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Lies and more Lies- FF Status Report

Why Do You Care? You Don't Even Fly With US Anymore, So You Say, Go Bother Other People On AA or CO's Board! Since You Like Them Better! Your Comments Are REALLY GETTING OLD!! Go BAH..BAH>>!! <_< And I Hear Sherry Is Tikled Pink You Chose Her Pic As Your Avitar! Serious!
To think that I'M called bitter. Do you listen to yourself? You are a passenger hater. You are one of those f/a's that sit in the back galley complaining about what "these" passengers paid to justify your lazy @$$. The commute to Atlanta a killer? Hmmmmm.
This cannot be true because we have seen hundreds of post from all of you VFF who have left.
So who is really telling the truth? Or do the whiners here stretch it a bit?

One other thing I think most would agree the economy is down this year so Biz travel should have actual tailed of a bit.

From the ABOUTUS quote by Travis Christ.

"All four preferred status groups have
grown over the past year; with
Chairman’s Preferred (our
most frequent fliers) having
grown the most -- by almost
7 percent. This number is for
miles our members actually
flew on US Airways. It doesn’t
include miles they may have
earned from credit card,
codeshare flights or special


First of all, the numbers can be manipulated any way they want. This is the first full year that both frequent traveler programs have been combined, so the spin can be made to appear real--and of course Chairmans numbers could be up because a) Flightfund members who qualified are now being counted and/or B) they did give status away on all levels, which gave some people a head start if not the status right out of the box.

To be honest, I cannot verify nor can I dispute what Travis is saying, however I can tell you that based on a random sampling of our members, there is evidence to support the other side. We currently have about 1000 members, of whom about half spend more than $15K a year on air, and a good percentage of those have left or have made US their LAST choice for travel. So while our position may not be scientific, I think it bears consideration.

There are always going to be two sides of the argument--and US1 makes some good points, which can be summed up by saying that while occasionally US has some good ideas, they fail at execution and don't always consider the consequences of their moves...for example this new executive status has some good points, but it's not really designed to reward the best fliers--it has been offered to people of all status, and it has been stated that even for the high rollers, there will be a fee after the trial. So on one hand they had a good idea, but on the other hand the way they are doing it will tick off some of the folks who have REALLY paid the bills for quite a long time.

IF their intent is to churn the preferreds to get new ones, and get ones who don't remember the old program or the ways of the old US, then they are successful. They still have not dealt with the cultural differences between east and west customers (then again they haven't with the employees either), so they feel they can replace those who leave with new people who don't know better, but who more than likely spend less.

What is the truth? Perhaps no one really knows. The traditional preferreds of the old US Airways are leaving for the most part, and it most likely will show up in declining yields in the near future. How that affects the big picture is anyone's guess, but all I can say is people like me are gone, and in my case at least, they don't seem to care. And I am fine with that. In my case, the revenue lost since May alone is over $20K, and our survey results indicate that hundreds like me are gone, but again, it's not scientific.

And while we do have some whiners in our group, I do not count myself among those-I have always tried to be helpful and constructive in my dealings with management, which have been undertaken at my own time and expense. I have succeeded in some areas but failed in most, and the results are still anyone's guess.

All I wanted was a safe secure and successful US, offering reliable and competitive service. Since that did not occur, I moved on, as did many of my bretheren. While some things have improved, the fundamentals have not, and they may not under this management team.

Finally, FA88, you need to take a chill pill.

My BEST to you all...
I’m becoming convinced that Tempe is quite comfortable with churn/turnover, whether it’s employees or customers. Parker apparently stated that 2,000 FA applications are received every month. Do they expect a similar revolving door with Kettles?

USCREW, when you are granted Moderator status will you allow me one free ad hominem attack on a certain poster <cough_PHLfa88_cough> per week without a cornfield warning?
USCREW, when you are granted Moderator status will you allow me one free ad hominem attack on a certain poster <cough_PHLfa88_cough> per week without a cornfield warning?
I will honor the responsibility and badge (provided by me), and be fair..
View attachment 6879

But I might be able to be sidetracked for a few moments on the slower threads, like 'Word Association'--they're crazy over there!

I basically agree with you. It appears Tempe is very happy with the churn--of both customers and employees. They give no consideration to past loyalty or for the good of the customer or the employee either I may add. It's just what can you do for me lately?

