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Making The Grade


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Making the Grade

ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - US Airways mainline operations continued to excel over the weekend, surpassing goals for departure and arrival measures on both Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday, 92.9 percent of our flights arrived within 14 minutes of scheduled arrival, which was 8.9 points ahead of goal. Meanwhile, departures within five minutes of schedule were ahead of goal by 5.2 points. On Sunday, 92.3 percent of all flights arrived within 14 minutes of schedule, which was 8.3 points ahead of goal, while departures within five minutes of schedule were 3.9 points ahead of goal.

Month to date, mainline is ahead of goal for both on-time departures and turn time performance. This resulted in mainline bringing in 84.6 percent of all flights within 14 minutes of schedule, 0.6 points ahead of goal.

US Airways Express on-schedule departures also are ahead of goal, at 75.1 percent for the month. On Sunday, 73.6 percent of all Express flights departed on-time, which was 3.6 points ahead of goal.

For the month, Express has a departure completion rate of 98.1 percent, which is 0.6 points ahead of goal. Express on Sunday completed 98.7 percent of its flights, or 1.2 points ahead of goal.


PineyBob said:
If you're going to post why not post the WHOLE PICTURE! What were the PAWOB percentages over the same period of time?
Because he is a cheerleader! RAH RAH!
PineyBob said:
If you're going to post why not post the WHOLE PICTURE! What were the PAWOB percentages over the same period of time?

In his defense, they dont post the pawobs in the rah, rah section so you have to look in another place for it. This is from Mon, May 23rd.

Yesterday's mainline systemwide operating statistics:

Actual M-T-D Goals
Fleet Launch--S:00 87.5% 84.7% 85.0%
Fleet Launch--S:05 96.3% 92.6% 95.0%
Departures--S:00 minutes 68.8% 66.0% 65.0%
Departures--S:05 minutes 82.9% 79.0% 79.0%
Arrivals--S:14 minutes 92.3% 84.6% 84.0%
Turn Performance--S:00 68.3% 67.9% 68.0%
Turn Performance--S:05 85.3% 83.3% 82.0%
Completion (departures) 99.6% 99.1% 99.0%

May 19 Mainline PAWOB* Actual M-T-D Goals
6.3 7.0 3.0

Mainline bookings: 126,000 today and 95,000 tomorrow.
* * * * *
Yesterday's Express systemwide operating statistics:

Actual M-T-D Goals
Departures--S:00 minutes 73.6% 75.1% 70.0%
Departures--S:05 minutes 78.0% 79.6% 85.0%
Arrivals--S:14 minutes 84.2% 82.8% 85.0%
Completion (departures) 98.7% 98.1% 97.5%

May 19 Express PAWOB* Actual M-T-D Goals
10.1 12.2 3.0

Express bookings: 55,000 today and 43,000 tomorrow.

*Passengers Arriving w/o Baggage per 1,000 passengers

I posted the whole article that was published on the Hub.


So this month 7 passengers out of every 1000 arrived without their bags?

What percent of passengers actually check bags?
I agree with Piney, posting those facts on theHUB is like blowing smoke...everyone who flies knows not to check bags!

When is now a good time to fix the problem?

Piney, has FFOCUS introduced itself to Mr Parker and co yet?

1st question should be, what is the deal with the baggage?
Hey jack Mama i agree people should not check their bags...try and pack light..and use the laundry where ever you go
After all if you are visiting friends borrow some of your friends clothing.

if you going to the carbbean you dont need a lot of clothes