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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

And Wondering Dog strikes again, with his customary one line reply !

There are now 3 things we can count on in life.................death, taxes and one sentence reply's from Wondering dog !

...Amazing how effective economical writing can be, isn't it?
Did you even read what you cut and pasted?

He in incapable of reading, comprehending or verifying anything he posts. He posted that the CPUSA was suing the DNC CPUSA which is a lie and he just recently posted that workers were turned back because of union issues which is a lie. The post above is so full of lies and half truths that it is a wade of time to go item by item.
Obama claims Al Qaeda is defeated and dying.
Ayman al Zawahiri offers a different perspective:


“They were defeated in Iraq and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan, and their ambassador in Benghazi was killed and the flags of their embassies were lowered in Cairo and Sana’a, and in their places were raised the flags of tawhid [monotheism] and jihad,” Zawahiri says, according to a translation provided by the SITE Intelligence Group.
“After their consecutive defeats, they are working from behind agents and traitors,” Zawahiri continues. “Their awe is lost and their might is gone and they don’t dare to carry out a new campaign like their past ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
What remains to be brought out are the age old questions of Watergate.

What did the President Know?
When did he know it?

Depending upon the answers to those and other questions will determine if the euphoria of victory will stand the test of time as the various events unfold.
What remains to be brought out are the age old questions of Watergate.

What did the President Know?
When did he know it?

Depending upon the answers to those and other questions will determine if the euphoria of victory will stand the test of time as the various events unfold.

And yet you ignored this and keep ignoring this.
How many of those cases took place while Bush was watching streaming video, UW? (answer: none)

How many of those cases were prolonged attacks where there was time to send in reinforcements? (answer: none, especially since 7 were hit & run attacks and 5 were suicide bombers)

How many times did Bush head off to a fundraiser while the bodies were still warm? (answer: none)

How many times did Bush get on TV, send out John Bolton on the Sunday Morning circuit, and say that it was all about a video on YouTube? (answer: none)

How many times did Cheney say in a debate that he knew nothing the day of/after? (answer: none)

How many times did a White House press secretary or spokesman come out and clarify that the President and VP had no direct knowledge of the attack being a planned, coordinated act of terrorism vs. a spontaneous & random act of violence by protesters? (answer: none)

How many times did the media withhold information they had (as CBS 60 Minutes did) which would have otherwise been damning to Bush? (answer: none. The media latched onto anything they could to embarrass Bush & Cheney)

There's your ******* perspective, UW. Let's see some answers for that.

The only fact we know is that Obama left Americans behind to die on the battle field.
They are all just sore losers, they came on here and were romney cheerleaders and they lost.

They are just licking their wounds and lashing out, they have to for the next four years, lol!
Say what makes you feel better about your vote, guys.

The Libya issue has never been about the election --- it's about a Commander in Chief leaving people on the battlefield to die.

That's not an election issue -- it's a not-fit-to-command issue.
They are all just sore losers, they came on here and were romney cheerleaders and they lost.

They are just licking their wounds and lashing out, they have to for the next four years, lol!

Nobody here is lashing out anymore than they did before the election and just because Barrack was voted in again, by the entitlement, cradle-to-grave crowd, I'm sure will not change the opinions of a lot of us on these boards...............However, in the coming years, when the entitlement crowd, is not getting everything they expected, gas prices are up to $5+, food is higher, more taxes out of your check, the dollar buys less and ObamaCare has officially kicked in, I believe there will be a lot of you, doing the lashing out................Reap what sow, Brother !
However, in the coming years, when the entitlement crowd, is not getting everything they expected, gas prices are up to $5+, food is higher, more taxes out of your check, the dollar buys less and ObamaCare has officially kicked in, I believe there will be a lot of you, doing the lashing out................Reap what sow, Brother !

You left out all the upcoming layoffs being done as a result of the economy and complying with Obamacare's mandate to provide healthcare to those working 30+ hours a week.

But that's a topic unto itself...

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