Hey Twink, do you think Charles Wood is an ass hole?One of the deceased Navy SEALS mother has been very clear in telling Romney, politicizing her son's death is inappropriate.
Assholes will disagree with her.
Several intelligence sources have expressed frustration since the attack that there was an unrealistic expectation for that community to know what happened within hours of the Benghazi incident.
Intelligence officials have adjusted their initial assessment of the attack from one that may have been prompted by an anti-Muslim film circulating on the Internet to a more recent belief that it was a planned, terrorist assault.
Clapper channeled a recent article written by Paul Pillar, a 28-year intelligence community veteran who now teaches at Georgetown University which laid out the argument that second-guessing what the intelligence community knew after the Benghazi attack and forensically questioning at what moment they knew it, doesn't do much to help the conversation.
Lamb responded that the requests were for more personnel in Tripoli and it would have made no difference to how many security men would have been protecting the Benghazi consulate where protection was in any case mostly in the hands of a pro-government militia.
"We had the correct number of assets in Benghazi on the night of 9/11," Lamb testified.
However, Republican attempts to accuse the state department of leaving the consulate vulnerable by refusing requests for more security were delivered a blow when
Nordstrom was asked how many agents he wanted to protect the Benghazi site. He said he asked for three. The hearing then heard that there were five at the time of the attack.
I'm sure the following commentary is Bush's doings !
Looks now like one of the seal guys that got killed had a laser designator tgt'd on the guys firing the morters and was asking for air support or any kind of support and it was denied several times. AC-130's were repordedly available and would have had good target info via the laser designation.
Reports coming out seem to indicate that there were at least 2 response teams that were in range to help and they were ordered not to. Seems the ex-seals that did assist did so against orders from stateside and are credited with managing to save a bunch of folks before going down.
It is not looking good for people of high rank and office.
Hey Twink, do you think Charles Wood is an ass hole?
The closest base where KC-130's would have been located was 480 miles away in Italy. The kicker is according to Kristen D. Duncan, a captain at the Air Force Special Operations Command there were no KC-130 gunships in Italy. Oooopppps.
According to the CIA, a response team was en route within 25 minutes of the call from the consulate. When they arrived they encountered heavy resistance. They arrived with the Libyan security forces and secured the compound.
What other unsubstantiated rumors do you have?
The closest base where KC-130's would have been located was 480 miles away in Italy. The kicker is according to Kristen D. Duncan, a captain at the Air Force Special Operations Command there were no KC-130 gunships in Italy. Oooopppps.
According to the CIA, a response team was en route within 25 minutes of the call from the consulate. When they arrived they encountered heavy resistance. They arrived with the Libyan security forces and secured the compound.
What other unsubstantiated rumors do you have?
A terrorist attack, right before election time, wouldn't look good for Barack !
You have some great CIA intel sources. You and Rudy Guilaiani should be consultants and capitalize on your BS.
So after all the lies and obfuscation from almost all of the departments involved in this fiasco, you put all your money on a career Public Affairs Officer who surely is carrying the water.
Newspeak at best at this point in time. More will come from the investigation.
Two AC-130U's were assigned to Libya in March and stationed at Sigonella, Sicily.
They could have been on target in an hour.
Your CIA response team was six guys in a Suburban with machine guns.
Can we apply this same metric to statements made by the WH from 2001-2008 regarding 9/11 and the evidence justifying the Iraq war?
If you look at your calendar there are 6 months between March and September. Also, if you look at an airplane they have wings and can fly around. Just because it was there in March does not mean it was there in Sept.