Maxine Waters to run for president

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Then tell me....when did America lose it's greatness?

It lost its greatness when the left waged their culture war and lost all remnance of common sense.

It was great when you didn't have to worry about your daughter sharing the bathroom with another self identified "woman" who has a beard.

It was great when you weren't forced to bake a cake for some self identified alphabet soup couple with an agenda.

It was great when you weren't forced by the government to buy something that you can't afford to use (Obamacare).

It was great before government officials didn't use the weight of said government to silence you (IRS - Louis Lerner).

It was great before colleges became indoctrination camps churning out idiotic SJW's clinging to their safety pins and are spaces.

It was great before the culture normalized killing of police officers because of some agenda based on falsehoods (BLM - Michael Brown, etc).

Shall I go on, or do you want to backpedal and quantify with some idiotic retort like you normally do?
Could you narrow that down to a year? Does that year coincide with the time a Negro occupied the oval office?
Everything equates to race with KC. Everything. Because that's all that matters to him he thinks that's all that matters to you.
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  • #51
Could you narrow that down to a year? Does that year coincide with the time a Negro occupied the oval office?

America was great before it got infested by liberal race obsessed fumbducks like yourself.

Let me guess, if Obama had a transgendered sister with a beard, it would look just like you.

Am i right?
America was great before it got infested by liberal race obsessed fumbducks like yourself.

Let me guess, if Obama had a transgendered sister with a beard, it would look just like you.

Am i right?'re pegging America losing it's greatness with Eisenhower?
Everything equates to race with KC. Everything. Because that's all that matters to him he thinks that's all that matters to you.

Give me a year that America lost it's greatness. IT should be easy to pinpoint....We needed to make it great "again". When wasn't it great?
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  • #56're pegging America losing it's greatness with Eisenhower?
Give me a year that America lost it's greatness. IT should be easy to pinpoint....We needed to make it great "again". When wasn't it great?

If you're having a hard time threading that needle then go run under a truck.

You're essentially wasting oxygen.
When was America last great? When I woke up this morning. And every morning before that. I don't know...I realize I am not a "patriot" (whatever the hell that means these days), but America has ALWAYS been great. Every. Single. Day. Even...and this is important...after we have elected a mentally unstable, childish egomaniac as our president. It has ALWAYS been great.

Has America had problems? You bet we have....we went to WAR against ourselves at one point in history. But it was even great THEN. For anyone to insinuate that America had somehow lost it's greatness is an insult to every American....and an even BIGGER insult to the families of men and women who have died while in service to this country during a period deemed to be "less than great".

All of this.
If you're having a hard time threading that needle then go run under a truck.

You're essentially wasting oxygen.

I'm confused....I said I've always thought America was great...and it's still great despite the kindergartner we have in the oval office. But I've been told that it HASN'T always been great. They've given me all kinds of insulting examples, but they somehow can't even give me a YEAR when it started to lose it's greatness. I'm just trying to get someone who found themselves waking up in the morning and saying "America sucks and needs to be made great again" to tell me when they started feeling that way. I don't like our dear leader, but America was great before him, and despite him. Please - educate me - could you at LEAST give me a year when America lost it's greatness? about the CENTURY that America lost it's greatness?

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