PitBull says
Your a pax. What's the problem? What do you know about anyones work ethic or job functions?
No problem. Never said I knew anything about his work ethic. But after flying for almost thirty years and watching what goes on around me and the bird I’m flying, I have pretty good idea of what functions some people perform. It may not be a complete picture, but I’m guessing I will not be off by much
Have you taken some kind of concessions?
Does almost a 30% decrease in income because my companies business sucks from last year to this year count. If so, then yes I have.
Did you take on employment at U?
No not yet. Is the CEO position open? I like you could do as good a job as the ones we have had over the past 10 years. (besides you know how much this ? pi$$es me off.
I am not sure what the threats are all about or what you hope to gain by singling out an employee.
Would somebody show me this “threat�
I suggest you stick to pax issues, and how fare pricing, and routes and service affect you and others, and what happens to DM if U goes into Ch 11.
I will, you can count on it.
Frankly, I'm surprised to see you post this, and don't understand what you hope to gain out of these exchanges as a pax.
Well I guess I was little hard on him, but I’ve been trying to get home for the past 24 hours and I am just tired. I’ve seen the best and worst of US in the last 24 hours. I’m also tired of the constant attacking other employees and sometimes the customer who does not agree with the hard line union view in this forum. I simply felt like there was very little if any remorse for the fellow employees who were canned yesterday. It, as always, then becomes another thread about how this is wrong, management sucks, my job is harder than you job, you are liar, you are management, etc.
At some point it needs to stop. And you know what really bothers me? Seeing employees attacking each other on this board. CCY is playing it like a fiddle. You know how I feel. You know very well how I feel about the employees and how this company has been run. You know, as much as anyone, what my motives in all of this has been. I would also ask you to also see how harmful this all is. On a day like to day, when a fellow employees has been terminated, why is it so important to kick him in the teeth? You see in my own way I singled out employee for what I perceived as going after another one.
And I know you mean this and I have a tremendous respect for you as well. So when I say thanks for taking me to the wood shed, I mean it. I will now go back to my corner and hide.
🙁 Besides I'm only home for less than 24 hours and then I get to start it all over again.