Local 512 Message


Dec 21, 2002
President's Message
Friday, 05 May 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am writing to you this week to discuss some disturbing news which I received. There was an emergency President Council conference call on Monday May 1, 2006. On this call we were informed of the request by the Dispatchers, which are one of the contract groups; desire to enter into early Contract Negotiations. Their President has requested a letter be sent to American Airlines for the implementation of Section 6 openers. Gary Yingst, the Director of the Air Transport Division, has scheduled an emergency President Council meeting on May 11, 2006. I will keep you updated when I return from the meeting.

This new web site has been received from the Membership very good. Many Members have submitted questions to us by using the “CONTACT USâ€￾ link on the web page. We are updating the “NEWSâ€￾ link as we receive the information.

We have seen an alarming amount of terminations which involve Rule 34 or attendance. Rule 34 states:

Dishonesty of any kind in relations with the Company, such as theft or pilferage of Company property, the property of other employees or property of others entrusted to the Company, or misrepresentation in obtaining employee benefits or privileges will be grounds for dismissal and where the facts warrant, prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Employees charged with a criminal offense on or off duty may be immediately withheld from service. Any offense which constituting a criminal offense whether committed on duty or off duty, will be grounds for dismissal.

The amount of attendance terminations are disturbing because this is an area which the employee solely controls.

Of the twenty three terminations which have taken place during our tenure, 57% of the cases involved either attendance or Rule 34. These are cases which are difficult for the union to prevail.

I will keep the Membership abreast on any new information when I return from the President Council Meeting.

Thank You,

Rick Rodriguez
President, Local 512
It is "very distrubing" that someone other than dictator Jim Little has made this request.

How dare a Local President make such of a request.

We will convene the Presidents and shut him down.

The members or Local Officers will never be allowed to successfully make such a grevious request.
The only openers I want to hear or see are pay increases added vacation more paid holidays and reduced medical costs.
If it is anything other then that come back in 2008 when the contract is amendable.
Early openers my arse :angry:
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The only openers I want to hear or see are pay increases added vacation more paid holidays and reduced medical costs.
If it is anything other then that come back in 2008 when the contract is amendable.
Early openers my arse :angry:

Interesting this pops up along with yesterday's announcement of $1 billion in cost savings needed.
The only openers I want to hear or see are pay increases added vacation more paid holidays and reduced medical costs.
If it is anything other then that come back in 2008 when the contract is amendable.
Early openers my arse :angry:

I think that he is right to invoke the early opener clause.

AA is set to make a profit, despite fuel prices, sitting on billions of cash that they have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year in intrest on, keeping scores of underutilized aircraft and ambitious costly capital improvment projects.

Why not try and get something back? In the meantime start card drives in every department now to hold them to the fire.
The SCARIEST thing I read in the letter from local 512, was "who" signed it !

When I left ORD in spring of 2000, Glen Harmon defeated Rodrigez for the 512 presidency.
Now Glen was'nt a Jimmy Hoffa by any stretch of the Imagination,and too docile for my liking, but even though I was heading for BDL, I had respect for Glen.

For the members to "RE"-elect Rodriguez, is tantamount to "TREASON"., meaning this guy is SOOOO far up the International's A$$, that it's a CRIME.

I feel sorry for 512, but as the ol' saying goes, "You get what you deserve" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ORD was ALWAYS the "missing link" as far as the TWU goes.

(Bob Owens will know EXACTLY what I mean)

Despite the COMPANY locals(DFW/BNA/RDU/LAX), if ORD had "cast their lot" with the hard line locals of BOS/JFK/DCA/SFO (and for a time) DTW, ORD could have swung the control AWAY from HDQ, Despite A$$ Holes like ED Kosietek. But then again, Kosietek WAS from ORD.

Thank GOD I'm retired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that he is right to invoke the early opener clause.

Bobby you know as well as I do that the twu and the company wont give us a god dam thing. It will be more concessions with the early openers with aa crying the blues and the threat of BK again. So lets keep what we got till 2008 then drag out the contract talks for another year.
We will be safe from more concessions till at least 2009.
May be by then half the BK airlines will collapse and thus decrease capacity.
i do know one thing the twu will ratify another concessionary contract just like they have done for the last 20 years. Why should they do anything differently :down:
Well here is what bootlicking local 565 has to say about this and everything else going on these days.

Did you get all that..... :p
The early opener clause is a double edge sword. It gives us the right to beg, but it gives the company and their union a cloak of legitimacy to extract further concessions from us.
Stall,heck we have been in an unrecoverable flat spin since April of 2003. I say bailout before we hit the ground.
Exactly, get talks going, along with a few card drives, IBT, AMFA,AGW, what the heck, try them all. If they come back with more concessions maybe it will be enough to finally blow the lid off this place!
Exactly, get talks going, along with a few card drives, IBT, AMFA,AGW, what the heck, try them all. If they come back with more concessions maybe it will be enough to finally blow the lid off this place!

If they come back with more concessions?

No thanks.
I think that he is right to invoke the early opener clause.

AA is set to make a profit, despite fuel prices, sitting on billions of cash that they have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year in intrest on, keeping scores of underutilized aircraft and ambitious costly capital improvment projects.

Why not try and get something back? In the meantime start card drives in every department now to hold them to the fire.

AMR has to PAY interest on the liquid assets? Sure you got that right? Are you paying the Credit Union for the money on your account, or are they paying you?

You got any suggestions for routes where AA could make $$?

As for the card drive, I assume that you mean AMFA, lets have the wizzards of Laconia negotiate a full pay till the last day contract for us. Jealous for the sweet deal Spanky got? Pining for a job in suncountry, Bob?
AMR has to PAY interest on the liquid assets? Sure you got that right? Are you paying the Credit Union for the money on your account, or are they paying you?

Mr Owens is assuming that AA could spend down the "extra $4 billion of cash" by paying off debt that he incorrectly assumes is costing AA "hundreds of millions" in interest. Although his concept is sound, his faulty assumptions about how much interest AA pays on $4 billion of borrowings lead him to make outlandishly silly comments about "hundreds of millions" of interest.

That $4 billion probably "costs" AA a percent or two per year (the spread between its loan rates and its overnight repo/money market account rates on its cash).

Mr Owens may be paying 19.8% on his borrowings and earning 1% or 2% on his savings, but that's not reflective of cash costs for companies like AA.