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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

Who changed the roe's?

And who decided to spend billions of dollars and thousands of American lives and god knows how many Iraqi lives on a war that had nothing to do with Afghanistan. Wonder how things would have turned out there if he did not have draft dodger who thought he was Napoleon making the decisions?
And who decided to spend billions of dollars and thousands of American lives and god knows how many Iraqi lives on a war that had nothing to do with Afghanistan. Wonder how things would have turned out there if he did not have draft dodger who thought he was Napoleon making the decisions?

Up against the wall and change the argument?
How sweet of you.

At least the draft dodger can prove where he was born.
And who decided to spend billions of dollars and thousands of American lives and god knows how many Iraqi lives on a war that had nothing to do with Afghanistan. Wonder how things would have turned out there if he did not have draft dodger who thought he was Napoleon making the decisions?

Draft dodger? Of all people here, I thought you were a little more factual than that.
When did Bush dodge the draft?
Really 777, Cheney was the draft dodger with 5 deferments. Bush was just buzzing around IN when he felt like showing up. Not sure which is worse.
How can a person who enlisted in the Air National Guard be a draft dodger?

Simple, by being a child of privilege and getting a commission in the ANG he did not get drafted. Wonder what would have been his fate if he grew up the son of a share cropper or a poor neighborhood in Houston.
Simple, by being a child of privilege and getting a commission in the ANG he did not get drafted. Wonder what would have been his fate if he grew up the son of a share cropper or a poor neighborhood in Houston.

Nonetheless, you are lying calling him a draft dodger. By any sense of the word he served his country.
And it was not just any ANG . The one daddy got him into was a very special blunt that had a dam near zero chance of being called to active duty. Being a rich white politician has its perks.
He was accused of dodging the draft which in itself is BS.

Funny too, according to your favorite source:

Air National Guard members could volunteer for active duty service with the Air Force in a program called Palace Alert, which deployed F-102 pilots to Europe and Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Thailand. According to three pilots from Bush's squadron, Bush inquired about this program but was advised by the base commander that he did not have the necessary flying experience (500 hours) at the time and that the F-102 would soon be retired.[sup][1][/sup][sup][5][/sup]

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