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Lies and more Lies- FF Status Report

Travel Pro72,

With some people it's ALWAYS someone elses fault for whatever percieved problem they have in their life. I know the cause of the problems in my life. I see him EVERY morning when I shave my ugly mug. I'm where I am because of what I did or didn't do. The decisions were mine and I alone am responsible.

Like my decision to continue to fly US Airways. For me the nauseating drive to Newark is just not worth the service improvement I get from CO.

Many others of my FF'er colleagues would beg to differ with me & that's fine. It's why they make Fords and Chevys.

However I would remind our gentle posters and Sandcastle lurkers and monitors that when you fail to take care of your customers & employees you are IMO Negligent to your shareholders.

I don't think Tempe has presented the whole picture regarding Elites leaving. Far to many varibles were not considered as near as I can tell.

I DO NOT Have To Apologize To Anyone! I'm Not Even Sure If This Will Appear On This Board, As Yo uSee I Once Again Am Prandished To The Preview B4 Post Stack! Seem's There Are Certian People On Here That Think I'm Such A THREAT! So Much For The 1st Ammendment! :blink:
Everything that US says about increases in frequent flyers could be true. It's how you manipulate the numbers.

Say there were 10,000 CP as of the new year when the cards were to be sent out, Feb 1st. Now there are 10,700 so we have a seven percent increase in CP FF. Similar with the other levels. That does not consider the natural churn of FF because those that don't make it are not dropped until Feb 1st.

Now let's assume there is a twenty percent churn (those that don't make the same level from one year to year) is normal. That means then that on December 1st you would need 12,000 newly qualified CP just to maintain the same level or would need a twenty percent increase for next year.

Telling everyone there is an increase in FF in early December does mean much. The stock analysts should ask around Feb 1st how the numbers compare from last eyar to this year. That will tell the story unless US does the same thing as last year and just give status away.
Had an agent at work today tell me one of his friends (a CHPR) was doing a mileage run this week to get CHPR for next year since he needed a couple more segments/miles. He also said that if he made it he could nominate someone else to be CHPR next year as well. Anyone else get an invite to nominate someone for next year if you qualify? Thats one way to increase the numbers. Buy 1 get 1 free! :shock:
Had an agent at work today tell me one of his friends (a CHPR) was doing a mileage run this week to get CHPR for next year since he needed a couple more segments/miles. He also said that if he made it he could nominate someone else to be CHPR next year as well. Anyone else get an invite to nominate someone for next year if you qualify? Thats one way to increase the numbers. Buy 1 get 1 free! :shock:

You can't nominate someone for CP.....only Silver.

And that was bogus....I actually tried to nominate someone twice....and no one I every talked to could explain how to do it or how to get the invite...or whatever.

I can't really imagine any value with being "Silver" anyway....at least from my vantage point.
I DO NOT Have To Apologize To Anyone! I'm Not Even Sure If This Will Appear On This Board, As Yo uSee I Once Again Am Prandished To The Preview B4 Post Stack! Seem's There Are Certian People On Here That Think I'm Such A THREAT! So Much For The 1st Ammendment! :blink:

Are you hopping up and down, too?

Keep on topic, and please let's not make this a fight between individuals.

Thank you.
Umm A: I'm Not a LAZY A@@ I Am FAR From It!! And B: B4 You Spurt Your Mouth Off About Someone You Do Not Even Know! I'm NOT A Pax Hater..Just The Bozo"s On This Board That Think They Know More About This Company And The Airline Industry As A Hole Than Most Of Us On Here Do!! So I Would Suggest You THINK B4 You SPEAK!! :blink:

You may not be a lazy A@@ - but you sure are a mean A@@. Hate to be on a flight you were working - bet you just add so much niceness to the US flight experience it makes one want to throw up!
You may not be a lazy A@@ - but you sure are a mean A@@. Hate to be on a flight you were working - bet you just add so much niceness to the US flight experience it makes one want to throw up!

I'm Sorry, But Do I Know You or Do You Know Me? NO! You Don't Know What Kind Of Service or How I Treat My Pax's! You Wold NEVER Know When You Are On One Of My Flights! So Why Talk Trash About Me! :unsure:

To be fair, I allowed the rebuttal from PHLFA88, but it ends here and now. There are to be no more posts targeted at insulting or calling names of individual posters. The next post along these lines gets an automatic holiday vacation--off to the cornfield for the rest of the year.

Seems to me this is not the first warning, but it is the last.

To be fair, I allowed the rebuttal from PHLFA88, but it ends here and now. There are to be no more posts targeted at insulting or calling names of individual posters. The next post along these lines gets an automatic holiday vacation--off to the cornfield for the rest of the year.

Seems to me this is not the first warning, but it is the last.

Thank You Richard! My Respect Has Some What Been Restored With You! Happy Holidays!

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