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Machinists Update


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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August 18, 2004

To all US Airways Mechanic and Related Employees:

Pension Payment

US Airways issued a news release concerning the payment into the Defined Benefit Pension Plan. The release stated that US Airways was asking the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a waiver so they could make the required pension payments over a five year period. If granted, US Airways would still be required to make all necessary payments.

The request for a waiver by US Airways is legal and does not violate the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The request, if granted, will not change the retirement benefits for active or retired employees.
Our (ERISA) Attorneys will continue to monitor the process.
This request by US Airways to the (IRS) is not to stop payments into the plan, but to allow them to continue funding the plan over a longer period of time.

August 31, 2004, meeting scheduled

District Lodge #141 and District Lodge #142 President-Directing General Chairmen and General Chairpersons will meet at the Company’s Headquarters to explain the union’s cost saving proposals. The time has come for the Company to listen to our recommendations so as to achieve the significant cost savings proposed by the Union and necessary for the Company’s survival.

Remembering again, the concession stand is closed and will remain so.

We will continue to keep you advised of all future developments as they occur

Sincerely and fraternally,
William O'Driscoll

Steve Ebert Bill Freiberger Tony Giammarco Duke Synder

Tom Regan
That's ok, 700. Judging by the latest "take it or leave it" proposal from management, it appears they want the entire $800 million from us pilots.

I just saw the co. second proposal to AFA that was presented to the negotiating committee.

Not looking goood, folks :down:

Think AFA made a big mistake going to the table thinking there would be consensual agreements and provisions through exchanges.

May have to consider pulling out of negotiations.

These proposals are abrogations and the co. is not considering AFA's counters. The co. is also asking for the pension plan to be frozen regardless of an IRS "request" of a waiver to amortorize payments over 5years.

Friday, MEC will discuss co. counter proposal and any action.

With the proposal seen today, looks like the co. is not serious about any negotiations.

Looks like they are going for a judicial restructuring, and some creditor who is in on the conspiracy to gutt labor will force the co. into BK. :angry:

Here we go....

Flight attendants need to get ready and get their expenses down.

I figure that the latest proposal that ALPA got is worth somewhere well north of $600 million. Care to put a dollar figure on what they proposed for the AFA.

Maybe they've given up on the $700 million in non-labor savings and are going for the entire $1.5 billion from us...


I saw it tonight and got sick to my stomach.

There is no way we could put anything out there like this to the f/as. I think the f/as would just give up and not produce anymore.

These are abrogation proposals.

I believe the co. is doing this on purpose knowing the union reps just can't go in these areas and negotiate. They want an excuse to blame labor.

I don't know if you also saw the amendable date, but its 2012, no increases, no snap backs, and no sign of a discussion in the future to revisit any wage. They are also asking for HUGE wage and vacation cuts, numbers I have never seen. I don't believe there is a low cost carrier that gives that little of vacation to employees that U is proposing. Top out vacation proposed is what I made in my 6 th year at U.

Its down right bad, and unaffordable. And the reserve system is still bad, bad, bad. Nothing but poverty and slavery.
We asked for an "OPEN FURLOUGH" offer to everyone, with no recall, but the co. is still looking for cost neutral.

They are insane and I smell Jerry Glass all over these proposals even though he is not at the table.

I think we're done with this cherade.

Time to step away from the table and let the chips fall where they are destined to fall anyway.
Oh right....It's just part of sharing the pain that a certain A320pilot deems necessary. Just give in. You'll see.....everything will be alright <_< .
The challenge is the court will likely order the cuts or the company will liquidate. Unfortunately, labor has very little leverage.



Welcome to the real world, my friend.

The road is about to get rough, and you're not going to like what's at the end. Its definitely time to "engage" that judicial arena.

Don't give up your night job.
USA320Pilot said:
The challenge is the court will likely order the cuts or the company will liquidate. Unfortunately, labor has very little leverage.




Dont think that your glorious capts position as well as your flying career is safe in bankruptcy also. We are all in this together. The company will not play favoritism. I have experienced enough of the painfull sacrifices. I am numb and ready for death. If it happens it happens.
One things for sure. I am not voting for anymore concession's.


I do not think you will get a chance to vote.


USA320Pilot said:

I do not think you will get a chance to vote.



What happened to your Normal Vincent Peale positive attitude captain? Did you really believe all the millions of words you wrote on here were actually going to influence people and beat sense into their heads?

This is why I have been saying U is finished and WILL go out of business because the spirit is dead, employees simply don't care, and why should they? We have a management that will assure U’s demise. Is it Gloom and Doom I have been preaching? Nay...just common sense. UAL will also go away. No one of sound mind will risk good money on either of these losers.

I am glad I have been actively seeking other opportunities since 9/11 when this industry started it’s accelerated decimation.
USA320Pilot said:
The challenge is the court will likely order the cuts or the company will liquidate. Unfortunately, labor has very little leverage.


The road is about to get rough, and you're not going to like what's at the end. Its definitely time to "engage" that judicial arena.