My firsts were Bubba Smith and Boog Powell in the Miller Lite days. Really nice. They asked if I could keep the row in front of them empty, which I thought was weird, but it was doable, so ok. When I went on board to see why, they had folded over the seat in front of them to make room for their knees. Big guys!
Then Ahhnald in the Running Man Days when he was dating Mariiiiaaaaa. She's nice; he likes to clown around. Surprised me how short he was.
Really teased Alec Baldwin right after Red October. In those days, celebs travelled under assumed names to protect their privacy. He handed me his ticket, and it read something like Mortimer Snerd. I said, "anybody ever tell you you look like Alec Baldwin?" "I AM Alec Baldwin!" "Then I'm gonna have to tear this ticket up and turn you in to our fraud division!" He leaned down and very quietly said, "you're kidding, right?" In my best Sean Connery (it sucks really, but it's fun to try 😉 ) I said "Of course, Dr. Ryan, but most things in here don't react too well with bullets." He took it like a pro!
Paula Abdul is just as gorgeous in person (not always to case with the glitterati!) and really sweet. Cat's Pj's!
My favorite two were Pat Hingle after Batman, and Pat Morita after Karate Kid.
Hingle was pretty incognito, and Morita was anonymous - nobody recognized him.
When Hingle boarded, I said just loud enough for him to hear, "thank you, Commissioner Gordon."
For Morita, it was "Domo arigato, Mr. Miyagi."
They got a chuckle, and I got some fun memories. 🙂