Maxine Waters to run for president

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The fact that you rely on the Daily Show for information, shows how stupid you and the rest of your liberal idiots really are.

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So tell me Elder....when was America last great? IMHO, there isn't any "again" about it, and that phrase is an insult to every American. To make it great again, it needed to have lost it's greatness. Did that happen to coincide with the time a negro occupied the white house in a position other than servant?
And where does he imply that?
So we haven't been great since 1969? Geez....I'm just a lefty liberal, but I thought America was great during Watergate. I thought America was great during the Arab oil embargo. I thought America was great during Iran/Contra. I thought America was great during Monicagate. I thought America was great during the Iraq war. I thought America was great during Benghazi. I've pretty much always thought America was great. If he doesn't think America has been great since 1969, I feel kind of sorry for him.

I know when America was great...I'm just wondering when he felt it lost it's greatness. My guess is that it was late January, 2009.
I thought America was great during Benghazi. .

I'll take a wild guess that those left to die there while your evident messiah obama readied for yet another fundraiser and your patron saint hillary did NOTHING might've expressed an opinion contrary to yours, had they been given even the slightest support and thus survived to speak at all.

Per your "I know when America was great.."? OK. I'm all ears here. When last was that, in your estimation?...I mean other than the brilliant triumph in seeing barbarian scum allowed to overrun sovereign US soil via an embassy and brutally murder an American ambassador in Benghazi, of course?
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I'll take a wild guess that those left to die there while your evident messiah obama readied for yet another fundraiser and your patron saint hillary did NOTHING might've expressed an opinion contrary to yours, had they been given even the slightest support and thus survived to speak at all.

Per your "I know when America was great.."? OK. I'm all ears here. When last was that, in your estimation?...I mean other than the brilliant triumph in seeing barbarian scum allowed to overrun sovereign US soil via an embassy and brutally murder an American ambassador in Benghazi, of course?

When was America last great? When I woke up this morning. And every morning before that. I don't know...I realize I am not a "patriot" (whatever the hell that means these days), but America has ALWAYS been great. Every. Single. Day. Even...and this is important...after we have elected a mentally unstable, childish egomaniac as our president. It has ALWAYS been great.

Has America had problems? You bet we have....we went to WAR against ourselves at one point in history. But it was even great THEN. For anyone to insinuate that America had somehow lost it's greatness is an insult to every American....and an even BIGGER insult to the families of men and women who have died while in service to this country during a period deemed to be "less than great".
...... You bet we have....we went to WAR against ourselves at one point in history. But it was even great THEN. ....

The limitless expanse of liberal delusion never ceases to astound and amaze. It's as if trying to stare directly into a black hole that sucks all semblance of sanity from even space itself. You do perhaps realize that "America" then consisted of not one, but two warring nations at each other's very throats?...That well over 600,000 died in that war? How that sad tragedy qualifies as in any way "great" in anyone's even most perverse fantasies I can't honestly imagine.
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.... For anyone to insinuate that America had somehow lost it's greatness is an insult to every American....and an even BIGGER insult to the families of men and women who have died while in service to this country during a period deemed to be "less than great".

As one who'se not only "insinuated" such, but also (unlike you) personally attended fallen friends' funerals who died in service, and sadly that of a young Soldier who was the "child" of one...All I can say to you per your fantasies of some "BIGGER insult" there is you've not even the slightest clue what you're babbling on about. Hint: Unlike yourself, those who's funerals I've attended I can promise wouldn't have considered America especially "great" the night the US Embassy was left to be overrun by barbarians in Benghazi, while utterly worthless and completely COWARDLY "liberal" scum sat back and did NOTHING, going so far as to even order the "Stand Down" of available forces. I'd say what I really think, but I'm trying to sugarcoat things a bit here.

Suffice it to say that I'll never manage sympathy or understanding for the whole line of "liberal" horse-sh-t, nor do/can I make even the slightest apology for that. "and an even BIGGER insult to the families of men and women who have died while in service to this country"/ WTF can YOU even possibly pretend to personally know about "the families of men and women who have died while in service to this country"?
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Fine...think America had lost it's greatness. We've had questionable leaders...we have the most questionable one now...but the country itself was always great. Only conservatives or voters for the dear leader feel it wasn't. I would say that the dear leader either got rich or richer when America wasn't great, but then I realized this "self made" man got an inheritance equivalent to nearly a billion dollars in todays dollars, and thru his deal making genius, would have made MORE if he would have just left his money in an index fund instead of "deal making". But...he still made "a lot of money"...because as he likes to remind us...he is "very rich"....and he got that way in times when America wasn't great.

So educate me....when did America lose it's greatness? For a lot of Trump voters, it ceased being great on January 20, 2009. Am I right?
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No you're wrong. Race may be everything to you but not all of us think in those terms.

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