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Smooth Operator


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Smooth Operator

ARLINGTON (theHub.com) - Mainline operations were strong yesterday, with 92.2 percent of our flights arriving within 14 minutes of scheduled arrival time.

More impressive was the true on-time arrival performance of 72.9 percent, which represents the percentage of flights that arrive at the specified time listed on our flight schedule (S:00). This was the highest S:00 arrival day since February 13, 2005.

As for departures, 74.3 percent left at the time indicated in our flight schedule, which laid the groundwork for 84.8 percent of all flights to depart within five minutes of scheduled departure time.

Although traffic generally is light on Tuesday, US Airways carried 116,000 passengers on its mainline flights, accounting for a 64.9 percent load factor.


hmm, how about some baggage stats...were 10% more bags left behind? Or did they make it at the same rate?
if the bags made it at all! we all know how phl cant seem to figure out how to put the bags onto flts, especially in the f terminal
The past 4 days have been some of the smoothest I have seen in a long long time. We are very wary that that a big hammer is about to fall and make up for this period. No joke, flts have been on time and excellent service on the bags by the rampers. Reminds me why I loved this job for so long.
Too bad there is always so much negativity on this board. Can't we just be happy that things are running smoothly and not always look for the dark side? Please, let's have some optimism here. Things certainly have been difficult so when things are running well, recognize it and stop being so negative.
PineyBob said:
I guess we should file this under "even a blind squirel finds an acorn once and awhile"

Could it be that some of the initiatives are taking root? Things like station staffing levels are getting closer to "normal"? Add to that the awesome weather and you have very little to drag down the operation.
MarkMyWords said:
Could it be that some of the initiatives are taking root? Things like station staffing levels are getting closer to "normal"? Add to that the awesome weather and you have very little to drag down the operation.
I will try not to bring negative to a positive post but, the "awesome weather" has been a big part. The trick will be getting a management team we believe in to guide us through the times when things are not so awesome.
Heinrich said:
hmm, how about some baggage stats...were 10% more bags left behind? Or did they make it at the same rate?
Heinrich I was just going to comment about that. Its easy to have a high percentage rate of on time arrivals when you dont have to concern yourself with the passengers luggage.
urpius pilot said:
Too bad there is always so much negativity on this board. Can't we just be happy that things are running smoothly and not always look for the dark side? Please, let's have some optimism here. Things certainly have been difficult so when things are running well, recognize it and stop being so negative.

Things have ran rather smooth on the opns. side do to good weather in the system. As far as being negative,if you were refering to me, I just tell it the way I see it & the way I see it if I don't get more help in my work area "a few more bags" will miss. We try but if you don't have the help well something hits the fan.