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Management Layoffs Have Started

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cltvff said:
Gees, folks.... this thread has deteriorated as bad as any I've see in my years on here... management = bad, unions = good, pax = PIA.... no, wait... management = blame, employees = blameless, pax = revenue... no, wait.... I give up.... let's put this horse down and go get real lives.

I think I'm gonna go have a drink

Hey wait, can I come... 😀 😀
The mentality that I have is one that YOU nor YOUR managment team can possess, manipulate, bainwash, or change. I am always ahead of the curve.

Pitbull. Way ahead of the curve, huh. Maybe then you should manage the airline. Or are you more skilled to manage the people that manage the airline.

I no longer work there. My management job was eliminated.
USAirBoyA330 said:
Yes I finished college [edited by moderator] Your just too much to deal with and your quite rude. I still don't like you from your comments on domestic partners way back. Time to hit IGNORE...your not worth reading.

1-800-tor-elax or 1-800-chi-lout
openview said:
Pitbull. Way ahead of the curve, huh. Maybe then you should manage the airline. Or are you more skilled to manage the people that manage the airline.

I no longer work there. My management job was eliminated.

Oh, I am sorry to hear this. 🙁

Shoot,..now you made me feel bad. Scratch what I said.
PitBull says

Your a pax. What's the problem? What do you know about anyones work ethic or job functions?
No problem. Never said I knew anything about his work ethic. But after flying for almost thirty years and watching what goes on around me and the bird I’m flying, I have pretty good idea of what functions some people perform. It may not be a complete picture, but I’m guessing I will not be off by much

Have you taken some kind of concessions?
Does almost a 30% decrease in income because my companies business sucks from last year to this year count. If so, then yes I have. 🙁

Did you take on employment at U?
No not yet. Is the CEO position open? I like you could do as good a job as the ones we have had over the past 10 years. (besides you know how much this ? pi$$es me off. 🙄

I am not sure what the threats are all about or what you hope to gain by singling out an employee.

Would somebody show me this “threatâ€￾?

I suggest you stick to pax issues, and how fare pricing, and routes and service affect you and others, and what happens to DM if U goes into Ch 11.

I will, you can count on it. :up:

Frankly, I'm surprised to see you post this, and don't understand what you hope to gain out of these exchanges as a pax.

Well I guess I was little hard on him, but I’ve been trying to get home for the past 24 hours and I am just tired. I’ve seen the best and worst of US in the last 24 hours. I’m also tired of the constant attacking other employees and sometimes the customer who does not agree with the hard line union view in this forum. I simply felt like there was very little if any remorse for the fellow employees who were canned yesterday. It, as always, then becomes another thread about how this is wrong, management sucks, my job is harder than you job, you are liar, you are management, etc.

At some point it needs to stop. And you know what really bothers me? Seeing employees attacking each other on this board. CCY is playing it like a fiddle. You know how I feel. You know very well how I feel about the employees and how this company has been run. You know, as much as anyone, what my motives in all of this has been. I would also ask you to also see how harmful this all is. On a day like to day, when a fellow employees has been terminated, why is it so important to kick him in the teeth? You see in my own way I singled out employee for what I perceived as going after another one.



And I know you mean this and I have a tremendous respect for you as well. So when I say thanks for taking me to the wood shed, I mean it. I will now go back to my corner and hide. 🙁 Besides I'm only home for less than 24 hours and then I get to start it all over again.
Mabey if Management & administrative employees would have given up some pay & benefits like everyone else has given up, the last few years, we wouldn't be at this point in time...

When I worked in Stores, we unloaded and loaded 53' trucks also. And had to take care of airplane tires that wieghed as much as 600lbs. There is a lot of physical labor when dealing with A/C parts.

And I have spent my time in the cornfield, I guess I am good at walking on thin ice.

It is no disrespect to the non-employees, it is just that you all can try and understand what is going on, but until you live it everyday you truly won't comprehend it.

