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TWU/AA (One of the Same ) Five Year Contract


Can someone please tell me what Titles are what? I know I've asked before, but I forgot, and the twu site was no help.

Title I=???

Title II=???

Title III=???

Title IV= fueler

Title V=???



Can someone please tell me what Titles are what? I know I've asked before, but I forgot, and the twu site was no help.

Title I=???

Title II=???

Title III=???

Title IV= fueler

Title V=???



This is the twu and AA's version of divide and conquer. Unlike the IAM contracts, the twu has Aircraft, Facility, Automotive, etc. Maintenance divided into title 1 for aircraft, and title 2 for facility and automotive.

Title 3 are your fleet service clerks (ramp sevice), title 4 is ground service (not much left, if any), and title 5 is Stores.

They are all on seperate seniority lists and they basically keep us seperated all the time with different breakrooms. The twu has taken this seperation once step further by putting title 1 and 2 into different locals even though by law we operate under the same contract.