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Load Factor June 2003 = 78.4% vs 77.3% for June 2002

And I suppose you would be full of cheer after going thru what many of us here are. Please don''t think that I am not looking for another job. Many of us have made a career with this company as dedicated employees. You on the other hand are an outsider who doesn''t know crap about working here, yet continue to give your views. Stick with your line of work and give your cronies all of your wisdom and advise. I don''t need it, and neither do the rest of us here. I would have many more choice words for you if this were not a professional moderated site. End of story
The company can show load factors at 100%.There is know way they are going to show a profit and return the 5% to it''s employees until it has to(MAYBE IN 18 MONTHS). This same company threaten it''s employees time and time again. I WILL PULL MY MONEY IF THE UNIONS DON''T AGREE TO GIVE UP MORE MONEY. THAT CAME FROM ALABAMA DAVE.EMPLOYEE FRIENDLY MY ASS !!! DAVE .
How many airplanes is usair down too ? 279 from what !!!!400 + Sure the numbers won''t match .
Load factor can be awfully misleading. There is a 1.1% increase, but how does that figure into available seat miles and revunue passenger miles. There have to be fewer ASMs now than a year ago, I wonder how big a drop?
I know that after the PI merger in 1989, we had a total of 454 A/C......14 years later and look where we are now, 279..pathetic to say the least. In the meantime SW has grown it's fleet larger than ours, Airtran will have a larger fleet soon as well. DL, UA, AA, all have grown their fleets to the area of 600+...and they wonder why we can't make a profit..could it be the competitors may be taking our traffic away?????
Union contracts state: "US had a contractual right to implement the 5 percent pay deferral per union contracts. Specifically, "War Contingency" contract clause states, "In the event that (a) the U.S. invades Iraq (meaning that the U.S. initiates a sustained aerial bombardment of those parts of Iraq that are not within the current no fly zone or introduces substantial numbers of ground troops into the territory of Iraq), or (B) there is an act of terrorism which in either event has a material adverse impact on commercial aviation, there will be an immediate 5% pay deferral for up to 18 months. The deferral will begin to be repaid starting the first month following the end of the deferral and will continue to be repaid in as many monthly installments as were covered by the deferral. In the event that US Airways Group reports a pretax profit with respect to any quarter during which the pay deferral is in effect, the deferral will immediately stop and repayment will begin in the next month to continue for the same number of months as were included in the deferral."
Chip comments: In my opinion, the company can implement the 5% wage deferral anytime a terrorist attack occurs in the future, which has a "material adverse impact on commercial aviation." Therefore, the current wage deferral may not be the last time US employees will see this earnings adjustment in the future. In addition, I do not expect US to return to profitability until Q2 2004, therefore, I believe the 5% reduction will begin to be repaid July 1, 2004. US should have better second and third quarters, but like UA and the remainder of the industry, the company is facing the seasonal post Labor Day slowdown, slower winter months, and September 11 anniversary passenger fear, which will depress earnings.

Best regards,

On 7/1/2003 8:14:24 PM wings396 wrote:

And I suppose you would be full of cheer after going thru what many of us here are. Please don''t think that I am not looking for another job. Many of us have made a career with this company as dedicated employees. You on the other hand are an outsider who doesn''t know crap about working here, yet continue to give your views. Stick with your line of work and give your cronies all of your wisdom and advise. I don''t need it, and neither do the rest of us here. I would have many more choice words for you if this were not a professional moderated site. End of story

I beg to differ with you. ITrade offers constructive insight and is probably more knowledgeable about our industry then you and I combined. What you fail to understand is that load factor has nothing to do with profitability and the key trigger in the contracts for the return of the money is PROFIT. Bargain basement fares will increase load factor but does nothing for revenue/profit. You would be hard pressed to prove that there is no war effect and the company would have more data to prove you wrong, skewed or real. As for fuel prices being back to the levels before the war, how much before the war? Fuel prices rose in anticipation of the war. Face it, the 5% is a dead horse. Beat it all you want and it is not going to go anywhere.
Wings -

Agreed, Working it and planning it are two different things. Just as they may "be blind" to things in your world, you are also "blind" to things in their world. From where you stand you may not be able to see what the company has done to improve revenue. Perhaps pulling your head back into the sunshine would help. The code share with UA and LH, STAR acceptance, expanded caribbean service, reconfiguring the 757 to high density are all ways of improving revenue.

Keep on beating that horse and see if you get your moral booster. Even if they gave the 5% back you would find something else to complain about next week. Do I miss that 5%, you bet. Did it hurt? You bet. I''m just not going to sit here and beat my head against the wall screaming for something that I knew was going to happen when the contracts were signed.

As for being management / pro management let me just say that I look at all sides of the issues and make an educated opinion. Just because we don''t share the same views doesn''t mean that I am in management.
On 7/2/2003 9:54:33 AM MarkMyWords wrote:

Face it, the 5% is a dead horse.  Beat it all you want and it is not going to go anywhere.

FACE IT. U management can forget about 75 seat SJs, training blocks or ANY other "enhancements" they are requesting from the labor groups until the 5% is restored, the sick call debacle is over, understaffing is addressed and a softer posture toward labor is in place.

Believe it!

A320 Driver

To clarify a point, management can implement the 5% war contingency pay deferral multiples times, but I believe they cannot be compunded. For example, 5% cannot become 10%, etc.

Best regards,

Being an anylist and working down in the trenches are two different things. There are thousands of "Airline Industry Experts" out there. Sad thing thing is that they think like management does. We all know that management is blind to many of the problems that we observe on the field on a regular basis. From where I stand, I have yet to see anything done by management to improve this company or it''s revenues on my level. At one time in my station we were #1 and carried tons of high yeild traffic. Each time the "brains" in this company make a change that is part of the "big picture" we lose more business. Our local traffic has been vanishing for the last 5 years or so, yet the airport traffic has increased...where are they going you ask? To the competiton, that is where. If this airline has pissed away business in other stations in this manner,as I am sure they have, we will never make it. ITRADE may be a numbers pusher, but that is the crap that has got us into this mess. To many looking at the stats, and nobody looking at the basics anymore. As for the 5%, we are just saying that it would be a morale booster if they gave it back. We know they don''t have to, and we know they most likley won''t. This airline has a huge Morale problem that can''t be overcome by cutting costs. Our costs can be the lowest, but if none of the employees care anymore, it will make no difference. And Mark, by your posts it is very obvious that you are either in Management, or very Pro-Management.
Unfortunately, Chip is right. Dave has already allowed as how the 5% deferral can be implemented multiple times.

Is it wrong? Yes.

Will it happen? You're living in a fantasy land if you think not.

This bunch will do their worst, AND WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE WORST, YET.

It's time for labor to shove back in a meaningful, creative way that has been woefully lacking up to now.

Maybe we can hire PineyBob
A point that is being skimed over is the language within the pay deferral
clause that states....has a direct material effect on the arline industry.

Per statements from numerous other carriers re the second quarter as well
as many analysts lowering airline loss rates it is hard to conceive of any
material adverse impact from the war in iraq.

The origial poster pointed out that load factors have not been impacted.
what is unsure at this juncture is how much revenue per passenger we were
able to secure...however...where is the material adverse impact.

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