Travis has been making a number of statements in About US regarding the Preferred situation. Did anyone sit back and ask why? It seems a little defensive to me...that perhaps the claims that elites are leaving hit a nerve and they needed to refute that theory????
I could be totally wrong, but I don't see any other airlines spouting about their elite numbers, etc...

Again, no sour grapes--if and when they begin operating a reliable product (signs show improvement), with a competitive product (still a long way to go), and offer value for the dollar, I would consider coming back, but for me the grass was truly greener on the other side of the fence. I am a realist, and to be frank I think the entire airline business is going to change significantly in the next 2 years, so who knows about the future???

A final thought--I have also noticed that in order to get added revenue, US has become as much a marketing company as they are an airline--selling many things in addition to air travel. To me this is a sign that they realize they cannot run a cost effective profitable airline, so they have to generate revenue in ways that other airlines don't (or at least as blatantly), and will continue to post ads everywhere, sell things not related to air travel, and sell status among other things.....I am sorry, but while to some it sounds like sound business practice, to me it is worrisome--another distraction to take the eye off the ball if you will.
Those customers keep waking her up for a Gin and Tonic.

Who would have thought working First Class would require service?
She must just be bitter because the mandatory stick us airways gives all employees must have been slightly longer than everyone elses ….. :lol:
I think Travis's diatribe was one of the weirdest things I've ever read in print! 🙄
This cannot be true because we have seen hundreds of post from all of you VFF who have left.
So who is really telling the truth? Or do the whiners here stretch it a bit?
And this from two people (the OP and Travis) who wouldn't know the truth if it slap them in the face.......

And the web site and the shares conversion were tested.....right?
So, we preferred members aren't leaving....interesting. Oh wait....let me offer some spin on the spin....

"Preferred" DM Comments By Mr. Christ Here

I just read through this whole thing....and I just hate to sound like a "Whiner" but I have to ask, "what the hell color is the sky in their world???"

They can't even caluculate the dollars an individual spends on their airline....HOW ON EARTH do they get to this conclusion about CPs: "This number is for miles our members actually flew on US Airways. It doesn't include miles they may have earned from credit card, codeshare flights or special promotions." How would anyone get to that. How COULD they get to that....when they can't even tell me how many dollars I've spent on them? (I know....but guess what? THEY don't know!!!)

This CP has 110,857 Preferred Miles and 80 segments. The PVD-BCN deal in Envoy nearly 14,000 "Preferred" miles, and there were some quick trips to Florida and such....the rest was stuff booked on UA! I mean, at least 50%....probably 60% of the PQMs I got were from UA, minimum.

I also got 10,000 miles for charging $25K on my BoA Visa (which I guess I didn't really need.)

So, that means, I'm not in that "7% growth?" 'Cause that growth represents people that actually flew on US? I don't get it.

The statement, "the vase majority of our preferred members chose flights based on two things, schedule and price" says and confirms EVERYTHING we need to know about how out of touch these people are with High Yield pax. Admittedly, it's also EXACTLY why I can't say "I'll never fly US again." At the end of the day, there are just some times when there is no other way around it, I have to fly US....and I will bite when the fares are obscenely low. But I have to ask, is that a truly sustainable plan? Or would it make more sense to build and airline and route structure people CHOSE to fly because they are loyal and love the company....like it use to be with US....

That statement confirms they don't believe they can control ANYTHING other then getting the airplane to its destination on time with luggage. Amazing. Thank God other airlines don't think the same way.

"It is important not to confuse turnover of individual DMM as an indication the program is unattractive" is the FIRST admission, defensive I'd say, that they are turning their members over.

"Their loyalty ends up changing right along with those career changes." Interesting.....I've been an "Elite" cardholder with US since 1990.....and since 1990, I've had, lets see....one....two....three....four jobs and then a fifth true change when I birthed my company on a flight from CLT-SFO. Only now, since the rock stars in the Sand Castle have taken over, have I moved on. Again, OUT of touch.

The upgrade thing is good...but again, we see just how out of touch this team in Tempe is, CO has the same thing!!! But I have to admit, and it's true, US has the best upgrading program.....because fewer pax actually buy the friggin product. LOL

"Rumors denied!!!" LMAO!!!

Too funny!

And again, I'd have to be a pretty bizzare person to think I'm the only one who has noticed how poor this product has become and how poorly positioned "Business Casual" is.

3 or 4 years ago....I would NEVER have considered flying another airline. Now, it's the FIRST thing that comes to mind.

