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Management Layoffs Have Started

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PineyBob said:
Back when I sold to Beth Steel they had almost the same employee numbers. I think it shrank to under 15,000 before the plug got pulled.

It's kind of funny (not Ha ha funny, funny odd) That for once US Airways will be first at something. Either the first major to liquidate since 9/11 or the first major to restructure and become profitable and grow.

Seems there are choices to be made

And it is not the rank and file's choices whether the co. survives or not. WE do not make the decisions or strategies, plans, product, or business model that leads to success.

We are just an easy target for the company to save money off our backs. If the company can not devise a unique product in a competitive world, then it will be our demise.

Get it right Bob, for a change.
700UW said:
See unions are about doing what is best for all, not just one.


Normally I enjoy your posts. However, I have to say you are really full of it, and brain washed if you believe that. Your comment sounds a lot like the philosophy of the former Soviet-Union! Have you ever read the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?

What you fail to see is that the goal of a Union has changed from when they were first created back in the early 1900's. Now their sole non-stated goal is to perpetuate their own existence. To do this they have to drive a wedge between labor and management, because if both sides got along their would be no-need for a union.
( i.e., the members would stop paying dues and the union would die).

Further, you fail to see that all of you at US (both union and management) are on the same team.. The real enemy is OA and not each other! If both sides continue to fight with each other US will die! Just look at Eastern/TWA/Pan Am/Sabena/Brannif, etc.... US will join this list if they can't get their act together.

In closing, my heart goes out to all at US that have lost their job and will loose their job. I know many people at US and it is very hard to see this happen.
airbiiguy said:
..."Come to an express station and watch us work, we will run circles around you. All your unproductive attitudes are hurting the company. "thats not my job" is the one you hear the most. At express you dont hear that , cuz we did every job, for 1/3 the pay, mind you!!! Wake up from your dreamworld 700. It's going to be over soon! Theres a lot of young people who would love to do your job for 1/3 the amount that you are making , same goes for the pilots. Lots of young gusy who make 20k flyign a jet would love to make 58k flyign the same thing!!

No USAirways, No USAirways Express in case you haven't figured it out
My coworkers voted out the no furlough clause, which ended up throwing me out on the street. So much for their compassion.

Laid off and p1ssed off,

513 :angry:

us10 said:

How about a little compassion for fellow employees hitting the streets they have families and obligations just as you do.

longing4piedmont said:
Oh please. Cry us a river.

We know who you are and what you do so why don't you GDAT. You have shown who and what you really in the past 24 hours. I do believe you just might be about to get what is coming to you

I am suppose to be scared or impressed? Your threats don't bother me as I am prepared to move on when the time comes.

And if you really think who I am and what I do, then why don't you contact, my leads, supervisors and managers and they will tell you about my work ethic, which is great. Never been counseled or disciplined about my job performance.

When I am at work I give 100%.

But if that is the best you can come up with, I suggest you come out to CLT and see if you can perform any of the aformentioned tasks.

So keep on attacking cause I am like Teflon, nothing sticks.
dbcwaar said:
Further, you fail to see that all of you at US (both union and management) are on the same team.. The real enemy is OA and not each other! If both sides continue to fight with each other US will die! Just look at Eastern/TWA/Pan Am/Sabena/Brannif, etc.... US will join this list if they can't get their act together.

If you really think that then go ask Jerry Glass and his cohorts why have they done nothing to attack the competition. The facts are they have only attacked the employees through two rounds of concessions, a termination of the pilot's pension and numerous violations of every working groups collective bargaining agreements.

The company is the one who declared war on the employees, not the other way around, the employees are only defending themselves against the onerous attacks against us.

Do I need to go into detail?

Like I said , your "hardships" will soon be over my friend. Wow, you had to unload a 757 waaaaaaaaah. We used to do it also, we used to work our flights plus help out our friends at another carrier when they were short, unloading 757-200s in the freezing cold in OHIO.Let me list our jobs. How about check-in and do counter, Deice a flight, load it unload it , do all the paperwork, and then have it cancel and have to go inside and rebook all the crazy rude pax that fly the airline. We did all that in ONE flight. I dont feel bad for you , you can moan all you want about having to change an engine in cold weather, you don't know what cold is, especially working in CLT, come up to OH and find out what its really like! OH did i forget to mention we used to have to search through pax carryons and checked bags also before there was TSA!!!
I guess comprehension is not one of your stronger points?

QUOTE(700UW @ Sep 11 2004, 12:10 PM)
Once again you have no idea of what you are talking about. I am not a ramper.

I have worked Customer Service before in LGA, operations, but we all know operations was moved to OCC several years back. And yes I know what cold is, ever work in Chicago or NYC?

I have.

