Not so. We arent giving more so others can give less, the company picked a number, and that number was 20%, I guess because the Analysts say the should maintain at least 20% liquidity, and applied it to everyone regardless of their standing, if you recall back in 2003 they didnt cut management because they said they were below industry standards. Roth testified that they informed the company that they were asking for $41 million more than they said they needed, the company didnt care, because they were going for 20%, except management of course, we would have simply been a bomnus. They still have not revealed what concessions management is giving, The latest scam they are pulling is all the "retirements", they retire, the company counts it as a head cut off payroll, adds that in as a savings, then pays them consulting fees which gets charged somewhere else on the balance sheet.
Just think, if this had been voted in we probably never would have known that we were giving $41 million more in concessions than the company said they needed.