liquidation is a distinct possibility

The worst thing about this management is that they have done nothing to be more efficient. No reduction in fleet types, no reductions in parts of the network that don''t work, no reduction in overhead (actually an increase with all the worthless consultants), no increase in productivity for the flight crews. The whole ball of wax is reduction of employee pay. The damage done to the whole industry in pay rates and profitibility will be huge if this turkey doesn''t fold.
FULL PAY to the LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for that sentiment, as a retiree from another airline its good to see union group think that leads to chapter 7 for one of our competitors.

But the union says "Stick together" even as you all jump off the cliff...
PLEASE UA employees get your heads out of the sand. There are not many jobs out there that come any where near a living wage. If you don''t believe me just ask any UA people that got their pink slips after 9/11. Sure go back to school but you had better be sure there are jobs in the field you go back to school for. Doesn''t anyone see what it is like? Just this year alone I have seen pilots, mechanics, dispatchers etc. throwing boxes at FedEx, people with MBAs from 3M who got their pink slips begging for jobs at Fanny Farmer store and that was for a part time min wage job. Yes there really is a big problem in our country when a company the size of UA going down but I do know it is not the fault of labor or unions. How do I know? It does not take a MBA to figure it out or do you not know the history of just your company? It was in trouble even back in 1971 they had huge layoffs then with people not getting recalls until 5yrs later then to getting pink slips again 2wks later. Don''t you think it is strange management in 31yrs have not gotten their act together? It is not labor or unions. It is greedy upper level management that think it is alright to get Not Less Than a $10,000 bonus and saying it is alright because THEY MET THEIR GOALS AND IT IS LIKE OVERTIME PAY FOR THEM. Meeting their goals at the cost of taking a job away from another person and it is okey for that person AND HIS FAMILY TO LOOSE THEIR HOME AND NO HEALTH INSURANCE OR DENTAL INSURANCE. IT IS GREEDY TOP LEVEL MANAGEMENT WHO HAVE BUY OUT CONTRACTS PLUS ALL THE PERKS WHO RUN THE COMPANIES WITH NO MORALS, INTEGRITY, OR JUTICE. They take what they want run a company down and then go to another company and do the same thing. Remember Enron, Eastern, Pan Am, World Com, Etc. Our goverment just doesn''t get it and going to another country and killing or hurting others so they can get their oil, that is not ours, will not cover up what is really going on. A war will not give people their jobs back. Our country is really on a slippery slope when we kill the unborn, lay off another so they can meet a goal to get a bonus, and then trying to say our nation is no longer under God BECAUSE IT IS NOT POLITICALY CORRECT we are all in big trouble.
On 3/20/2003 10:48:21 AM Workingman wrote:
Our goverment just doesn''t get it and going to another country and killing or hurting others so they can get their oil, that is not ours, will not cover up what is really going on..

Get a grip workingman, your going to pop a vein. We''re not over there to steal their oil. Sure they have it , but I seriously doubt that after Saddam is gone that the US is going to go over to Iraq and say "These oil wells are ours". There trying to get rid of an idiot who can and has proven he can do horiffic damage to not only his own people but possible to us if we don''t stop him now!!

I agree with you that our management SUCKS!!!! , So save your money, sell your BMW, refinance you house, and BOHIC.

I didn''t want to post the company newsline. Not sure if it is legal. Anyway has anyone looked at skynet? I guess the term is called ANP instead of lay-off or furlough. What I want to know is after management decides who is essential how many of them will be on ANP? They are tripping on each other now. With more employees out the door all that is left for most of them is computer games. UAL is going to be history any day now. If GW doesn’t help we are gone.
On 3/20/2003 12:38:44 PM Borescope wrote:

On 3/20/2003 10:48:21 AM Workingman wrote:
Our goverment just doesn't get it and going to another country and killing or hurting others so they can get their oil, that is not ours, will not cover up what is really going on..

i got a pretty good idea when the dust settles and USA helps rebuild IRAQ,we are then going to get most of our oil from them and it will be time to snub the saudis.remember where most of the terrorist help and money came from...the house of saud.IRAQ has only tapped 10% of their reserves,and supposedly has a whole lot more than saudi and see..

With all of the recent talk about post-war U.S. development aid to Iraq, I can''t wait for UA to begin an ORD-Baghdad nonstop, although I suspect that their airport won''t be called "Saddam International Airport" much longer!
Notice that the "layoffs" are unpaid leaves, which means that UA doesn''t have to pay out any furlough pay. They don''t even have enough money to lay off. Another example of making your employees bear the full burden of cuts.
Workingman, this is not about oil. It is about a group of torturers who put people feet first into woodchippers so the torturers can enjoy the screams. The Republican Guard took great joy in raping wives while husbands were being tortured and videotaping the entire atrocities and then mailing copies of the videos out to families of the vicitms. We are liberating an oppressed people. I have a friend who escaped from Iraq who has described the horrific treatment some of his family members have endured. Please read more about this subject. If you educate yourself on Iraq and the people you will have trouble sleeping until they are liberated and the tyrant is laid to rest.
On 3/26/2003 8:44:28 AM Cosmo wrote:

With all of the recent talk about post-war U.S. development aid to Iraq, I can''t wait for UA to begin an ORD-Baghdad nonstop, although I suspect that their airport won''t be called "Saddam International Airport" much longer!


I think we have route authority from Rockford, Ill and Bangor, Maine.
Hula Girl,

Well, considering that we are bearing the cost of their liberation and that soon they will be a member of the OPEC cartel, tell me again, why I am paying to liberate them?

There are plenty of evil regimes around the world. Should we pay the bill to liberate all of them. As you well know, despite the valiant efforts we put forth, we are deemed infidels and subject to jihad. Do you think the Saudis are our friends? The people of Kuwait?

You might want to revisit Mogasdishu and watch the movie Blachawk Down. Our sons and daughters giving their lives for what we believe is right, only to be met with hatred.

We are sending billions to Egypt, Turkey. For what? Their friendship? If Turkey is a friend, who needs enemies?

On 3/26/2003 9:15:14 PM Diesel8 wrote:

"Well, considering that we are bearing the cost of their liberation and that soon they will be a member of the OPEC cartel, tell me again, why I am paying to liberate them?"

Because they ALL cheat, and even if they try to lower production (or keep it the same), one more member equals one more cheater. They will also have a HUGE need for reconstruction dollars (more reasons to cheat). But how about this? Why not liberate them because they are some of the biggest human rights violators on the face of the planet.

"There are plenty of evil regimes around the world. Should we pay the bill to liberate all of them. As you well know, despite the valiant efforts we put forth, we are deemed infidels and subject to jihad."

If your neighbor was getting raped, would you refuse to help because you happen to know that there are rapes going on in other places? Or would you help where you could? Is it possible that destroying the Iraqi regime will give the US government a little more credibility when we tell somebody else to "shape up". better to be feared than loved!!

"Do you think the Saudis are our friends?"


"The people of Kuwait?"



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