See I love your feeble attempts at attacks, why don't you answer the questions or ideas poised to you instead of trying to insult and attack?
Im not attackign you, just telling you how it really is. I know it stinks to wake up from a good dream but you will be very soon. have a great day. The old saying applies here, "you don't know what you have until it's gone"
airbiiguy said:
Im not attackign you, just telling you how it really is. I know it stinks to wake up from a good dream but you will be very soon. have a great day. The old saying applies here, "you don't know what you have until it's gone"

Yea, like a bad marriage, huh. 🙄
And it is not the rank and file's choices whether the co. survives or not. WE do not make the decisions or strategies, plans, product, or business model that leads to success.

We are just an easy target for the company to save money off our backs. If the company can not devise a unique product in a competitive world, then it will be our demise.

Pitbull it is this mentality that is the demise of US. The us against them attitude within. USAir has to compete with the competition AND compete with the union.

Mgmt has to devise a unique product AND one tip-toes through the hundred pages of contract language.

Ironically, the union may be a victim of its own powerful success. It totally affects the decisions, strategies, plans, product, or business model of the company.
openview said:
Pitbull it is this mentality that is the demise of US. The us against them attitude within. USAir has to compete with the competition AND compete with the union.

Mgmt has to devise a unique product AND one tip-toes through the hundred pages of contract language.

Ironically, the union may be a victim of its own powerful success. It totally affects the decisions, strategies, plans, product, or business model of the company.

Well, Opneview, explaining managment's job is in order to make U competitive and lasting is something you fail terribly at and I don't expect you to understand what I posted to Bob. As far as going through many pages of contract language, you have quite enough managment to do it. After all, no one is watching the store, now are they?

Someone in managment made the suggestion to the BOD that labor costs need to be saught after again, so that is your job.

As far as product, and strategy, AGAIN, managment's job.

The mentality that I have is one that YOU nor YOUR managment team can possess, manipulate, bainwash, or change. I am always ahead of the curve.
longing4piedmont said:
Oh please. Cry us a river.

We know who you are and what you do so why don't you GDAT. You have shown who and what you really in the past 24 hours. I do believe you just might be about to get what is coming to you
700UW said:
I am suppose to be scared or impressed? Your threats don't bother me as I am prepared to move on when the time comes.
Where in the above quote did I threaten you. Just making an observation, but if you percieved it as a threat then you must really be paranoid.
700UW said:
And if you really think who I am and what I do, then why don't you contact, my leads, supervisors and managers and they will tell you about my work ethic, which is great. Never been counseled or disciplined about my job performance.

When I am at work I give 100%.

Never said you didn't. Those comments were made by folks who seem to know you better than I. But I will tell you that in the factory were I work, there are guys who have much tougher jpb loading 53' trailers that get to 120+ in the top in the summer time and have to lift 200 lbs. boxes in doing it. They work 8 full hours a day with (2) fifteen minute breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. They don't stop because there is ALWAYS a truck in the door. They make and average of $10.00 bucks and hour and would take your job in a heart beat, and chew it up like candy. There are many jobs out there tougher than yours making a whole lot less than you do.
700UW said:
But if that is the best you can come up with, I suggest you come out to CLT and see if you can perform any of the aformentioned tasks.

So keep on attacking cause I am like Teflon, nothing sticks.

Nope that is not the best I can come up with. So if you want to dance, we can go to the cornfield together. 😛h34r:

And I will be in CLT on Monday and I'll make it easy for you, I'll be on flight #345 if you want to come up and say hi. I'll be glad to come out and watch you, just get me a pass. I'll only be there for an hour or so and probably wouldn't be long enough to impress you that an old out of shape guy could do your job too.

Attacks are what you do to most posters on this board who do not agree with you. Quiet frankly I don't understand why you have not been taken to task for it.... again.
longing4piedmont said:
Nope that is not the best I can come up with. So if you want to dance, we can go to the cornfield together. 😛h34r:

And I will be in CLT on Monday and I'll make it easy for you, I'll be on flight #345 if you want to come up and say hi. I'll be glad to come out and watch you, just get me a pass. I'll only be there for an hour or so and probably wouldn't be long enough to impress you that an old out of shape guy could do your job too.

Attacks are what you do to most posters on this board who do not agree with you. Quiet frankly I don't understand why you have not been taken to task for it.... again.


Your a pax. What's the problem? What do you know about anyones work ethic or job functions?

Have you taken some kind of concessions? Did you take on employment at U? I am not sure what the threats are all about or what you hope to gain by singling out an employee. I suggest you stick to pax issues, and how fare pricing, and routes and service affect you and others, and what happens to DM if U goes into Ch 11.

Frankly, I'm surprised to see you post this,and don't understand what you hope to gain out of these exchanges as a pax.


Gees, folks.... this thread has deteriorated as bad as any I've see in my years on here... management = bad, unions = good, pax = PIA.... no, wait... management = blame, employees = blameless, pax = revenue... no, wait.... I give up.... let's put this horse down and go get real lives.

I think I'm gonna go have a drink
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