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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

You are saying that two generals were told what to say? By whom? Based on what evidence?

You have no proof that they were there. I am just relying information that was disseminated from someone who supposedly was there. No investigation has proven the information false. Lack of facts has not ever stopped you or several others on this board.

The FOX story is loosing it's wheels.
You are saying that two generals were told what to say? By whom? Based on what evidence?

You have no proof that they were there. I am just relying information that was disseminated from someone who supposedly was there. No investigation has proven the information false. Lack of facts has not ever stopped you or several others on this board.

The FOX story is loosing it's wheels.

Newspeak at best at this point in time. More will come from the investigation.
You have no more or less proof either.
Obama is blocking this all the way.
The investigation is in its infancy.
The Fox story??How many others are investigating?

These have been popping up everywhere. Apparantly paid for by an Air force mechanic.
Could you imagine the out cry had these been posted in 2004?
southwind, on 24 October 2012 - 06:47 PM, said:
Word on the street is that there will be a drone attack, before the elections, with Barrack stating as usual, "HE" and "HE" alone got the bad guys responsible for Benghazi and that whether they are the actual peeps or some other unsuspecting jihadist, the report will read, "Barrack got 'em!"

Well there you have it. Nice work Sherlock.

Pentagon: Secret U.S. military commandos deployed to Libya

Classified United States military units are operating in the region near Libya since the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, according to the director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
The disclosure that secret U.S. military forces were dispatched to Libya recently was revealed in a letter sent Wednesday to the House Armed Services Committee by Vice Adm. Kurt Tidd, director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
Tidd said that after the attack in Benghazi, the U.S. European Command sent a Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

This investigation should proceed at the same pace as "Weapons of Mass Destruction" did on the lead up to Iraq....
Then again, there has to be some distinction between a cover-up of a mistake in policy, and a Bold faced lie to the American public that killed thousands...
This investigation should proceed at the same pace as "Weapons of Mass Destruction" did on the lead up to Iraq....
Then again, there has to be some distinction between a cover-up of a mistake in policy, and a Bold faced lie to the American public that killed thousands...

Or maybe four people.....

One of the deceased Navy SEALS mother has been very clear in telling Romney, politicizing her son's death is inappropriate.

Assholes will disagree with her.

As was Biden telling the father, of one of the deceased Navy SEALS, "You sons's balls musta been the size of cue balls" was inappropriate !

Assholes, will disagree with him !
Here comes the Bush BS guy with nothing better.......
How many embassy employees died from attack under the previous President?. Is he wrong?

I can't seem to find the thread covering that here in the water cooler. Maybe they weren't as important as the ones that died under Obama. It could not have been because Bush failed to adequately staff them with security. I can't seem to find the Fox News archive covering those either. Surely a fair and balanced news source like that would have covered those deaths with as much vigor as they are now with the Libya tragedy.
Old news. Desperation politics by the partisans since Romney dropped out of sight.

So 4 Americans dying, needlessly, 53 days ago is old news and should be swept under the rug..........right ?

We'll see how "out of sight" Romney is next Tuesday !

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