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Management Layoffs Have Started

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I could not get to the IGNORE feature fast enough...rats! Enough...this is off topic. Go crawl back under your rock and try to keep your close minded opinions to yourself. I have more class than you will ever have. I was biting my tongue with you so consider yourself lucky in that respect.
Now....end discussion and back on topic. 🙄
hey airbii
Glad to see you know how to make friends and influence people.
Yoo hoo, kids!! Knock it off before the board nazis close the thread. Can't we all get a long? My heart goes out to those who lost their jobs; a sad day indeed. God bless us all.
Oh one last thing; did "Seth" get a pink slip? If so, who in CCY is going to dye their hair yellow now?
Im not here to make friends 700 , this isnt where I go to make friends, Im here to make rational points about topics.
The daughter of one of my coworkers was let go, she was a sales rep. My heart goes out to everyone at US, I barely lived through many layoffs at HP, its the one part of this crazy industry I don't miss.
EyeInTheSky said:
Yoo hoo, kids!! Knock it off before the board nazis close the thread.

With the way people are posting tonight, there might be quite a few closed and some more people are going to enjoy some time off this weekend it looks like.
so when our jobs are cut u know excacty who and how many where are the real numbers... 😱
scot said:
With the way people are posting tonight, there might be quite a few closed and some more people are going to enjoy some time off this weekend it looks like.
Scot, I am being good for a change, aren't I? 😉 . For those who have not visited the infamous "cornfield" you don't want to go there.
I am truely saddened by hard working people being furloughed. I dont care if they are labor or management. (Folks, lets not confuse management with the executive ranks and the senior management ranks.) You will all be first in my prayers this evening.

To all those getting furloughed or layed off...I'm sorry. I feel your pain. My best wishes to you. Funny this day 3 years ago changed this industry forever. NEVER FORGET!
Heard that the CCY sales desk did sustain layoffs....I will keep them and the others in my thoughts and prayers
You guys need to save some sympathy for the 115-125 PSA rampers and gate agents getting let go November 1st. They make $6.77 an hour, probably won't get ANY sort of benefit from the company, and a good many of them are excellent at what they do, considering how short a time they have been there.

And to the folks at CCY, I sympathize with you all. Starting over always sucks!
airbiiguy said:
700, get a life! thats 350 people who have families and obligations just like you!Just cuz they went to college and chose a different path than you doesnt mean they are the enemy!

You like to open your mouth and let the dumbest crap fall out of it. You dont think that people in these jobs have college degrees? DELETED

I feel sorry for the folks in CCY but would not shed a tear if a certain someone lost thier job and more. Really. <_<
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