I know many people that have lost their houses, spouses and families over the financial ruin that bad management has caused. There are families who only see a parent two days a week because they have to work in another city to keep their employment. Life is not easy for many these days do to the economic conditions.

But you all act like us employees have done nothing to help. Two rounds of concessions for $1.2 billion a year and 20,000 less jobs I would say is a tremendous sacrifice by the employees. And everyday we see more management hired while we have less workers, something seems amiss here.

Only to be treated like enemy combantants from the likes of Bronner, Seigel and Glass.

The one thing that US executives past and current cannot fathom is you cannot save an airline by only attacking the workers wallets. You have to increase revenue generating which US has failed at. Even ECLAT who former VP of labor relations and current consulant for ECLAT has shown US non-labor costs have increased not decreased.

This place is doomed to fail because the current executives and past have no idea on how to run an airline, the would rather attack the employees instead of the competition.
700UW said:
But you all act like us employees have done nothing to help. Two rounds of concessions for $1.2 billion a year and 20,000 less jobs I would say is a tremendous sacrifice by the employees.
Thanks for the explanation and I agree most with everything you have posted except the bolded one above. I don't believe this and I hope my post have never reflected it. I will say it again. I have friends who have worked here for 30+ years. My bosses wife has over 25 and is out on medical leave. I've heard the horror stories of the crap she has gone through because they would rather see her quit. I've never flown with her, but I've got to believe that she is one of the best. I can live with out my miles if we find it is over tomorrow. They are not in any way my concern here. Please read my post "sunshine" on this page and you will see how I really feel. It does irrate me to no end to be accused of being a self centered CP who is only concerned about my status and perks. You and others have suggested this in the past.

I'm never going to buy into or understand your feelings that management is the entire problem here. I am also never going to feel comfortable when I see the train wreck coming and all the while the employees are going at each other on this board. Seems to be such a shame. I do admire your determination to do what is right, but cutting up other employees may in the end not be the best way to get where you are going. Just a thought.

How about we call a truce? And if you get a chance, I really am on the flight next Monday. Come up and say hi if you get the chance. In the end I bet we find that neither one of us is the xxxhole the other believes we are.
700UW said:
If you really think that then go ask Jerry Glass and his cohorts why have they done nothing to attack the competition. The facts are they have only attacked the employees through two rounds of concessions, a termination of the pilot's pension and numerous violations of every working groups collective bargaining agreements.

The company is the one who declared war on the employees, not the other way around, the employees are only defending themselves against the onerous attacks against us.

Do I need to go into detail?


You are absolutely correct in that US has always been passive in attacking the competition and seems to always blame their employee's rather then address their blatant fundamental flows. This has always been the problem with US, and must be very frustrating. There is a reason why carriers like AA and NW still have fortress hubs, because they defend their turf at all costs. They are willing to dilute revenue in the short run, because they know the long-term costs are much greater if a competitor gets a foot hold. US's attitude has always been Oh well! In the airline business if you give a little you loose a whole lot! Perfect example is F9's service LAXPHL, DENPHL, and LAXMSP. How did US react to this and how did NW? Today F9 is not in the LAXMSP market!
longing4piedmont said:
PitBull says

And I know you mean this and I have a tremendous respect for you as well. So when I say thanks for taking me to the wood shed, I mean it. I will now go back to my corner and hide. 🙁 Besides I'm only home for less than 24 hours and then I get to start it all over again.

ah, heck. Let me know when your in Pittsburgh so I can buy us some stiff drinks at Friday's ..... 😀
whocare i got my pink slip 2 yrs ago and i have more time than 3 or 4 of them put together
Scab article? Do you mean the poem that I posted that was credited to Jack London?

Or the blunder article that I wrote?

Is the best you can do is try to insult and attack? And I have been outside during many engine changes, if you ever did one and read the job card you would see Utility has to clean the firewall.

So once again, don't tell me what I have done, becuase you have no idea.

But keep trying!
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