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Management Layoffs

On 1/10/2003 7:45:43 AM DLFlyer31 wrote:

On 1/7/2003 12:24:07 PM synchronicity wrote:

I'm hardly an expert, but speaking as someone trying to line up flights for a forthcoming trip to New Zealand, I'd say UAL has very good load factors on their daily 777 flight from LAX to AKL and back.



Obviously, the folks at WHQ disagree.

[A href="http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030109/2234000908_1.html"]http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030109/2234000908_1.html[/A][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Yeah, I heard about that. FWIW, I'm currently in New Zealand (a beautiful place called Kaikoura on the South Island). We're a little bummed about the news, as are some people here in NZ.

Also agree with the other poster, I don't know what the yields are. UAL seemed to be doing a decent job selling first and business seats, but maybe that's only in the summer (seasons reversed south of the equator).

As for the 96 employees, I'd agree that's a bunch for one flight daily (I think some rare days they have two flights, but still...)

Interestingly enough, Air New Zealand is adding an additional flight or more starting sometime in April, IIRC, and they are also involved in forging an agreement with Quantas (don't know where to find the details on line, check the Air NZ website and/or any local Kiwi news sources). So they can find a way to make money on the flights, even if UAL can't. I'd note that Air NZ flies 747's, and they are formatted with only 8 seats in first, 52 in business and 308 in coach, as opposed to the 14/73/260 format of UAL 747-400's, and the 12/49/216 format of the 777's they fly to Auckland. Hmm...

Last note re: New Zealand...

We flew back yesterday. However, we were unable to take the UAL flight (fortunately we'd purchased ID90's for Air New Zealand in advance). The issue didn't appear to be seat availability, instead it was a weight issue as the plane was carrying cargo (either that or people were bringing back a LOT of luggage). I believe on that flight that business was full and first was darn near full, although how much of that was upgrades or whatever is anyone's guess.

Anyway, just another way of saying that I'm surprised UAL is losing money on the flight overall. I could see it in the NZ winter, but not in the summer.

One last note: our UAL flights were consistently on time or early, both departing and arriving. Although all the ANZ people I encountered were friendly, their flights consistently left 15 minutes late and arrived late as well. (took 4 ANZ flights total, and it was the same each time). Go figure.


PS- if you've never been to New Zealand, it's a beautiful country with very friendly people. I highly recommend going if at all possible.