there are some bad apples, but us good apples far outnumber them.
I definitely agree with you on that one and wasnt saying that Xmas eve was the time to broach the subject with the guys and girls, but it seems like the few make it appear that there are more bad than good since they are usually more vocal and drag everyone who works with them down. Witness the antics of a few this past week and I'm sure you'll see what I'm saying. Too bad peer pressure cant work on getting a couple of guys to get a clue. I know the rampers see it too since its discussed in the break room all the time.
I had not heard about the jetway breaking and delaying the offloading of the first flight. Wonder if anyone bothered to tell baggage what was going on so they could make an announcement? Not that all 193 people would have been satisfied with the explanation, but it might have helped. Otherwise its just another "pathetic old USAir way of doing things." See where the perception thing leads to believing? All the customer sees is no bags for an hour. This is what needs to change. We need to be proactive and let people know what is going on. Sure we probably arent going to get the help we need, but we can sure put the blame where it belongs instead of everyone thinking its those lazy ramp agents taking their time. "Sorry for the baggage delay, the airport owned jetway on another flight broke and the full flight of customers are being assisted by the ramp agents in reaching the terminal via airstairs so there will be a delay in baggage arriving at the claim area. Once they have completed unloading the flight, they will start to unload the luggage." Otherwise, it sounds like you guys did a great job given the circumstances.
I also think there needs to be a supervisor until the last inbound flight in customer service. They get off at 9pm and any and all problems after that time fall on the agent (or manager if around). There should be a supervisor meeting the last flight and heading to baggage until they are done. Once again though, it appears the only important part of the day is fleet launch and after that it doesnt matter.
The HP team this day was "chicken wing boys" and helper. I dont know if they had other issues or not, but given the track record, I'd venture a guess that they were trying to prove some kind of point again as they have on so many occassions. Too bad peer pressure cant help give them insight into what the rest of the world perceives goes on on the ramp. It would be exactly what the manager was saying I'm afraid. Remember the loud, obnoxious ones are going to get all the attention (good and bad) and the ones who do what they are supposed to are going to be overshadowed.
I think overall in TPA we do a great job with what we have to work with and I enjoy working WITH the rampers for the most part. Luckily some of the ones (and inside as well) who had problems or disliked their jobs left, but we both still have a couple clingons who refuse to leave or accept the fact that things have changed. Maybe the managers would fit into this category as well?
Severance went to PWM many years ago. When PWM got Expressed, he got severed.