Very sad indeed.
To think that I'M called bitter. Do you listen to yourself? You are a passenger hater. You are one of those f/a's that sit in the back galley complaining about what "these" passengers paid to justify your lazy @$$. The commute to Atlanta a killer? Hmmmmm.

Umm A: I'm Not a LAZY A@@ I Am FAR From It!! And B: B4 You Spurt Your Mouth Off About Someone You Do Not Even Know! I'm NOT A Pax Hater..Just The Bozo"s On This Board That Think They Know More About This Company And The Airline Industry As A Hole Than Most Of Us On Here Do!! So I Would Suggest You THINK B4 You SPEAK!! :blink:
Umm A: I'm Not a LAZY A@@ I Am FAR From It!! And B: B4 You Spurt Your Mouth Off About Someone You Do Not Even Know! I'm NOT A Pax Hater..Just The Bozo"s On This Board That Think They Know More About This Company And The Airline Industry As A Hole Than Most Of Us On Here Do!! So I Would Suggest You THINK B4 You SPEAK!! :blink:
Yeah, well, I might remind you of two things.....

FIRST, you shot your mouth, err, keyboard off about me....without realizing I had dropped $30K on the gawd awful Envoy product....and you NEVER did say, "pardon me, my mistake."

SECOND, remember, the very people that make your paycheck possible are the pax that buy tix on US Airways. I hate to rain on your parade, or today in New England, snow on it....but at the end of the day, the pax DO know more about the industry and the product then you do.....because they vote with their pocket book. Sure, you may know more about unlocking the wheels on the beverage cart, or warming up a calzone...but ultimately, that doesn't make a paycheck possible...the pax who buy tickets make a paycheck possible.

Not that I know you....but from a very brief perspective, you do have one extremely arrogant way about you....especially toward the people who make your paycheck possible.

Ultimately, that is insecurity...and fear...take your pick. Everything is a result of a "primary emotion," of which fear is.

In other words, with all above stated, just because you know how to read the manifest and count pax doesn't mean you know more about the industry OR the product then everyone else.

For what it's worth.....
Umm A: I'm Not a LAZY A@@ I Am FAR From It!! And B: B4 You Spurt Your Mouth Off About Someone You Do Not Even Know! I'm NOT A Pax Hater..Just The Bozo"s On This Board That Think They Know More About This Company And The Airline Industry As A Hole Than Most Of Us On Here Do!! So I Would Suggest You THINK B4 You SPEAK!! :blink:
It's NO secret that I can get a little heated and to some seem jaded and bitter but I NEVER and I repeat NEVER have issues with our passengers on here who complain. 99.9% of the time their complaints/views are valid. You don't come across as a customer supporter. We have been screwed upside down and sideways by this company and you THINK they treat the customer ANY better? I hear it all the time on the line about "these passengers" and "yeah well we're an LCC now". Oh the best "Well I gave concessions so too bad". It kills me....these employees. 🙄 Regardless of what you say your posts come across as ignorant to the customer which if I may remind you makes your paycheck POSSIBLE. So think before YOU speak. Unreal.
It's NO secret that I can get a little heated and to some seem jaded and bitter but I NEVER and I repeat NEVER have issues with our passengers on here who complain. 99.9% of the time their complaints/views are valid. You don't come across as a customer supporter. We have been screwed upside down and sideways by this company and you THINK they treat the customer ANY better? I hear it all the time on the line about "these passengers" and "yeah well we're an LCC now". Oh the best "Well I gave concessions so too bad". It kills me....these employees. 🙄 Regardless of what you say your posts come across as ignorant to the customer which if I may remind you makes your paycheck POSSIBLE. So think before YOU speak. Unreal.

If Our Pax's Have A Complaint About This Company They Should Address It To THE COMPANY Not Whine On Here Where They KNOW They Will Get A Responce, Wether Good Or Other Wise!! Plain And Simple!! And For You To Tell Me I Am NOT A Customer Supporter You Are DEAD Wrong! I Love The Majority Of Our Excellent Pax's But I Will Not Suppport The CERTAIN Few On This Board That NEVER Have Anytrhing Good To Say! Ever Single Day I Hear Of OUR REAL Pax's That Think We Do A Great Job! I Will NOT Apologize For This Company Nor Anyone Else! If They Don't, Nor You Like It Here, NO ONE Makes You Stay!

Mr Modirater: Will You PLease Preview This Post To Make Sure I Have NOT Insulted Anyone! Thank You!!

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