that happen to coincide with the time a negro occupied the white house in a position other than servant?

I know when America was great...I'm just wondering when he felt it lost it's greatness. My guess is that it was late January, 2009.

So educate me....when did America lose it's greatness? For a lot of Trump voters, it ceased being great on January 20, 2009. Am I right?

Could you narrow that down to a year? Does that year coincide with the time a Negro occupied the oval office?

So I guess I am right...America lost it's greatness in the 21st century. January 2009 to be exact. WAS January 2009.

Wow KC you are obsessed with this notion that everyone is a racist like you. There is more to people than their skin color. A lot more.
Here's more from the list of "when America was great" for the liberal fumbducks who haven't a clue.

It was great when there were no such thing as "dreamers". You either applied for citizenship or get deported when caught.

It was great when Citizens were free to roam the streets without fear of some "sanctuary state" degenerate, would cause great harm to you.

DREAMer accused of brutally raping woman in Washington
Still can't give me a year, huh?

Wow KC you are obsessed with this notion that everyone is a racist like you. There is more to people than their skin color. A lot more.

I only said that to me, America has ALWAYS been great....there is no "again" about it. But you all seem to disagree. You voted for a clown who vowed to make America great "again". I've asked you WHEN America lost it's greatness. You can't seem to provide a time. Does that mean that maybe even YOU thought it has always been great? Elder won't give me a year, but he keeps citing things that have been in the right wing news since about 2009. Why can't he come out and say something simple like "America stopped being great in 2009"? Instead he hurls insults.
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  • #69
Still can't give me a year, huh?

Ive given you plenty of examples of when America was great (before it was infested by idiotic liberal ideology).

You're just too much of a fumbduck to figure it out.

Here's another example for you...

America was great when....we were at least on the same page about something.

In this footage from 1993, Sen. Harry Reid speaks forcefully that "no sane country" would reward illegal aliens with citizenship for their off-spring.

Bill Clinton talking like Trump on immigration
So....Are you saying that America WASN'T great under W and Darth? It lost it's greatness with Bill Clinton and it's not been great for almost 25 years. Wow. Did you chant USA USA and play Lee Greenwood songs in 2003?
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  • #71
So....Are you saying that America WASN'T great under W and Darth? It lost it's greatness with Bill Clinton and it's not been great for almost 25 years. Wow. Did you chant USA USA and play Lee Greenwood songs in 2003?

Speaking of which....Its amazing how times have changed?

9/11 memorial banned from campus venue because of new ‘triggering’ policy

Just when did the word "triggering" come into the national lexicon?
Hint: It wasn't before Jan 2009.

So yes, weepy idiotic liberal ideology has been creeping into all facet's of society for decades.

But only after Jan 2009 did it go off the rails 100 fold.

And yes the past 8 years under Obama, for the most part, the US was a nation of pu$$y hat wearing pu$$ies acting like pu$$ies.

Until the silent majority struck back.

34h8gf5.png it wasn't great under great again under W and Darth, the lost it's greatness with the negro. Thank God the dear leader is helping to make us grate again.

You know....the election of our dear leader only goes to prove that Idiocracy was a documentary.
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  • #73 it wasn't great under great again under W and Darth, the lost it's greatness with the negro. Thank God the dear leader is helping to make us grate again.

You know....the election of our dear leader only goes to prove that Idiocracy was a documentary.

Zom said it best...

Wow KC you are obsessed with this notion that everyone is a racist like you. There is more to people than their skin color. A lot more.

Factually Obama is half negro. So you're wrong once again.

The fact that he's a far left ridged ideologue trumps whatever his skin color is, or isn't.

But racists a$$holes like yourself seem too stupid to know any better.

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